Tuesday, May 31, 2022

CBD Oil in Australia – Top facts 101

Today, no one is afraid to talk about CBD in public! People might be waiting for a few approvals and legalisations, but they get amply convinced about CBD oil’s benefits. It got used for general and medical purposes for curing ailments and many bodily discomforts. Over the past few years, CBD oil has become a popular trend in Australia.

The Australian subcontinent has legalised CBD, but you need medical approval to source it. Most Australian-made CBD oil tinctures are made from Indica trees, with higher amounts of an active compound.

But given the current status, very soon, people can expect to find CBD in other products like food and body lotions. However, it is also essential to know a few crucial facts about CBD oil.

1. CBD doesn’t get you high

Regardless of the conflicting views, CBD doesn’t cause a mental high! THC, on the other hand, does. CBD and THC are cannabinoids, but THC is a psychoactive compound which results in a “high” linked to Marijuana. CBD produces a very different impact on the body.

2. It is different from hemp oil

CBD oil comprises Cannabidiol and gets extracted from the cannabis plant. It gets blended with base oil, such as coconut and olive oil. Please don’t confuse it with hemp oil, which gets extracted from the hemp plant and doesn’t have CBD. Hemp oil also has its own set of advantages.

3. CBD has some legal implications

According to the 2019 Farm Bill, Hemp and other hemp products got legalised at the federal level. Concerning the Drug Enforcement Agency, CBD oil is no more a Schedule 1 managed substance. Based on the Farm Bill section 10113, Hemp is not supposed to have over 0.3% of THC in weight.

On the other hand, the FDA is still yet to legalise CBD for selling as a supplement. The FDA needs more data to authenticate it for marketing, production, distribution, labelling, and dosage recommendations.

4. FDA is gradually getting more involved

Recently, the FDA issued a statement that mentioned some of the steps for assessing the regulatory channels for CBD. The agency had called for a public hearing and has helped the researchers carry on their CBD research. Today, the FDA wants to analyse more information for validating the use of CBD.

5. It is safe and doesn’t lead to addiction

The FDA is yet to make the final statement on the security of CBD. WHO has given ample data and has declared CBD safe for people to use.

6. You can use two processes to extract CBD

The majority of CBD gets extracted from flowers, stalks, and the leaves of the Cannabis plant, through heat extraction procedures. The very first method, which is solvent extraction, makes use of solvents to separate compounds from the Cannabis plant. On the other end, CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) gets used as the solvent. There are also times when the harsh chemicals get used as a solvent. In the case of the second process, steam is essential for oil extraction seamlessly.

And this extraction process impacts the oil quality you buy! According, to various industry experts, Hemp is natural and delicate. The plant comes with useful features. When you are developing high-quality CBD oil, make sure that you extract the CBD compounds ensuring there is no damage when the process gets conducted. If the terpenes get destroyed, the oil quality will fall, and you will not get the desired advantages.

7. CBD is reaching out to uses in various ways

Today, CBD is gaining popularity, and customers feel secure in using it. It makes them find multiple ways of consuming CBD. One of the well-known methods is CBD oil and other CBD gummies, tinctures, topical creams, powder, cosmetics, chocolate, and beverages. You might come across various beverage and food establishments that add CBD to coffee, shakes, and cocktails.

8. The health benefits are excellent

Researchers are carrying out further studies on CBD. So far, CBD is known to ease health issues like head trauma, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, epilepsy, headaches, chronic pain, gut health, arthritis, and many more. Even athletes and other performers are exploring the multiple features of CBD, which helps to heal inflammation and other medical conditions. Advanced studies highlight the impact of CBD on curing chronic ailments like cancer.

Such potential is exciting! However, there need to be more clinical trials using CBD on humans for the FDA to sanction it.

9. You should know the difference between CBD isolate and full-spectrum

Generally, the term CBD isolate denotes crystalline powder that comprises only CBD. It is processed CBD and gets sold on various products that consist of natural flavour additives. Fundamental research in Israel denotes that CBD isolates efficiency falls on the bell curve. Hence, one needs to get careful about the dosage.

On the other hand, the whole spectrum denotes plant oil that comprises different elements than CBD. Other compounds include crucial terpenes, flavonoids, chlorophyll, cannabinoids, and phytonutrients. The recent research on vast spectrum oil denotes that CBD with extra compounds develops an entourage impact that is more efficient than CBD.

10. CBD can get used for pets as well

If you have researched the healing properties of CBD, you must have read accounts of people using it on their pets. Today, you will find stories where CBD has had a favourable impact on pets like cats and dogs. It is known to cure joint pain, ageing issues, arthritis, and anxiety. Additionally, it is essential to know the precautions and the benefits while deciding the dosage for your pet. Even though online articles suggest DIY techniques, it is better to get in touch with a vet or a medical specialist. Also, only use CBD oil on a pet when there’s a need for it.

These are some of the essential facts you need to know about CBD oil. With more productive studies and research, CBD oil is gaining prominence amongst Australians. In the coming days, you can find CBD products in the chemist and departmental stores for general and medical use.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/cbd-oil-in-australia/

Myths and facts about rape and sexual assault

There are several misconceptions about rape that we need to clear to prevent further wrongful thinking on the subject. Let’s break it down below by showing you:

  • Myth: You can know a rapist by the way he or she looks or acts.
  • Fact: Actually, there is no sure way to know a rapist. Too many of them appear healthy, friendly, and charming.
  • Myth: If you didn’t fight back, you enjoyed it.
  • Fact: That is a complete absurdity because this is very far away from the truth. The fact is that, during rape, it is prevalent for the victim to freeze entirely since it is very typical for the brain or body to shut down in shock. 
  • Myth: People who are raped asked for it with their indecent dressing.
  • Fact: False. Rape victims are chosen based on their vulnerability, not how scantily dressed they are. By the way, 2-year-olds get raped too nowadays. Do they dress wrongly?
  • Myth: Date rape is a misunderstanding.
  • Fact: Date rapists mostly defend their wrong act by blaming it on the drink or miscommunication. However, research shows that a lot of them are repeat offenders. Therefore, it was not a misunderstanding; it was most likely premeditated.
  • Myth: It’s not raping if you’ve had intercourse with the person before.
  • Fact: Because you have slept with the guy or lady before does not give him or her any right whatsoever to force you sexually. Consent is always vital every single time intercourse is about to take place.

What are your thoughts on these misconceptions?

Drop your comment.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/myths-facts-rape-sexual-assault/

You’d never think of these five uses for security seals!

The applications of these little passive security devices that come to mind first when we recite our mantra about “sealing the world” are those with which we are most familiar. Security seals, gas and electricity meters, shipping container doors… However, in today’s essay, we’d want to focus on those applications of security seals that you might not have considered unless you’re a specialist in the industry.

Security seals are essential for safeguarding your belongings. Whether products are being transported or kept, a security seal ensures that they are suitably secured and safeguarded. The following are some of the other advantages of employing security seals:

  • Protection from tampering: Security seals are an excellent method to keep your possessions safe from tampering or a vandalism. A seal that has been fitted will reveal signs of tampering or vandalism. In order to be removed, seals must be cut.
  • Security seals are simple to install and stay exceptionally secure once in place, making them ideal for sealing tank valves/hatches, storage equipment, fiber drums, storage cabinets and containers, pharmacy boxes and cabinets, and tote boxes. Pull one end of the tie through the other to install. Security seals come in a range of lengths and can handle practically any job.
  • To aid in identification, the following features are unique: To prevent manipulation, each security seal has a unique number stamped on it. They come in a variety of colors and may be personalized with corporate logos or personal designs for consumers.

