Thursday, September 30, 2021

Samsung Ghana unveils impressive premium consumer electronics range for 2021

As a consumer electronics manufacturer, Samsung can always be trusted to produce well-designed feature-packed devices for its teeming mass of users. This year’s product range is no different. You can trust Samsung to wow you whenever they launch premium products from smartphones to televisions and smart home appliances.

Also read: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

Samsung’s premium consumer electronics for 2021

Samsung Ghana earlier today displayed an impressive lineup of premium consumer electronics ready for the Ghanaian consumer market.

Aside the smartphones unveiled at Galaxy Unpacked last August, Samsung Ghana had on display some premium consumer electronics designed with next-level technology — keeping the ever-evolving needs of the consumer in mind.

Samsung FlexZone refrigerator

Coming in at GHS 9,999 — this refrigerator is packed with many features and functionality to make it worth the investment.

Talk about manufacturers offering energy-efficient home appliances in the modern era, and you can say that no one does it better than Samsung.

The appliance comes with four different cooling modes intended to afford users some convenience. What this means is that if you want to chill specific beverages as soon as possible, you won’t have to hope and pray that your refrigerator would anticipate your desire and quickly cool your party drinks at the desired temperature. Just set the temperature, and you’ll be sorted out in a jiffy.

Also, this is convenient for users who have specific needs, such as keeping medication stored at a temperature recommended by their doctor or manufacturer of the drug in question.

Samsung AddWash laundry machine

Equipped with AI technology and WiFi, you can operate this washing machine right from your smartphone.

premium consumer electronics

Unlike traditional washing machines that cannot be paused once the washing cycle has begun, the AddWash allows you to pause the operation in order to add any forgotten item that needs to be laundered — hence the name AddWash. Isn’t that so convenient?

You can get the AddWash for a cool GHS 4700.

Samsung Wind-Free air conditioner

Unlike traditional air conditioners, this appliance is one that learns your habits and adapts to them. For example, if you usually increase the temperature from 18° C to 23° C at some point during the night, the AI technology within your appliance adapts to it and seamlessly guarantees you automatic switches during your night.

The idea behind this device is to help cut costs on your energy spending, and in Wind-Free mode, you’re saving 77% of your energy bill.

premium consumer electronics

Also, this is a smart device you can sync with your smartphone — meaning you can operate the air-conditioner at home even from your office miles away.

With its motion detector sensor, you can divert the draught of air from yourself to anyplace in the room where you won’t be affected by extreme temperatures. Also, with this air-conditioner, the outdoor unit is protected with an anti-corrosion coat — making it very convenient for people residing close to the sea. This cool appliance is selling at GHS 3600.

In our next article, you can read about the lineup of smart televisions and other equally revolutionary gadgets from Samsung’s 2021 range of premium consumer electronics.

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5 Things to consider when choosing cybersecurity services

Protecting the systems you are using and that are connected to the Internet, including the hardware and the software solutions, from certain cyber threats is undeniably extremely significant. I know that you probably don’t even like thinking about it, but these threats are real and so are the attacks. Sure, you might be lucky enough not to become a target, but here’s a question. Do you really want to take that risk?

If I were you, I most certainly wouldn’t want to take any such risks. What you can do instead is get the perfect cybersecurity consulting services and use the knowledge provided by the experts to keep your business as protected as possible.

There is no doubt in my mind that you understand the importance of protecting your business from any types of threats and that you want to get these services as soon as humanly possible.

Well, while I have nothing against you getting these services as soon as possible, I do have something against you rushing into getting them, as that can lead to a huge mistake.

In simple words, that can lead to you hiring the wrong people for this job, meaning that you will be unhappy with the services they will provide you with, which is definitely not how you want this to play out. We are, after all, talking about the security of your business.

Since you want to get the best cybersecurity services, you will need to try hard to find them. There are so many different places out there that can provide you with one type of these services or another and you undeniably want to get the perfect ones for your company, which will require you to do a lot of research and a lot of thinking for that matter.

Of course, you will need to keep certain significant factors in mind when trying to choose the correct services for you and I am not going to tell you which factors those actually are.

cybersecurity services

1. The Actual Risks You Are Facing

When you begin talking to certain providers about these types of services, you will find that they are all ready to talk about all kinds of different risks that different companies might face when it comes to cyber threats. This might be a bit overwhelming, as you could start thinking that you are at risk from all of those things and that you cannot possibly stay protected without spending a fortune on these services.

