Saturday, May 21, 2022

Starlink to connect schools in Brazil

On Friday, Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, flew to Brazil to reveal a proposal to connect thousands of Amazon schools to the internet and help monitor illegal logging across the world’s largest rainforest.

In a joint statement with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. CEO Elon Musk said he planned to use his rocket business, SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network, to connect 19,000 of the world’s most remote schools. Mr. Musk provided no additional information about the project.

After launching the service in more than 30 countries, the multibillionaire, who just agreed to buy Twitter, plans to spread Starlink across most of the developing globe over the next year.

The satellites, which are only a few hundred miles from Earth, allow information to be transmitted across space, allowing remote locations with little infrastructure to connect to the internet.

“Super excited to be in Brazil for [the] launch of Starlink for 19,000 unconnected schools in rural areas & environmental monitoring of Amazon!” the South African-born entrepreneur tweeted on Friday.


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