1. What function do security seals play in an emergency?

One use of security seals that frequently goes unrecognized is in the realm of medical emergency. Security seals are a typical requirement for all forms of emergency equipment, including fire extinguishers, parachutes, and various first aid and rescue assistance packages, in addition to first-aid kits.

These seals guarantee that the contents of emergency equipment are in good working order and ready to use. They are also intended to be quickly breakable in order to prevent wasting time in a crisis.

2. Biological and laboratory samples are transported.

The transportation of biological and laboratory materials is governed by tight standards that ensure their safety at all times. Security seals are used to ensure that the contents of each package or bag are appropriately identified and that they are not tampered with. A miscalculation in this form of transportation might be fatal, posing a biosecurity risk.

3. Elections are being monitored.

Any democratic vote’s legality is contingent on the election process being conducted with proper safeguards against fraud and influence. Using security seals to seal vote boxes is critical in this regard.

This security stamp ensures not just the ballot boxes’ origin, but also that attempts to tamper with the material within the boxes are unsuccessful. Polls can also be made more secure by adding security labels or blank tags to prohibit unwanted access.

4. Cash-in-transit.

Cash in transit is controlled to prevent fraud and traceable losses while in transit. As a result, the banking industry and specialized transportation businesses must utilize security seals to properly identify currency transactions.

Pouches (for transporting secret papers, for example) and currency pouches are other passive security devices used in connection to the movement of goods.

5. Artillery and ammunition transport.

Another lesser-known application of security seals is the transportation of artillery and ammunition. Security seals, on the other hand, are required in the weaponry sector since they must safeguard the contents of containers and packages, as well as the packaging carrying weapons.

Furthermore, the transportation of artillery and ammunition is included in the transfer of hazardous products, which, like any other mode of transportation, requires high safety regulations.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/youd-never-think-of-these-five-uses-for-security-seals/

The role of Stablecoins in Africa’s Crypto Market

For many new and seasoned cryptocurrency investors, it is important to note that the ecosystem is characterized by bulls and bears – trending upwards or downwards depending on several market factors such as public hype, supply, demand, and investor sentiments, among others.

Therefore, to sustain the community of users who aim to build wealth and enjoy the freedom of money through investments in cryptocurrency, niche digital currencies have been developed by exchange platforms to hedge against such volatility, known as Stablecoins. 

Stablecoins play a vital role in the crypto economy by introducing more liquidity into the ecosystem, allowing more digital asset trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The different types of stablecoins are pegged based on their underlying collateral structure: fiat-backed, commodity-backed, crypto-backed, or algorithmic.

For instance, on Binance, the  Binance USD (BUSD), USD Tether (USDT), and USD Coin (USDC) are secured to the US dollar on a 1:1 basis, which means that the value of one BUSD for instance, is the same as one US dollar. As its name implies, its purpose is to provide price stability and serve as an alternative to the volatility of other cryptocurrencies, limiting their use cases for possible transactions.

For new investors and expert traders, the certainty of stablecoins makes them a good asset to invest in and hold on to, especially during bear markets. In the same way that traditional investors might choose to keep portions of their assets in low-risk instruments like treasury bonds or mutual funds, crypto investors also have the option of utilizing stablecoins; this provides a long-term store of value for players in the crypto space, especially when the market takes a prolonged downward turn.

For instance, Binance USD (BUSD), a U.S dollar-backed stable coin approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDF) is one of the most trusted stablecoins available in the ecosystem. It has continued to maintain its position because it is backed and regulated by reserves contingent on regular attestation.

With BUSD, investors are protected by a regulatory body that has painstakingly assessed the underlying foundation of the asset offered to new and experienced investors. In other words, investors can rely on coins like BUSD as low-risk instruments because of the strength of the regulation that goes into establishing the fiat-back reserve of each stablecoin.  

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Another key benefit of having a regulated stablecoin is that much like in the traditional market where investors can earn a fixed interest from a variety of investment products, crypto investors can also earn interest with stablecoins through lending.

Investors can earn at a set interest rate from borrowers when they lend out their stablecoins. Also, a user can earn interest with stablecoins through staking, which involves holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the security and operations of a blockchain network for which they receive rewards.

A crucial role stablecoins have been able to play, due to their highly predictable stability, is the building out of some of the more recent applications in the crypto space, namely non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

Stablecoins have enabled investors to generate returns on their crypto assets in the DeFi market while alleviating the potential adverse effects of market volatility. Dollar-backed stablecoins like Binance USD (BUSD) are one of the preferred currencies of NFT marketplaces and storefronts.

These digital currencies offer a convenient funding source for NFT enthusiasts. Thus, stablecoins are creating the foundations for blockchain and crypto applications.

As more people in Africa aim to take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom, stablecoins will remain a suitable alternative to fiat currencies, serving as an essential part of the crypto ecosystem.

In addition, even though stablecoins are currently considered a niche crypto asset, they are well on their way to becoming a store of value and means of payment outside the crypto ecosystem.

This is because to function effectively as a currency alternative, cryptocurrencies need to possess certain qualities such as liquidity, relatively low-price volatility, and the ability to be integrated with established financial institutions; all qualities the stablecoins currently possess.

Future regulation and compliance coupled with the collaboration with other fintech companies focusing on digital payments could potentially make stablecoins an option for retail payments as well as cross-border payments and remittances.

Interested in purchasing and investing in stablecoins? Get started today by downloading the Binance app here and trade from anywhere in the world. There are different options available for buying cryptocurrencies at Binance; through a fiat deposit or by using a Binance P2P.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/the-role-of-stablecoins-in-africas-crypto-market/

Starsight Energy is Africa’s fastest growing renewable energy company

Starsight Energy, a leading African commercial & industrial solar power supplier with a significant presence in Ghana, has been ranked the fastest growing solar and renewable energy company in Africa by the Financial Times (FT). 

According to the FT, in its inaugural ranking of Africa’s fastest-growing companies in 2022, Starsight is the sixth fastest growing company in Africa and the first energy and renewable energy on the list. The rankings show that Starsight made tremendous progress since its inception in 2015. The company’s revenues in 2020 stood at US$8.886million as compared to its revenues in 2017 which was at US$0.832million. 

Currently, its absolute growth is 1154.403 percent and a compound annual growth rate of 132.351 percent. Staff strength of Starsight stood at 42 in 2017 but increased to 108 in 2020, hence making it to the fastest growing company rankings by FT. 

With more than 51MW of solar power installed in West Africa as at the end of 2021, the pan-African renewable energy company operates in three regions in Africa: West, East and South Africa with a clear plan to be in other regions.  

Managing Director for Starsight Energy Ghana, Emmanuel Ayifa Baah in an interview with the B&FT described the feat as humbling.