Read more about cybersecurity in general:

This, however, might not be correct. To put it differently, you might not be threatened by everything that those companies mentioned. It is their job to get you acquainted with all the threats that you might face, but it is your job to understand the exact amount of risk that your company is actually in.

This means that you will need to think carefully about everything that could be a threat to you, as well as about those things that couldn’t, so as to know which types of services to get in the first place.

2. The Industry You Are In

The industry you are in also plays an important role in the services you will get and the companies you will hire. Your business most likely needs to abide by certain security rules and regulations and those differ from one industry to another.

Apart from that, if you find a provider that knows absolutely nothing about the industry you are operating in, there is a fair chance that they won’t be able to give you the protection you need. So, don’t forget to think about the actual industry that your business is a part of, because you want to find the perfect solution that will meet all the regulations and requirements of that particular industry.

3. Qualifications Of The Provider

Finding the right provider is undeniably the most important thing you will need to do here. Of course, if you want to do that properly, you will need to consider certain factors, such as their qualifications.

Basically, you want the provider you choose to be properly skilled and qualified to do the work you want them to do, meaning that you shouldn’t jump towards working with amateurs that still don’t know a lot about cybersecurity or the specific requirements that you have for your business.

We are all well aware of the importance of cybersecurity in business, as explained by this useful source, but not everyone has the skills to provide said security, and you need a firm that does have those skills and qualifications.

4. Reputation Of The Provider

In addition to the qualifications, you should remember to take the reputation of the provider into account as well. Working with ill-reputed firms is most likely going to get you in trouble, and you don’t want that. Try to find a few reviews or talk to previous clients so as to check your reputation before hiring anyone.

5. The Cost

The costs of these services are the final thing you should consider. Sure, you should be ready to pay a higher fee for the best cybersecurity solutions you can find, but this certainly doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do some price comparisons and find a reasonable option. There is no point in paying a fortune when there are firms that offer completely reasonable rates.

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Crypto investors in African countries have “Good Financial Habits”, says Luno 

Luno, the leading global cryptocurrency company, has today revealed in a new online global survey that only 3% of cryptocurrency investors in the African countries surveyed (Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa) do not have a plan when making investment decisions, delivering a groundbreaking insight into how consumers manage the investment risks attached to the continent’s growing wave of crypto adoption.

The findings emerged when respondents were asked which statement best describes their investment approach with 35% saying they limit speculative investments to a small percentage of their funds, 32% stating they react to market changes and invest where they feel comfortable and 29% describing their approach as having a plan and sticking to it.

The survey, which included nearly 7,000 respondents from Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, UK, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia, not only found cryptocurrency investors in the three African countries to be financially-savvy, but also to be investing for sensible and long-term goals.

69% of crypto investors surveyed in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa says the most important purpose of having money to them is to secure the well-being of their family and leading uses for returns on investments amongst adults in these countries willing to invest their salary in cryptocurrency included paying for children’s education (48%), savings for a home deposit (39%) or to establish a fund to pass onto their grandchildren/children (43%).

Across all the countries surveyed globally, Kenyans were found to rely most heavily on traditional sources of financial advice such as financial services companies (28%), financial publications (18%) and independent financial advisors (17%).

However, Kenya also led the survey in terms of its knowledge gap regarding cryptocurrencies with 64% of those who would not consider investing stating they don’t invest in cryptocurrencies as they don’t understand enough about them compared to 55% and 56% in Nigeria and South Africa respectively.

Speaking on the findings, Marius Reitz, Luno’s General Manager for Africa, says, “In recent weeks, there’s been a lot of attention on the scale of Africa’s crypto revolution and whilst its potential is hugely exciting, it’s vital we ensure consumers are engaging with this transition in a safe and responsible manner. This research offers a major boost of confidence that this is happening – we’ve always focussed on ensuring we promote safe practices as an exchange through our focus on self-regulation and it’s encouraging to see customers replicating this through a considered and well-informed approach to investing.”

Luno’s research also shows that cryptocurrency holders across the globe aren’t singularly focused on digital currencies.

In fact, they are much more likely than their peers to save and invest in other asset classes. The overwhelming majority (78%) of cryptocurrency investors save regularly, versus approximately two-thirds of the general population (65%).

Not only do crypto investors save regularly, but they are also much more likely to hold diverse portfolios. Adopters of cryptocurrencies globally are also much more likely to hold other types of financial assets including bonds (19% v 10%) and even gold (25% v 14%).

