Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Top 10 latest WordPress development trends

In this digitization world, customers prefer an eCommerce store with features making their tasks convenient. Thus, business owners are adopting the latest trends to meet customer requirements. 

There are various WordPress development trends that can help your website to stay competitive in the market. You can rely on a WordPress development company to successfully implement such trends into your website. 

Keep reading this blog post to know the latest WordPress development trends that help you stay ahead in the market.

Voice Search

Plenty of smartphone users switch to voice search instead of typing to search for a product or service they are looking for. By making your WordPress website voice-search friendly, you will be offering a convenient feature to your site visitors.

Video Backgrounds

Sliders, animated images, and others are commonly used on WordPress sites. You can also use compressed GIFs and videos on your WordPress site to make it more interactive. It is not a new trend, but stays among the latest WordPress development trends. A video background helps you grab your customer’s attention and influence them for a longer period of time.


You might have ever talked to a support system of a website. A chatbot responds to your customers on your brand’s behalf. There are numerous brands that are using chatbots to improve user experience. It helps to solve customer queries in a quick and fun way. 

Therefore, for a quick response, business owners are integrating chatbots into their WordPress sites by leveraging WordPress development services.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality helps users visualize the products. It provides a better look at the things to the people. The main purpose of implementing this trend is to provide a real-time experience to the customers by previewing their choices.

It will facilitate your customers with the virtual trial and makes it easier for them to try and buy the products. It will undoubtedly get more sales to your eCommerce store.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) can be a game-changer for you if you have an eCommerce website. Suppose your customer wants to purchase furniture; with AR, he/she can visualize how it will look at their place. 

AR has entered into our day-to-day lives and affects every possible field like education, healthcare, and others. It facilitates users to experience things in their own environment.

Minimalistic Designs

Minimalism is a design style that focuses on being simple by eliminating the non-essential elements. Though there are many ways to minimalist design, one of them is reducing the number of colors. It will offer smooth navigation to the users. You can even rely on a custom WordPress development company to get a clutter-free website with a minimalistic design.

3D Content

3D content is the choice of many companies that helps to create a good site impression on the customer. It makes your site interactive and appealing. It is an effective alternative to the virtual reality trend that also helps you gain customers’ attention. 

Putting 3D effects with multiple color schemes can make your website appealing by representing your website content and logo designs more interactively. Thus, with custom WordPress development services, you can provide an enticing look to your WordPress website.

Dark Mode

Though it has been popular for many years, it is still the latest WordPress website development trend. It is an impressive ultra-modern design that provides faultless visibility and clarity. It helps audiences to focus more on content by reducing eye strain.

Improve Accessibility

It is essential to make web content accessible to people with disabilities. The growth of voice search, site navigation capabilities, and others indicates the importance of accessibility as a WordPress trend.


It is another WordPress website development trend that gives a pleasant experience to your site visitors. Parallax refers to the effect when you scroll the page, and background content moves at a slower pace than the foreground content. You can leverage the WordPress development services to set it up effectively on your WordPress site.

Also Read: A comprehensive guide on reasons to choose WordPress for website development.


WordPress is undoubtedly a popular content management system (CMS). It lets you create and manage sites, even if you are not tech-savvy. 

WordPress website development is an ideal choice for creating robust and scalable websites for businesses of all sizes. You can make your website more exciting and user-friendly for your visitors by incorporating the above-discussed trends into it. You can hire a WordPress development company to build your website by keeping such trends in mind.

Author Bio – Johnson Lewis

Johnson Lewis is a web developer at HTMLPanda, a prominent web development company. He is passionate about learning new technologies and loves to share them. He shares his knowledge by writing articles and blogs on technical topics in his free time.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/top-10-latest-wordpress-development-trends/

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