“It is humbling but at the same time it is a recognition of the hard work the team has put in place over the period. It is just natural that you get rewarded when you do solve a problem. It is humbling to know that what you are doing to help companies Go Green whiles saving them on electricity cost & carbon emissions has been recognised on a global scale. 

When you have a business operating the previous year only in Nigeria and just a year plus down the line, you have operations in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and then  into South Africa, obviously that is a major leap from one location to all of these locations,” Mr. Ayifa Baah said.  

Operations in Ghana

Delving deeper into the company’s operations in Ghana, Mr. Ayifa Baah explained that there is some 10MW of solar power under deployment for commercial and industrial institutions with over 50percent installed. “The bulk of our installations are in Accra but we have installations in Kumasi, and some parts of the Eastern Region,” he said.

Mr. Ayifa Baah, striking an optimistic tone, said by the end of 2022, Starsight Energy Ghana is seeking to have more than 10MW installed for Commercial & Industrial clients. 

The call to adopt solar as a more sustainable power option

With the recent request for increment in electricity tariffs as a result of  a general increase in generation cost of utility companies, Mr. Baah urged consumers, especially commercial and industrial users of power, to look at solar as a more sustainable option. “When you go solar, you save money and protect the environment at the same time,” he said, adding that at Starsight, their lease-to-own package lead to consumers saving at least 15 to 45 percent of their monthly electricity bills.

“We run a lease-to-own model. We build the solar plant at our cost, we maintain it at our cost, you just pay for using the plant and while you are paying, you are acquiring it. Our contracts start from five years and if you want a contract for over 10 years, we can, we are very flexible with our options. 

You do not incur any additional cost; you are still paying your monthly utility at a reduced amount and yet get to own the plant within a number of years. Our target starts from 15 percent reduction in your tariff all the way to 45 percent per kilowatts hour savings on electricity cost,” Mr. Ayifa Baah added. 

About Starsight Energy

Founded in 2015, Starsight is the leading African Commercial & Industrial (C&I) energy-as-aservice provider. It has deployed approximately 63 MW of generation assets and 25 MWh of storage at over 500 sites in all six African countries. The Company’s team of highly experienced professionals provides power solutions to a diverse clientele, including banks, gas stations, schools, and large commercial agricultural companies. 

Starsight’s proprietary smart technology optimizes energy consumption enabling customers to significantly reduce energy costs and boost profitability without incurring any upfront expense. Starsight delivers an end-to-end service, starting with assessing a client’s energy needs to the installation and maintenance of a renewable energy solution. This is then followed by ongoing technical support. 

Starsight’s long-term relationships with its blue-chip clients reflect the quality of its in-house engineering, procurement, and construction services, along with the reliability of its operations, maintenance, and customer service. Together these provide customers with the peace of mind that all their power-related issues are in trustworthy hands. Starsight has consistently maintained the highest ESG credentials and continues to reduce its customers’ carbon footprint and harmful diesel emissions. 

source https://www.jbklutse.com/starsight-energy-renewable-energy-company/

Monday, May 30, 2022

New itel P38 (2022): Full phone Spec and Price in Ghana

The latest model of itel P38 is available in Ghana and selling at GHS686.

itel P38 key Phone Features & specification

itel P38 Features itel P38 Specifications
Operating System  Android R GO
Display 6.6’ HD+ Waterdrop FullScreen Display
Resolution: 1612×720 Pixel
Processor Spreadtrum UNISOC SC9832E (28 nm)
Memory 2GB RAM
Internal Storage 32GB (supports memory extension up to 256GB)
Camera (Rear) Dual Camera
Ai Lens
8 MP, f/1.7, 1/2.0 (Main Camera)
Front Camera 8 MP, f/2.0
Battery 5000mAh intelligent battery
Connectivity 2G, 3G, 4G
Colour Nebula Black, Galaxy Blue, and Spruce Gree

Price of itel P38?

The price of itel P38 is GHS868 at most itel accredited deals across the country. I recommend checking Frank Trading as one of the top places to get this phone.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/itel-p38-2022-ghana/

iTel Ghana releases new P38 series smartphone with 3x faster charge

Every year, itel keeps surprising Ghanaians with great smartphones and affordable price tags, and this year is no different. The brand announced the release of the itel P38 Series smartphones on May 29th, 2022, and since then, it has been nothing but good reviews. The itel P38 Series definitely live up to its Charge Faster, Play More slogan and here’s why. 

itel P38 Series Smartphone Has 18w Fast Charge

itel p38 fast charge

The itel P38 Series come equipped with 15w and 18w fast charging which lets both smartphones charge 3 times faster than other regular smartphones. For users who are always on the go and barely have time to charge their smartphones and for users who live in areas with irregular power supply, this is a very appealing trust point.  

Charging the itel P38 for 10 minutes gives users 3 hours on WhatsApp, charging for 20 minutes lets users be online for 10 hours, and a full charge lasts for several days compared to other smartphones. The itel P38 Series also come equipped with a safe charging mode that automatically comes on to protect users’ safety when they charge the smartphones.

itel p38 specs
iTel Ghana releases new P38 series smartphone with 3x faster charge 4

6000mah Battery and Other Fun Upgrades

itel P38 Series has a 5000mAh large battery and AI Power Master to meet all your power needs. Users can get 558 hours of standby, 158 hours of music, 28 to 32 hours of phone calls, 18 hours of video streaming, 6 hours of selfies, and 6 to 8 hours of gaming. The itel P38Series is a phone designed for fun and it lives up to it.  

3x Battery Life and Storage

The itel P38 Series is packed with 2GB+32GB of ROM and RAM, 6.6’ HD+ Waterdrop FullScreen Display, 5000mAh intelligent battery, and Android R GO, while the and the latest AI Power Master favorite things like music, funny videos, apps, anything you like and supports memory extension up to 256GB for users who love their smartphones big. The itel P38 Series run smoother and faster without any lags even when users open multiple apps.

3x Entertainment Upgrade 

itel did not scrimp on the features of the itel P38 Series. Both smartphones come with 3 times the entertainment- photos are better, operation is smoother, and gaming is easier, and having fun is child’s play.  itel P38 series run on itel 0S 7.6 which gives users features such as Social Turbo, XHide Privacy Vault and Theft Alert. There is also the Game Turbo feature which helps improve and stabilize the gaming experience of users. The frame rate stability has been increased by 15 times with a 5°c+ average temperature decrease. A variety of game modes can also be selected by users to prevent interruptions when gaming.

What is the Price and Availability of itel P38 Series?

itel p38 colors
iTel Ghana releases new P38 series smartphone with 3x faster charge 5

The itel P38 is available in Nebula Black, Galaxy Blue, and Spruce Green colors starting from GHC686. The itel P38 series is available in authorized retail outlets nationwide.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/itel-ghana-p38/

WhatsApp to support iPads soon

In March, WhatsApp released multi-device compatibility for its messenger app. It allows users to attach up to four devices to a single phone using a registered mobile number.
WhatsApp, on the other hand, only supported Android tablets, Macs, and Windows PCs. There was no way for users of the Messenger app to link their accounts to their iPads.

It has now been revealed that the Meta-owned company is almost set to launch Multi-device phase 2.0, which will include WhatsApp compatibility for the iPad version.