Kenfield Griffith, CEO and Founder of Ajua, Africa’s first integrated customer experience company for businesses, adds, “As the growth of fintech brings more transactions online in Africa, it’s vital that businesses go the extra mile to understand the habits and reasons behind their customers’ behaviour as there’s a huge growth opportunity to be unlocked.

These findings from Luno should not only provide them with greater assurances about the safety of their customers, but should also put them in a much stronger position to optimise the customer experience on their platform and deliver more services that help their users achieve their financial goals.”

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Connecting the unconnected: GSMA case study celebrates MTN Digital Smart success

The GSMA, the association representing mobile operators worldwide, has singled out MTN Digital Smart for a case study on how digital literacy programmes can make a real impact in promoting mobile internet usage.

The report – published by the GSMA’s Connected Society programme which focuses on underserved population groups in developing markets – evaluates MTN’s pilot Data Smart campaign in Benin and Cameroon.

Analysis of MTN transactional data showed a significant increase in data usage among customers who received the digital skills training…Customers started to apply the knowledge and skills they learned to use mobile internet,” it says, noting that in both countries, Digital Smart resulted in trainees’ average revenue per user (ARPU) more than doubling for all user categories. Among smartphone users trained, ARPU and mobile data usage more than tripled.

Describing how MTN has “made digital inclusion a core part of their growth strategy and embedded this commitment in their CHASE framework“, the GSMA reports that Digital Smart drew on materials from the Mobile Internet Skills Training Toolkit, an easy-to-use toolkit developed by the GSMA for first-time mobile users.

Launched in 2018, MTN’s CHASE framework guides us in our work to extend digital inclusion by overcoming the five key barriers to mobile internet adoption: coverage, handsets, affordability, service bundling and education and ease of access.

“An important part of the campaign is meaningful use of cases based on customers’ needs and interests, that make mobile internet relevant and applicable to their lives,” the case study says. “For example, in an area where a cinema recently opened, agents showed customers how to watch trailers for the films on their phones.”

In 2019, an MTN Digital Smart pilot reached some three million people and the many lessons learnt were used the following year to bring digital literacy to 18 million individuals in eight countries: Benin, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Conakry, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda.

According to the case study, “Running the Data Smart campaign required considerable resources at both the group and operating-company level. MTN’s hybrid approach, which included remote delivery methods alongside traditional face-to-face training, ensured the campaign continued to reach scale even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The case study features photographs of MTN brand ambassadors reaching out to the public in crowded markets, in rural areas, restaurants and offices. There is even an image of a brand ambassador climbing a ladder to access a customer’s hard-to-reach home.

The case study concludes with the key takeaways which others who are serious about digital inclusion can use. These recommendations include the importance of localising content, making it easier for individuals to remember and share what they’ve learnt, and using all available channels and media.

“The partnership between the GSMA and MTN on the Data Smart campaign has had a substantial social and commercial impact,” the report comments.

MTN Group General Manager Customer Experience and Digital, Irshaad Gouse concurs: “The education element is absolutely critical to our Dual Data strategy and overall commitment to creating shared value as part of MTN’s Ambition 2025 corporate strategy.”

“Enabling people to understand the relevant opportunities that being connected brings them and how it cannot just support, but fundamentally change their lives for the better, is key,” he adds.

Our Dual Data approach aims to provide access to customers across different segments within our markets, addressing the urban-rural divide as lower income and/or rural customers make up around 70% of market.

In 2021 Digital Smart is continuing to reach out to millions across Africa, to fundamentally change their lives through the power of mobile.

Read More: MTN Data Smart Case Study

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Why you should involve your children when updating their room

Do you remember the excitement you felt when planning the nursery for your first child? You likely spent hours searching through Pinterest, magazines, and websites looking for a simple theme that could express how all-encompassing your love was.

However, now that your child has grown, their room likely requires a bit of an update. Fortunately, updating their room can be a fantastic opportunity for both of you to learn first-hand about the various aspects of project management.


Rather than run out and buy everything without any forethought, we recommend allowing your child to plan the way forward. For example, they could devise their theme, floor plan, and study area. Ideally, try to avoid being critical and guide them through the problems to come to workable solutions. A helpful suggestion is keeping the majority of the room neutral so that accessories and soft furnishings can be amended as your child ages and their interests change.


