Wednesday, September 29, 2021

PayPal in Ghana: An open letter to Vice President Bawumia

For many of us engaged in freelance business, the unavailability of PayPal in Ghana presents us with a thorn in the flesh, that sometimes pretends not to be there, only to cause discomfort just when we start believing everything to be fine.

If you accept monetary payment from foreign-based clients, you’d agree with me that Ghana not being one of the countries that PayPal recognizes, puts your dealings at risk. Your legitimately earned funds can be frozen at any point in time and will remain locked for a long time simply because there are irregularities with your PayPal account — which was illegally acquired because a Ghanaian resident in Ghana has no business with the payment processing platform, PayPal.

This is why I find it necessary to scream out to our nation’s Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, to as a matter of urgency, make getting Paypal in Ghana one of the priorities in his efforts to transform our digital space during his tenure as Veep.

To that end, I’m publishing this open letter to him, because just like many others, I have had unpleasant experiences with PayPal that could have been avoided only if I could sit at my desk in Ghana and legitimately register a business account with no fear of any dire repercussions — because everything about the account’s registration would be legitimate by PayPal’s acceptable standards.

If you happen to be close to Vice President Bawumia, kindly forward it to him because we Ghanaian business and freelance workers have suffered and are suffering because we can’t get PayPal in Ghana, legitimately. Here we go.

Also read: PayPal phishing scams on Twitter

PayPal in Ghana: An open letter to Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Dear Sir,

Your efforts aimed at transforming Ghana’s digital space are commendable. The role you played in making mobile money interoperability our reality has not gone unnoticed. Digital addresses, eliminating redundancy and tedious processes by replacing the TIN with the applicant’s Ghana Card number, and a couple of other positive advancements is not lost on us. We are thankful.

However, while those are certainly things worth writing home about, they are simply not enough. To whom much is given, much is expected. I’ll go on to modify that in my own words, that, there’s much expected from any man who has shown that possibilities exist — no matter how extreme or abstract they may seem in the moment — the people look up to him to lead the way forward.

Why am I typing all this?

Because, Dr. Bawumia, the people of your nation are pretending to be citizens of other countries just so they can get something as basic as a PayPal account for doing business. Isn’t that sad? For context, please look at it this way; your children pretending to be children of some of your ministers just so they can gain access to a basic, but exclusive restaurant. Not kosher. Not halal to your person and reputation.

As it stands now, some of us are from Lesotho. Others are from the UAE and the USA. Hell… some are even from Nigeria and Togo. And this is all because there is no legitimate way to access PayPal in Ghana and we just have to improvise… and compromise. Please regard this situation as haram and work assiduously to correct the anomaly.

Closing argument

I understand you’ll possibly be running in the next presidential race slated for 2024. I wish you well in that endeavor. You’ll agree with me that it’s the little things that truly matter to us Ghanaians — the little things that make our everyday hustle worth the while.

That is why I believe that doing your best to bring us PayPal in Ghana would put a feather in your cap and ultimately help your presidential ambition. Do what needs to be done, Sir; we’re looking up to you.

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.


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