WABetaInfo, a community blog that tracks everything related to WhatsApp, provided a screenshot of how the platform’s screen would look like on the iPad.

Whatsapp%20for%20iPad%20screen grab
Image Credit: WABetaInfo

The WhatsApp for iPad, as can be seen in the screenshot above, has a basic user interface, which is likely due to the device’s aspect ratio. Navigating the iPad app version and settings feature will be simple.

Millions of Apple tablet users will benefit from the new WhatsApp for iPad since they will no longer have to keep track of their Whatsapp messages on their iPhones. They will be able to receive and respond to messages directly from the iPad.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/whatsapp-news-whatsapp-to-support-ipads-soon/

appsNmobile Solutions commissions its corporate headquarters

appsNmobile Solutions Ltd has commissioned its new corporate headquarters, located at No. 11 Maseru Street, East Legon. This beautiful edifice provides a serene and comfortable work environment for its staff and clients. It is fitted with the necessary modern IT and security systems thus offering staff a warm and cosy place to work.

The acquisition of a permanent corporate headquarters located in the prestigious business address of East Legon on a street running parallel to the renowned Lagos Avenue is a testament that appsNmobile Solutions is here to stay. In addition, this commissioning marks a big milestone in the life of appsNmobile Solutions as it positions itself as a leading Pan African payment processor.

appsNmobile is known for developing innovative payment solutions such as the VPOS which is a USSD solution that allows end-users to pay at merchant points from any type of phone by simply dialling an assigned shortcode to effect payment. It works on all three major mobile money networks. This solution is currently being rolled out nationwide at Goil and Total filling stations in partnership with Absa Bank Ghana Limited.

Another industry-first solution is the Agropay. This is designed to enable agribusinesses such as cocoa buying companies, palm fruits, cashew, rubber and other commodities traders effect payments directly to farmers through their field officers or purchasing clerks. The companies can monitor the purchasing activities of their officers on the field via a web management portal and are able to match inventory to funds disbursed.

appsNmobile Solutions, according to the CEO, Mr Richard Bansah, is ready for the next phase of growth and this will be achieved among other things through continuous development of innovative and market-first payment solutions.

About appsNmobile Solutions Ltd

appsNmobile Solutions is a leading wholly Ghanaian owned payments service provider. The Company was established in 2015 as a software development company and has evolved over the years into a dominant player in the payment services space. appsNmobile Solutions has a staff strength of 30 with the potential to employ more.

The Company has also provided over 100 indirect jobs for its numerous service providers including independent contractors such as cloud infrastructure, internet and other telecoms service providers, IT Consultants, guard security services, catering services, cleaning services, and gardening services, among many others.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/appsnmobile-solutions-corporate-headquarters/

Simple tips to fix an unresponsive phone screen

When your smartphone’s screen becomes unresponsive, it means one thing: your phone has become useless. This is because every basic functionality revolves around your screen and you can do absolutely nothing with your phone with an unresponsive phone screen.

While there are cases where an unresponsive touchscreen calls for professional repairs (especially when cracked), there are a number of steps, from easy to advanced, that you can take to get things working again.

How to fix an unresponsive phone screen

  1. Clean the screen with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Restart your device.
  3. Remove your case or screen protector.
  4. Make sure your hands are clean and dry and that you aren’t wearing gloves.

Notwithstanding your experience level, there are some fundamental, simple fixes that you can attempt when your touch screen quits working.

The main thing to attempt is to clean the screen and your hands. Contact screens don’t work that well when they are wet or messy, and they can likewise seem lethargic if your fingers are wet, filthy, or secured by gloves. In the event that there is any fluid on the screen or some other substance like soil or sustenance, the initial step is to wipe it off.
In the event that that doesn’t work, at that point rebooting, the gadget will frequently tackle the issue. This is otherwise called rebooting, and the procedure is somewhat unique in relation to one gadget to the following.

In some cases, a touch screen will stop responding properly due to built-up dirt and grime or problems with the case or screen protector. Since this is pretty easy to either deal with or rule out, it’s a good idea to give your device a thorough cleaning if a reboot didn’t do the trick.

  1. Clean your hands or put on clean gloves.
  2. Wipe the touch screen with a lint-free cloth. The cloth may be dry or wet.
  3. Never use a sopping wet cloth.
  4. Always wring your cloth out before using it on a touch screen.
  5. If the touch screen still doesn’t work, removing the screen protector or case may help.
  6. You may need to clean the screen after removing the screen protector if it was damaged.
  7. Take off your gloves, as touch screens don’t work well through gloves.
  8. Make sure your fingers are clean and dry as well since wet fingers often result in an unresponsive touch screen.

Remove the SIM Card, Memory Cards, and Peripherals

While it is less common, problems with SIM cards, memory cards, and peripherals can sometimes cause touch screen problems in Android and Windows devices.

  1. Fully power down and unplug your device.
  2. Remove the SIM card and any memory cards if your device is a phone.
  3. Unplug peripherals like USB devices if your device is a laptop or tablet.
  4. Reboot your device and test the operation of the touch screen.
  5. If the touch screen works, try replacing each thing you removed one at a time until you identify the cause of the problem.

Let us know if these were able to resolve your unresponsive phone screen.

Drop your comment.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/simple-tips-to-fix-an-unresponsive-phone-screen/

Link building strategies for 2022

Link Building is a vital element of a successful SEO strategy. There are hundreds of ways to build backlinks, and guest posting is one of the ways to generate quality backlinks to your website.

The strategy or plan of building backlinks can differ for every website. Not every blogger follows the same path to reaching a thriving destination. However, if you feel that your strategies are not working out, you can take the help of the Blogger Outreach platform, which will make your task effortless.

On the other hand, various tools, such as Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush, will help make your link building strategies strong. Maintaining the consistency of generating backlinks can be difficult for many online marketers. Keep in mind that setting an objective for link building is essential, and you need to consider this at any cost.

Top 11 Link Building Strategies for 2021

A powerful link-building strategy is all your need to boost your SEO rankings and gain visibility in the eyes of Google and the audience.

The first step in reaching your link building objective is to avoid common link building mistakes. This will help your website in terms of increasing:

  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Authority of a website
  • Website’s visibility
  • Engagements

Now, let’s discuss some of the secrets of link building strategies or having an engagement with a link building agency that can help your online business to grow to a great extent.

1. Start Quality Guest Posting

asian freelancer copywriter typing keyboard using laptop working from home woman watching training courses
Link building strategies for 2022 3

One of the most popular link building strategies for 2021 is to start or focus on quality guest posting. Posting articles on other sites just for a way to generate backlinks is not a good strategy at all.

You need to focus on quality, not quantity. Guest posting helps your website to get maximum traffic and boost your rankings on the search engine result pages (SERPs). This is very valuable and effective if you follow it regularly.

2. Focus on Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites must be a part of your link building strategy. It is because the benefits of social bookmarking sites are huge, and some of them are listed below:

  • Boost your page rankings,
  • Builds strong social signals,
  • Helps to increase website authority,
  • More subscriptions,
  • Faster indexing by search engines,
  • Creates more brand awareness,
  • Helps in content promotion.

Social bookmarking sites are greatly beneficial for your website and can help to gain visibility and conversions.