Reality is always limited by finances. Having your child update their room is an ideal opportunity to explain budgeting, compromise and give and take. Your child can list all of the items they feel are needed for their new space, including paint, furniture, lighting, carpeting, and accessories.

Allow your child to voice their priorities and eliminate what they don’t mind from their initial wish list. They might also want to delegate some items to future Christmas or birthday wishlists.


Your child is now ready to place orders, but are they willing to wait for an item? Is it better to get something directly from a shop in town, or order a more distinctive piece online? You could also suggest seeing if friends and family might be willing to give away some useful items or browse through the local charity shops for a bargain.


It can be tricky for kids to give away their possessions, but generosity is a trait that most of us want to encourage in our children. If you arrange a Salvation Army Donation Pickup, they will send around a truck and movers to collect used children’s furniture, appliances, clothes, toys, and more. Be certain to tell them that the donation is from your child so that they are the ones receiving the thank you for their charity.


Now it’s time to allow your child to enjoy their new space. Work together at finalizing house rules so that everyone agrees with and understands them. Some suggestions we recommend include:

  • No eating in your room
  • The door to your room is open when guests are over
  • Electronics need to be handed to parents before bedtime
  • A weekly room tidying day

If your child genuinely wants to change their room, then we recommend you let them do it. You can certainly set some ground rules and give advice, but remember that they will feel more ownership and pride in their room if they did most of the planning and work themselves. Hopefully this means that there will be less angst and arguments going into the teenage years.

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Top 5 Free receipt makers online

If you need to send an invoice to a customer or create a receipt for whatever reason, online receipt and invoice creator tools are at your disposal. These tools come in useful if you’re pressed for time or want to make a statement with your invoice design by using a professional one instead.

If you’ve misplaced or forgotten your receipts or want to generate a new one, the receipt and invoice creator tools might come in handy.

To create a personalized receipt/invoice, fill in the blanks with the necessary information and save your work. Use this website to utilize the Walmart Receipt Generator.

You may use these tools to make individual invoices, but you can also save and store them on your computer for later use as well. It’s also an option to send the invoices directly to your client via their server instead.

So, let us walk you through a few of the best free online receipt and invoice creation tools we’ve found so far, so you can make an informed decision.

1. Invoiceto

InvoiceTo has to be one of the Best Online Receipt generators & Invoice Maker Tools. It provides a really basic and easy-to-navigate approach. When you access the InvoiceTo website, you will find extensive information on the left side, such as modify the template, resize the table, obtain PDF, and so on.

As you enter information about your firm, such as its address, phone number, email address, and client name, you will be able to export PDF format for free and email it to your clients. There are no complexities involved. Even inexperienced users, such as myself, can benefit from our Free Invoice Generator.

2. Free Invoice Generator

Free Invoice Generator is another excellent online invoice creation application that allows you to create invoices in a few simple clicks. You can modify the current date as well as the due date.

You may then input the Job Description, add your logo, and provide the Bill From and Bill To information. There is an option to Add Item or Time Entry below, after which the Invoice total is created automatically.

You may also change the Invoice Settings on the right side of the screen if necessary. You may preview the invoice to ensure that everything is correct, then download it and email it to your customers. You have the option of creating a free account and signing in.

It’s a simple tool that leads you straight to the invoice page, allowing you to produce invoices in seconds, stay organized with a secure procedure, and be paid faster with safe payment methods such as PayPal.

3. Zoho Invoice

If you operate a business, you are most likely aware of Zoho Invoice, one of the main invoice creation tools in the category. It offers you a premade invoice that only has to be modified with the necessary data to create your unique invoice! As a business owner, you have various choices for creating a personalized invoice with this application.

All you have to do is provide your billing address, your client’s address, an invoice number, and a description of the sold item. After that, you have the option of either saving or sending the invoice to your customer.

In addition, you have the choice of printing or downloading a PDF of your invoice, whichever you choose. Using it is a breeze since it streamlines your workflow and eliminates unnecessary steps.

4. Free Invoice Template

An advantage for small business owners is a free invoice template like the Free Invoice Template. It makes creating professional-looking invoices a cinch while still being simple. As a result, whether you’re a freelancer or service provider, you may use this application to quickly and easily produce invoices for your customers.

Mark the things that are taxable with an “x” in the “Taxed” column. Fill in the relevant information in the spreadsheet, and the subtotals and tax amount will be calculated for you instantly.