3. Create More Internal Links

Internal links will ease your user’s navigation, improving usability through anchor texts. When you give internal links to your guest post article, request the website owner to provide more internal links, or you can find yourself some relevant links. This way, you can increase the session period of your article.

Internal links help to spread site architecture and link juice, which is regarded as a global SEO strategy for every online marketer. The other benefits of internal links are:

  • Helps in crawl and indexing,
  • Improves page rank,
  • It boosts page views,
  • Helps in spreading the link juice,
  • Improves usability through anchor texts.

4. Check Competitor’s Backlinks

Another link building strategy that you must give attention to is checking your competitor’s backlinks. Your competitors’ backlinks might be better than your website’s backlinks.

However, if you have some high-quality backlinks, you can target those backlinks for your website. This will save you time as well as effort. Competitor’s analysis must be a part of your SEO strategy because it plays a crucial role in ranking.

5. Focus on Social Media Marketing

Focusing on Social Media Marketing is also important to consider, and it is regarded as one of the best link building strategies in 2021. Once your article gets viral on social media, your website will get instant visibility, boosting your SEO rankings on the Search Engine Result Page.

Moreover, social media marketing drives referring or direct traffic to your blog post, increasing the relationship with your audience.

6. Unlinked Mentions

Unlinked mentions are off-page ranking signals that add value to your website. Many individuals don’t realize the importance of unlined mentions, but in the eyes of Google, it has enormous significance, and it impacts your website’s rankings to some extent.
Unlinked mentions are already halfway towards earning a backlink, and you must include this as a part of your link building strategy. It is truly effective and valuable in the long run.

7. Community Site Link Building

Links from high visited community sites are also a great way to drive traffic to your blog post. These are links that the audience clicks, and you can get a good amount of traffic from those sites.

Many community sites such as Quora have a high amount of traffic, which will increase direct traffic to your website. You may not know, but community sites can generate lakhs of traffic.

8. Include Infographics in Your Strategy

Infographic is one of the best ways to get quality backlinks and boost your SEO. According to the reports, infographics can help increase traffic by up to 12%. Hence, Infographics can make your content much more valuable and engaging.

Infographics are considered the highest performing visual content types that will enhance your website’s rankings. Off-page experts believe infographics as one of the best ways to earn valuable backlinks.

9. Focus on Broken Link Building

It often happens that your website’s link has been removed from your guest post article. You need to keep track of your backlinks regularly to see all changes.
However, to focus on your broken link building, you can take the help of the Ahrefs. This is an excellent tool to view backlinks (even ‘404 Not Found’ links) as a whole. This way, you can keep track of every link you create with your efforts.

10. Newsletter

Link building strategies for 2022 4

There are many Newsletter plugins such as ‘follow. It gives a backlink (no-follow), and keep in mind that these plugins have high domain authority and ratings. This will be very beneficial for your website and gives value to your website’s authority.
On the other hand, using a newsletter plugin is beneficial for your website. You can inform your audience via email for every new post. This way, you can get some clicks for your website.

11. Establish Content Pillars

Quality content is crucial to get the most out of your link building, and you must maintain the same for link building. Keep in mind; that you can convince or satisfy your audience only with quality content.

If you successfully establish content pillars, you will find that bloggers naturally mention your sites in their articles. This is the power of a good quality article.

The Bottom Line

Link building is a vital part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It improves relationships within your niche and gives you credibility. Moreover, you can enhance the authority of websites with a high number of quality backlinks. The above listed are the top 11 link-building strategies that you can follow to grow your online business.

Author Bio,
Shane Brown was born and raised in New York. He is a
Passionate blogger and chief blogging officer at BloggerOutreach.io and Viacon He is the man behind Search Engine Magazine, a well-known SEO Magazine. Shane specializes in inbound marketing and creative sales copy. Follow us at Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest

source https://www.jbklutse.com/link-building-strategies-for-2021/

Sunday, May 29, 2022

itel S17 Selfie Smartphone: Full specs, price and more

itel Mobile, one of the leading budget smartphone producers, has released the itel S17 Shelfie smartphone.

The phone is equipped with AI technology that enhances selfies and is able to detect smiles. The S17 is an improvement on its S16 smartphone and comes with more features as well.

itel S17

Key specifications

  • AI Technology, selfie 4.0
  • Ultra-slim
  • Power boost, iBoost 1.0, that increases power by 10%
  • 5000 mAH battery
  • Triple rear camera

Let’s get into the specifications and the features of the itel S17.

Features of the itel S17

Features of itel S17 Specifications
Operating System Android 11 (Go Edition)
Display 6.60-inch HD+ screen

 Resolution: 720 x 1612 pixels

Processor 1.3MHz quad-core
Memory I GB RAM
Internal storage 32GB  

Expandable via microSD card (up to 128GB)

Camera (Rear) 8MP +
Front Camera 5MP
Connectivity GSM/3G/LTE
Battery 5000 mAH removable
Colour Multicolor Green, Sky Blue, Deep-Ocean, Black
Special features Fingerprint sensor 

Face unlock

Price and availability

The price of the itel s17 is set at almost GHS 800.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/itel-s17-smartphone-specs/

itel unveils S17 Smartphone, Spirit1 Laptop and other products in an exclusive online launch

itel Mobile, a leading technology brand in sub-Saharan Africa, has unveiled a new range of family products, in a bid to reach more of its clientele as it builds itself as a family brand.

Well-known for its mid-range and low-range budget smartphones and smart devices, the company recently unveiled the S17 Smiling Shelfie Phone, the Spirit1 laptop, the Smartwatch1 as well as the Neckband N53f in an exclusive online launch.

S17 – Smiling Selfie Phone

itel unveils S17 smartphone

The 6.6 inches HD+ display is one of itel’s new leading smartphone models. The device is equipped with a Smile Feature, which captures selfies when it identifies a smile.

The smartphone’s AI, selfie 4.0, allows for powerful selfies to be taken. The S17 comes with an integrated Power Master that increases the phone’s power by up to 10 per cent.

The S17 is powered by a 1.3GHz Quad-core Spreadtrum SC7731E along with ARM Mali T820 MP1. It has 1GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage, expandable up to 128 GB via microSD card.

itel S17 packs an 8-megapixel camera on the rear. The rear camera setup has autofocus. It has a single front camera setup for selfies, featuring a 5-megapixel sensor.

The smartphone is based on Android 11 (Go Edition) and packs 32GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded via a microSD card (up to 128GB). The phone comes in four colours: Sky Blue, Multicolor Green, and Deep-Ocean Black colours.

Connectivity options on the itel S17 include Wi-Fi and GPS. Some features of the phone include a fingerprint sensor and support face unlock. itel S17 is 8.85 mm in thickness and is drop and dust resistant.

Spirit 1 Laptop

itel unveils S17 smartphone

The itel Spirit 1 laptop comes in a metal surface body design with a 15.6-inch full HD display. A Core i3 Intel processor and Intel plus 655-display card powers it.

With its 51 watts big battery, one charge can give you about eight hours of usage time. The device will ship pre-installed with Microsoft’s new Windows 11 OS.

Spirit 1 can be configured with up to 1 terabyte of hard disk space and 8 gigabytes of RAM. It comes with three USB ports, one HDMI, a micro SD card reader, an earphone jack, and an RJ-45 port.

The laptop features a 3 by 2W speaker box that enhances the surround sound from the device

SmartWatch 1

itel unveils S17 smartphone

The smartwatch1 features a narrow metal bezel design and an HD colour display screen. The itel smartwatch1 proves to be function-packed. With some of the functions being the ability to read app notifications, the option to pick calls from the watch, and monitor blood oxygen level and heart rate, the smartwatch sets itself as a competitor for quality budget smartwatches.

The itel smartwatch1 is one you can use for fashion, sports, and everything in-between. The HD colour smart piece is fully equipped to serve every need.

Neckband N53f

itel unveils S17 smartphone

The itel Wireless neckband N53F is an ergonomic neckband with magnetic earbuds and is equipped with a 10.4mm bass boost driver.

The Neckband N53f has IPX5 water, and dust resistance rating. It also comes with an independent FM radio function (a dedicated FM radio button) which lets users listen to radio stations independently without having to connect to their phones.

This is a next-generation wireless neckband brought to you by iTel. The Wireless sound accessory is compatible with most mobile phones and computers on the market, giving you the crisp sound quality. Its iconic magnetic earbuds will stay put in the ears.

This ergonomic design of the neckband also features magnetic earbuds and is moisture and water-resistant.

Other devices

Along with these devices, the technology company released a standing fan, and an electric burner, among other products. With these, the brand works towards making consumers live true to its tagline – Enjoy better life.

… … …

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/itel-unveils-s17-smartphone-2021/

itel A58 series affordable smartphones with big screen and battery launched in Ghana

Itel has announced its latest entry-level smartphone series in Ghana. Known as the Itel A58, the new device is coming as a successor, upgrade and improvement to the A56. The A58 series includes the A58 and A58 Pro.

Both the Itel A58 and A58 Pro come featuring a 6.6-inches HD+ IPS LCD display with a resolution of 1612 x 720 pixels. Both smartphones are powered by a Quad-core UNISOC (Spread rum) SC7731E processor clocked at a speed of 1.3GHz. This provides a better and more immersive viewing experience.

While the A58 came with 1GB RAM with 16GB of storage, the A58 Pro packed a higher 2GB RAM with 32GB of storage. Both devices can be expanded up to 32GB using a memory card.

itel A58 series affordable smart phones with big screen and big battery launched in Ghana

Both phones run on Android 11 Go Edition, and pack a 4000mAh battery that supports a 21 days of standby after one charge and long hours of usage. It also comes with a rear fingerprint sensor.

They both feature a 5MP lens which is supported by a secondary AI sensor on the rear, as well as a 5MP front-facing camera. Both smartphones are 3G enabled with no 4G support. Other connectivity options available include support for Bluetooth, Wifi, GPS and USB connection.

The Itel A58 comes in Black, Green, and Purple colours. It is available in retail stores at a starting price tag of about GHC474 here in Ghana.

itel A58 series affordable smart phones with big screen and big battery launched in Ghana

The A58 series comes with other special offers such as free MTN 500MB data every month for six months. You get to receive free 1GB data and 1000Minutes call time from AirtelTigo. itel is giving you a hundred days warranty on the broken screen replacement.

About itel

itel is an entry-level and reliable mobile phone brand for everyone. Adopting “Enjoy Better Life” as our brand philosophy, our aim is to provide budget-friendly products to everyone. After years of development, we have expanded our presence in around 50 emerging markets globally. With a growing mobile phone business, we have now expanded into related sectors, including television, home appliances and accessories. Visit www.itel-mobile.com to learn more.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/itel-a58-series-launched-in-ghana/

Maintaining a G-Money wallet: Charges, limits, and minimum balance

So you heard about the G-Money wallet — GCB Bank’s mobile money service, and you want to sign up. However, you’re worried about hidden charges and the cost of maintaining a G-Money wallet.

As it is with many other such services, there are maintenance charges attached to customer accounts. Thankfully, that is not the case with G-Money.

Are there any charges for maintaining a G-Money wallet?

No. Account holders pay no maintenance charges on their wallets. Neither are you obligated to maintain a minimum balance. However, transaction charges or tariffs and limits on transaction amounts are listed below.

Daily transaction tariffs

  • Any amount GHS100 and below attracts no charges.
  • Transactions worth GHS100.01 to GHS999.99 attract GHS0.50 on-network (P2P) and 1% tariff for mobile money interoperability transactions.
  • For amounts GHS1000 and above, you pay GHS1 on-network and GHS10 for mobile money interoperability transactions.

To learn more about the transaction limits, click here.

What is the G-Money wallet?

It is a digital payment (mobile money) platform for facilitating funds transfer from one account (bank or mobile wallet) to another. Your G-Money account also offers you convenience as it can be used to purchase and make payments for other services such as utility bills, airtime, and even tuition fees.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/maintaining-a-g-money-wallet/

MTN vs Vodafone wireless broadband: Bundles, prices & specs

Ghana’s leading 4G internet brands, MTN and Vodafone, have long been in a battle against each other with their wireless broadband internet solutions. With MTN in the lead with the numbers, Vodafone remains closely beside it with its ingenious data bundles and packages in close competition.

Wireless Broadband internet is the way to go in recent times since it does not need many technical experts moving in and around to make it possible. All one needs is to purchase and install the router properly.

Since MTN and Vodafone are the leading brands in that regard, we will comparatively analyse them side-by-side to give their respective customers a fair idea of where they are headed.

Vodafone Wireless Router
Vodafone’s wireless broadband router – Smart Surf

The battle for the leading brand in internet provision will begin with their Wireless Broadband Routers: Turbonet and Smart Surf.

We will provide all the necessary information about both wireless broadband routers to allow you to make the best decision. The following table will view both products side by side.

mtn wireless broadband router
MTN Wireless Broadband Router

Price and Technical Specifications

  MTN Turbonet Vodafone Smart Surf
Launch Date May 2019 August 2021
Price GHS 499 GHS 399
Size 240 mm x 155 mm x 78 mm 150 mm x 150 mm x 56 mm
Data Speed Download up to 300 Mbps,

Upload up to 50 Mbps

Download up to 100 Mbps,

Upload up to 50 Mbps

Ports 4 x LAN ports (One for LAN/WAN)

1 x Landline phone port

1 LAN port (RJ45)

1 USB port

Display Led indicators Led indicators
Wi-Fi Speed 7.89 Mb/s Up to 300Mbps
LED Indication Power/Wi-Fi /Lan, WAN/Network Strength/Signal WiFi / Power / Transmit Status across
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, single-band 2.4GHz 802.11b/g
Simultaneous Connections Up to 32 devices Up to 32 devices

Coverage Areas

MTN Turbonet Vodafone Smart Surf
It is accessible in all areas with MTN 4G connection. Once the location has MTN 4G connection, the Turbonet will function properly. Only available in Accra, Tema, and Takoradi. Even with that, not every location has broadband available.