Depending on your hourly rate, components, materials, or project, you can select from three templates and item description sample options.

When creating a printable invoice that you wish to fill out by hand, you can add a logo, name, and address before clearing the cells. How cool is that? So, visit their official website right now to get started on creating your invoices.

5. Free Online Receipt Maker

Free Online Receipt Maker offers you a free receipt-making platform. With this free application, you not only save time and money, but you can easily produce receipts for your customers. The entire process of creating a receipt is so simple that you may learn how to use the program in no time at all.

You need to pick the payment method, enter the business and store addresses, the store return policy, two different sales tax rates and names, and up to five purchased products.

While the taxes and total payments are automatically computed, the transaction id changes with each new invoice that may be used to record your sales or as proof of your sales. For both false and legitimate receipts, you may print off the receipts with registration markings and receive a copy of them.

You have the option to make further changes to the invoice per your needs. Additionally, you have the option of adding your company’s motto, website, or a “Follow us on Facebook” remark.

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2Africa extended to the Arabian Gulf, India, and Pakistan – Now the longest subsea cable system in the World

The 2Africa consortium, comprised of China Mobile International, Facebook, MTN GlobalConnect, Orange, stc, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone, and WIOCC, announced today the addition of a new segment – the 2Africa PEARLS branch – extending to the Arabian Gulf, India, and Pakistan.

This extension will bring the total length of the 2Africa cable system to over 45,000 kilometers, making it the longest subsea cable system ever deployed.

Now connecting three continents, Africa, Europe, and Asia terrestrially through Egypt, 2Africa creates unique connectivity by adding vital landing locations in Oman (Barka), UAE (Abu Dhabi and Kalba), Qatar (Doha), Bahrain (Manama), Kuwait (Kuwait), Iraq (Al-Faw), Pakistan (Karachi), India (Mumbai), and a fourth landing in Saudi Arabia (Al Khobar).

The new 2Africa branch joins recently announced extensions to the Canary Islands, Seychelles, Comoros Islands, Angola, and a new landing to south-east Nigeria.

As with other 2Africa cable landings, capacity will be available in PEARLS landings at carrier-neutral facilities or open-access cable landing stations on a fair and equitable basis, encouraging and supporting the development of a healthy internet ecosystem. 

To further support a burgeoning global digital economy, the expanded system will serve an even wider range of communities that rely on the internet for services from education to healthcare, and businesses, providing economic and social benefits that come from increased connectivity.

As announced in May 2020, 2Africa was planned to directly bring seamless international connectivity to 1.2 billion people. Today, with 2Africa PEARLS, 2Africa will be providing international connectivity to an additional 1.8 billion people–that’s 3 billion people, representing 36% of the global population.

Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) will deploy the new system utilizing new technologies such as SDM that allow the deployment of up to 16 fiber pairs, double that of older technologies, and bringing greater and more cost-effective capacity.

About China Mobile International Limited

China Mobile International Limited (CMI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile, mainly responsible for the operation of China Mobile’s international business. In order to provide better services to meet the growing demand in the international telecommunications market, China Mobile established a subsidiary, CMI, in December 2010.

CMI currently has over 70 terrestrial and submarine cable resources worldwide, with a total international transmission bandwidth of 98T, and more than 180 PoPs. With Hong Kong, China as its launchpad, CMI has significantly accelerated global IDC development, creating a strong network for data center cloudification.

Leveraging the strong support by China Mobile, CMI is a trusted partner that provides comprehensive international information services and solutions to international enterprises, carriers, and mobile users.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, China, CMI has expanded its footprint in 37 countries and regions. For more information, please visit

About Facebook

Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Over 2 billion people use Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Messenger every month to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what is going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Facebook is defined by its unique culture – one that rewards impact. The company encourages people to be bold and solve the problems they care most about. The phrase “this journey is 1% finished” reminds the company’s teams that they have only begun to fulfil Facebook’s mission.

As the company evolves its journey to bring the world closer together, it stays true to the same core values to guide the way it works and the decisions it makes every step of the way: be open, be bold, move fast, focus on impact, and build social value. For more information, please visit

About MTN GlobalConnect

GlobalConnect is a Pan-African digital wholesale and infrastructure services company, and an operating company in the MTN Group. GlobalConnect manages MTN’s international and national major wholesale activities, in addition to offering reliable wholesale and infrastructure solutions for fixed connectivity and wholesale mobility solutions that include international mobile services, Voice, SMS, signaling, roaming, and interconnect.