Bundle Packages and Prices

MTN Turbonet Vs Vodafone Smart Surf

MTN Turbonet Vodafone Smart Surf
Data Bundle (GB) Price (GHS) Validity Period Data Bundle (GB) Price (GHS) Validity Period
5.14 43 Non-Expiry 5 20 30 days
10.27 87 Non-Expiry 10 40 30 days
108.23 253 Non-Expiry 25 90 30 days
410. 516 Non-Expiry 50 140 30 days
100 200 30 days
135 290 30 days
275 400 30 days
410 500 30 days

*With MTN’s Turbonet, the bundles can also be purchased in a flexible form by dialling *5057#. Any bundle between GHS 5 and GHS 5000 can be purchased on the Wireless broadband router. All the bundles are non-expiry.

Other Benefits

MTN Turbonet Vodafone Smart Surf
Free 5 GB of data upon registration/activation

Extra 5 GB of bonus for the next 5 months after activation

50% Bonus for every top-up made on the Turbonet Router

Free 5 GB of data upon registration/activation


In both cases, the devices are plug-and-play, which means they work almost immediately after buying and plugging them in. The only downside is that both wireless broadband routers need electricity to function; in cases where there is no power supply, you lose connectivity.

That said, there are some DIY innovations one can consider in that area to power the devices. You will need a UPS or a good power bank to keep it running.

The future of wireless broadband in Ghana

The demand for 4G LTE wireless broadband routers is highly competitive, especially when many require them for school, work, and entertainment. The decision to remain relevant in the market is strategic and necessary.

We do expect both MTN and Vodafone to come up with revisions and improvements in later years for that to be possible.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/wireless-broadband-routers-ghana/

Launch yourself into the G-Money experience – *422#

You’ve heard by now how convenient and secure the G-Money payment platform is. In fact, the G-Money experience for many has been pleasant, and gradually, that awareness is catching on with people. Want to be part of that awesome experience? It’s simple; just dial the shortcode *422# and launch yourself into the G-Money lifestyle.

*422# and the G-Money experience

The code *422# functioned as the portal to GCB Bank’s mobile banking services. With the platform’s introduction, it continues to serve as a gateway for both customers and non-customers in the sense that you don’t need to be banking with GCB Bank to sign on to their mobile money platform.

Want to feel the goodness of the G-Money experience? Dial *422# and select GCB Mobile Banking. Choose ‘Other Services’, select ‘Opt-in to G-Money’ and follow the prompts. It’s as simple as that.

What is the G-Money wallet?

It is a digital payment (mobile money) platform for facilitating the transfer of funds from one account (bank or mobile wallet) to another. Your G-Money account also offers you convenience as it can be used to purchase and make payments for other services such as utility bills, airtime, and even tuition fees.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/g-money-experience-mobile-money/

2 reasons why G-Money platform is the most secure for your money

The G-Money platform is the latest mobile money or electronic payments platform to emerge in Ghana’s fintech sector. While it has much to do in order to catch up with industry leaders MTN Ghana and Vodafone Ghana, the service has some unique features that should set it apart from its contemporaries.

For everyone who uses a mobile money account, the guaranteed security of funds is a major concern. With mobile money fraud being the order of the day on MTN’s MoMo service, security has become one of the major selling points for the G-Money platform.

Keeping your funds secure on the G-Money platform

It stands to reason that every human being would want to keep their hard-earned cash in a safe place. While some service providers may not be so concerned about what happens to your money on their platform, G-Money does the opposite — offering you a secure platform to keep your money and make transactions from.

1. Banking standard security

Its background as a bank-owned service means that the platform offers you state of the art security required by banking standards. And this is not merely based on that fact. GCB Bank has prioritized the security of all service fronts, and signing on to the G-Money platform means you would not be missing out.

2. GCB Bank would do well to investigate customer grievances

Unlike the telecom operated mobile money services, having its reputation on the line means the bank would go to all lengths to ensure customers can vouch for the quality of service being offered.
GCB Bank has been dealing with, and securing money for decades; so this is nothing new for the corporation.

In conclusion

You’d always have options to choose from; however, the question remains — who serves your needs better? If keeping your money secure is what’s important to you then, there’s nothing better than the G-Money platform. It comes with so much convenience, and knowing that your funds are safe is enough to give you some much-needed peace of mind.

How to register a G-Money account

For the already existing GCB Bank customer, dialling *422# and following the prompts from the GCB menu is all it would take to be registered on the platform. Non-customers would have to visit any GCB Bank branch with a valid national ID (Ghanaian Passport, Ghana Card, Drivers License, SSNIT Card, NHIS Card) in order for the relevant particulars to be taken — so they can be registered onto the service.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/g-money-platform-secure-mobile-money/

3 reasons MTN does not block numbers for MoMo fraud allegations

For a network that seems intent on clearing its name when it comes to the Mobile Money fraud menace, one would expect MTN Ghana not to hesitate when it comes to blocking numbers reported for fraudulent activities. That approach has never been the case, much to the bemusement of observers.

However, there is a good reason why MTN does not block numbers reported for MoMo fraud, and we’ll let you in on that.

mtn mobile money fraud

Why MTN does not block numbers for MoMo fraud?

Victims of Mobile Money fraud understandably would expect MTN Ghana to take the militant approach in these situations. This expectation is borne out of the need for the telco to send a message out to the fraudsters and give the assurance to users of the service that MTN is not looking on while their wallets are under attack.

Contrary to all these expectations, MTN does not block numbers reported, and this is why.

1. It becomes a legal issue

Imagine yourself in this situation; you’re going about your daily duties, and just like that, your Mobile Money account gets blocked without warning. If you were involved in some fraudulent activities, MTN would navigate its way out safely.

However, if you were reported out of malice by someone who just wanted to show you ‘where power lies’, then MTN would have a lot to answer for subjecting you to such humiliation and inconvenience; when you take the matter to court. Imagine how even the fraudsters would take advantage of an opportunity to sue millions out of MTN Ghana. You wouldn’t rush into such decisions if you were in their position.

2. There has to be an investigation

This is where the police get heavily involved. Before any final actions can be taken, there has to be an investigation. There is so much that needs to be ascertained. The Mobile money fraudsters themselves are mobile, always on the move, so you can’t simply locate them based on a one-off report — especially if they just disposed of the SIM card and number used in the successful or attempted fraud activity.

3. Some numbers aren’t registered to MTN

Remember Mobile Number Portability? That is one of the reasons why MTN does not block numbers reported for Mobile Money fraud attempts. Some numbers may have the MTN prefix alright, but have been ported to other networks and are no longer within MTN Ghana’s control.

It prolongs the initiation of any investigations as not all the networks are keen on collaborating with MTN to decisively deal with the canker since Mobile Money fraud is ‘an MTN issue.

The way forward

If MTN Ghana does not block numbers for reports of Mobile Money fraud activity, then, indeed, there has to be a way to keep subscribers safe from the actions of these fraudsters.

Of course, there’s much the telco is working on to arrest this canker in collaboration with the police. However, the biggest preventive method lies with you as a MoMo account owner. So much has been said about not entertaining phone calls from unknown numbers in relation to money transfers and fantastic business deals.

MTN Ghana can embark on all the education drives and put all the best measures in place, but if the individual is naive, anyone with a flair for fraud would easily play a quick one on that person. 