The MTN Group launched in 1994 is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world and is inspired by the belief that everyone deserves the benefits of modern connected life. Embracing the Ambition 2025 strategy, MTN is anchored on building the largest and most valuable platform business, with a clear focus on Africa.

The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. For more information, please visit www.globalconnect.solutions

About Orange

Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42.3 billion euros in 2020 and 139,000 employees worldwide at 30 June 2021, including 80,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 263 million customers worldwide at 30 June 2021, including 218 million mobile customers and 22 million fixed broadband customers.

The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies, under the brand Orange Business Services. In December 2019, the Group presented its new “Engage 2025” strategic plan, which, guided by social and environmental accountability, aims to reinvent its operator model.

While accelerating in growth areas and placing data and AI at the heart of its innovation model, the Group will be an attractive and responsible employer, adapted to emerging professions.

Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN). For more information on the internet and on your mobile:,

About stc

With its headquarter in Riyadh, stc group is the largest in the Middle East and North Africa based on market cap. stc’s revenue for 2020 amounted to 58,953million SAR (15,721 million US dollars) and the net profit amounted to 10,995 million SAR (2,932 million US dollars).

stc was established in 1998 and currently has customers around the globe. It is ranking among the world’s top 50 digital companies and the first in the Middle East and North Africa according to Forbes. It focuses on providing services to enterprise and consumer customers through a fiber-optic network that spans 217,000 kilometers.

stc group was among the first in MENA region to launch 5G networks and was considered one of the fastest globally in deploying 5G network as stc already deployed around 4,000 5G towers as end of 2020.

stc group has 14 subsidiaries in the Kingdom, gulf, and around the world, and its own 100% of stc Bahrain, 51.8% stake in stc Kuwait, and 25% stake in Binariang GSM Holding in Malaysia which owns 62% of Maxis in Malaysia.

In Saudi Arabia (the group’s main operation site) stc operates the largest modern mobile network in the Middle East as it covers more than 99% of the country’s populated areas in addition to providing 4G mobile broadband to about 90% of the population across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the above-mentioned, stc is a strong regional player in IoT, managed services, system integration, cloud computing, information security, big data Analytics fintech, and artificial intelligence.  For more information, please visit

About Telecom Egypt

Telecom Egypt is the first total telecom operator in Egypt providing all telecom services to its customers including fixed and mobile voice and data services.

Telecom Egypt has a long history of serving Egyptian customers for over 160 years maintaining a leadership position in the Egyptian telecom market by offering its enterprise and consumer customers the most advanced technology, reliable infrastructure solutions, and the widest network of submarine cables.

Aside from its mobile operation “WE”, the company owns a 45% stake in Vodafone Egypt. Telecom Egypt’s shares and GDRs (Ticker: ETEL.CA; TEEG.LN) are traded on The Egyptian Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. Please refer to Telecom Egypt’s full financial disclosure on

About Vodafone

Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company in Europe and Africa. Our purpose is to “connect for a better future” enabling an inclusive and sustainable digital society.  Our expertise and scale give us a unique opportunity to drive positive change for society.

Our networks keep family, friends, businesses, and governments connected, and – as COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated – we play a vital role in keeping economies running and the functioning of critical sectors like education and healthcare.  

Vodafone is the largest mobile and fixed network operator in Europe and a leading global IoT connectivity provider. Our M-Pesa technology platform in Africa enables 50m people to benefit from access to mobile payments and financial services.

We operate mobile and fixed networks in 21 countries and partner with mobile networks in 49 more. As of 30 June 2021, we had over 300m mobile customers, more than 28m fixed broadband customers, over 22m TV customers and we connected 130m IoT devices.

We support diversity and inclusion through our maternity and parental leave policies, empowering women through connectivity and improving access to education and digital skills for women, girls, and society at large.

We are respectful of all individuals, irrespective of race, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, belief, culture or religion.

Vodafone is also taking significant steps to reduce our impact on our planet by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025 and becoming net-zero by 2040, purchasing 100% of our electricity from renewable sources in Europe and across our entire operations by 2025 and reusing, reselling or recycling 100% of our redundant network equipment. For more information, please visit


WIOCC is building Africa’s first, truly hyper-scale network infrastructure. With the ability to efficiently deliver 100Gbps capacity and an extensive investment programme to develop our pan-African solution even further, WIOCC is the natural partner for OTTs, content providers, telecom operators, and ISPs looking to take advantage of Africa’s opportunities.