… … …

This article on why MTN does not block numbers reported for MoMo fraud is part of a series JBKlutse.com is developing to educate the public about Mobile Money fraudsters, their activities, and how to stay vigilant and not be a victim.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/mtn-does-not-block-numbers-momo-fraud/

Saturday, May 28, 2022

CompuGhana: something to describe them here

I like my gadgets. I always have, and I always will. So, when I got a new job in JBKlutse, finding a good retailer of electronic devices was my first concern. Luckily, along with Franko Trading, CompuGhana is one of the best electronics retailers in the country, and I was disappointed to realize there was no online article that gave a comprehensive look into the business and why they enjoy the success they currently have. So in this article, I lay down all the background information about the company that I could find, in hopes of giving shoppers like you an insight into the business and why you should consider shopping there.

About CompuGhana

CompuGhana is a Ghanaian company that specializes in all I.T.-related products, solutions, home appliances, smart phones, and electronic devices. The company has a strong corporate team that is responsible for overseeing all purchases and after-sales difficulties for both corporate and governmental clients.


The firm aims to be “the most trusted partner in information technology products, services, and solutions across the African Sub-Region”


The company strives to “lead in the distribution and retailing of the industry’s advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, software, storage systems, and microelectronics.”

Where is CompuGhana located?

Despite being an eCommerce-first company, CompuGh has a total of 16 virtual client touchpoints and showrooms strategically located throughout the Greater Accra, Ashanti Region, and Western Region. At these service centers, an astute professional team of experts ensures that after-sales assistance is provided. With this, the company aims to ensure that customers receive value for their money and enjoy the maximum possible return on value for their purchase.

Find below the list of locations and contact info (give them a call for further directions).

Greater Accra

Osu Mark Cofie House 0243143143 – 0545113311
Spintex 0249999988
Orca Deco 0593858863
Accra Mall 0553747400
A&C Mall 0546977277
East Legon 0544755555
Achimota Mall 0556322688
Marina Mall 0544630630
Junction Mall 0244244454
West Hills Mall 0544111181
Osu Mall 0244909809
Tema Com.2 0200029799
Tema Com.25 0247891891
Location(s) and contact(s): Greater Accra

Ashanti Region

Kumasi Adum 0246000001
Kumasi Mall 0549199990 – 0242065838
Location(s) and contact(s): Ashanti Region

Western Region

Takoradi Mall 0557700899
Location(s) and contact(s): Western Region

What makes CompuGhana successful?

Now that you know about CompuGhana, let’s look at some of the things that make them a successful retailer of electronics in ghana:

1. Competitive Prices

CompuGhana has the best prices for electronics because they offer the widest variety of products. They also have options within each brand, which means you can get exactly what you need and nothing more.

You can refer to this page for a list of popular gadgets and their prices *(planned post)

2. Money-back guarantees at CompuGH

CompuGh stands by its policy of customer satisfaction or your money back. They offer a generous money-back guarantee, so you won’t have to pay for anything if you decide that the product doesn’t meet your needs. In addition, they won’t charge a restocking fee if an item is returned without any damage. It’s not their fault that the product didn’t work out for you, but they’ll try their best to help you get the product most suited for you.

Product offerings at CompuGH

CompuGh offers a wide variety of products from different brands and a lot of options within each brand. The CompuGh website is organized into various categories. Within each category are subcategories for Audio Visual, Networking, Cameras & Photo Equipment, Computer Accessories, and various brand items. Within these subcategories, you can find companies like LG or HP, as well as many brands that offer great products at reasonable prices. This ensures that the company always has in-stock products that will fulfill a client’s needs.

Free-shipping at CompuGh

With eCommerce being their main focus, it came as a surprise when I learned that customers enjoy free shipping on items over GHS 99.00. This is sure an expensive way to operate a business given the number of people I know that shop at CompuGh and their usual order amount, but I guess it just demonstrates the lengths the company will go to ensure customer satisfaction.

CompuGh’s return policy

CompuGh is one of the best electronics retailers in the country. Their return policy is easy to understand and helps the customers decide what they want to buy. You can return a product to the nearest CompuGhana store within 7 days of your purchase if you don’t like it or it isn’t working properly.

Find a detailed return policy here.

Returns of personal items or home appliances, such as a hand dryer, grooming kit, EarPods, hair straightener, etc., are not accepted for health concerns.
You will receive an email after your return has been received and examined. You will also be notified of the status of your refund application.
If authorized, your refund will be handled within a specific number of days, and the refund will be provided in cash.

CompuGH website

CompuGh makes it easy for customers to buy new products even if they’re not tech savvy. Their website is easy to understand and use, making it easier for customers to find the information they need. Here is a link to their website.

The site has an intuitive interface that allows you to quickly find the products you want. You can search by brand, model number, or specification such as memory size or processor speed in order to quickly compare different models from different brands before making your purchase decision. The site provides information very useful in helping you decide which product best suits your needs and budget range, so there’s no need for endless hours spent reading across various pages before finally deciding what item would suit your needs best right now.

Technical support at CompuGH

If you’re having trouble with your product or delivery, CompuGh’s helpline representatives are always ready to help. They’ll try their best to fix the problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again. If you want to return a product, they can help with that too!

They are available 24/7, just so you know you can rely on them.

Customer satisfaction at CompuGh

You’ve probably heard of CompuGh, and you’re wondering what makes them such a great electronics retailer. There are plenty of reasons why their customers love them:

  • They provide the best prices.
  • They have a great return policy.
  • They have a wide variety of products to choose from (and if you don’t see what you want on the website, just ask).

And most importantly, they have great customer service!


CompuGh believes that the customer is the most important aspect of any business. That’s why they make sure to give our customers all the information they need before making a decision about which product is best for them, as well as giving them a wide variety of choices at a great price in order to meet their specific needs and preferences. This ensures that all their customers are happy when they buy from them!

source https://www.jbklutse.com/compughana-something-to-describe-them-here/

Starlink to start operating in Nigeria and Mozambique

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter on Friday that regulators in Nigeria and Mozambique had approved Starlink, SpaceX’s satellite broadband service.

This announcement comes three days after Musk responded to a tweet regarding the service’s debut in Africa.

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), according to Nairametrics, has also confirmed this news. This licensing comes after the company’s team visited Nigeria in May of last year to discuss the possibilities of securing a license.

Starlink now has over 400,000 subscribers worldwide and operates in 36 countries where it is legally permitted to provide internet services.

Starlink joins a Nigerian Internet service provider market dominated by telcos such as MTN and Airtel, as well as smaller ISPs like Spectranet, SMILE, and others. These companies offer the same service for a much cheaper price, though at a varying quality of service, which they aren’t forced to improve due to the consolidated nature of the market and little competition from upstarts.

However, Starlink’s price is too expensive for ordinary Nigerian and Mozambican users. The service costs start at $110 (~₦60,500) for preorder—also its monthly charge—and $599 (~₦330,000) for a full kit, which includes a terminal, mounting tripod, and Wi-Fi router. For premium service, the whole kit will cost around $2,500 (~₦1.375 million) and $500 (~₦275,000) per month.

The above plans will be competing against similar internet plans in Nigeria, which cost an average of $50.

Though expensive, one can however agree that Starlink provides internet users in these African countries with an alternative product offering.

source https://www.jbklutse.com/starlink-to-start-operating-in-nigeriamozambique/

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