The company utilises more than 55,000km of terrestrial fibre and in excess of 75,000km of submarine, cable assets to offer affordable, reliable, managed connectivity to over 550 locations across 30 African countries. WIOCC’s international reach extends to key commercial centres in Europe, Asia, and North America, providing a one-stop-shop for fully-scalable international connectivity into, within, and out of Africa.

Operating exclusively as a wholesaler, the company’s focus is on putting you, our client, first. Building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships means WIOCC can develop bespoke solutions to meet your current requirements, with the flexibility to match future demands for growth and extra resilience and geographical expansion.

You will find that only WIOCC has the depth of experience, local expertise, capacity, flexibility, and scalability to take you where you want to be. For more information, please visit

About Alcatel Submarine Networks

Alcatel Submarine Networks, part of Nokia, leads the industry in terms of transmission capacity and installed base with more than 650,000 km of optical submarine systems deployed worldwide, enough to circumnavigate the globe 15 times.

From traditional Telecom applications to Content and “Over The Top” Service Provider infrastructures, as well as to offshore Oil and Gas applications, ASN provides all elements of a turnkey global undersea transmission systems, tailored to individual customer’s needs.

An extensive Services portfolio completes its comprehensive offering for the submarine business, including project management, installation, and commissioning, along with marine and maintenance operations performed by ASN’s fully-owned fleet of cable ships. For more information, please visit

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Zwarttech launches new website to optimise experience of hiring senior IT experts within 24 hours 

Zwarttech, a social impact startup that connects businesses with vetted Senior IT experts in Africa, has launched a new website to optimise the experience of hiring new Senior IT experts within 24 hours.

The new website, which builds on the previous one, spells out in clear steps how businesses can hire senior IT experts within 24 hours, shares testimonials from happy clients from around the world and highlights the organisations partnering with Zwarttech to bridge the tech gap by removing obstacles, mitigating risk, and providing access to the global market. It also features videos to showcase Zwarttech services and FAQs.

Significantly, the website improves on its interface, thus making it easy for visitors to navigate. Furthermore, the website aligns with its brand identity, mission, vision, and values, which are to connect senior IT experts from Africa with international jobs and promote diversity and inclusion. As a result, Zwarttech has in its database the top 1% of African tech experts.

Zwarttech founder/CEO Nelson Tosin Ajulo PhD said: “Zwartech is always looking for innovative ways to make our services straightforward. This is what we want to achieve with this new website. Beyond its colourful and beautiful interface, we are guaranteeing clients that applications for senior IT experts received on the website will be given the highest priority, and they will get their experts within 24 hours or less. This makes us the fastest outStaffing and outsourcing platform.”

Ajulo adds: “With this approach, we believe we can create a just, equitable and inclusive world.”

About Zwarttech

Zwarttech a global tech company, with its headquarters in the Netherlands, is social impact-driven. By rendering innovative IT out-staffing and outsourcing services, we aim to generate sustainable benefits for Africa and the West and bridge the rising tech gap between the continents. With access to affordable and Senior Software Experts in geographical & cultural proximity, we enable flexible scaling of IT departments and mitigate the risks in hiring them.

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MTN ranked as Africa’s most valuable brand – again

For the second year in a row, MTN Group has been named the most valuable African brand in the Brand Finance Africa 150 rankings, which assigned the group a brand value of US$2.7 billion – US$1.0 billion above the next most valuable brand.

A report on the 2021 survey’s findings states that “the telecoms giant dominates on home soil too, this year holding onto its decade-long reign as South Africa’s most valuable brand“.

Brand value is defined as the “net economic benefit that a brand owner would achieve by licensing the brand in the open market”.

Brand Finance Africa said the value of the continent’s top 150 brands fell by a combined US$5.5 billion in 2021, largely because of the COVID-19 pandemic creating uncertainty and impacting brands’ ability to do business as usual. In 2020, it had assigned MTN a brand value of US$3.3 billion.

MTN Group CEO Ralph Mupita said the latest accolades were achieved thanks to the hard work of MTNers across the continent and their commitment to bringing to everyone in 17 African markets the benefits of modern connected life.

“We are both humbled and inspired by the confidence our customers and broader stakeholders continue to place in the MTN brand. At the core, a brand is about exceeding promises, expectations and delivering true value,” Mupita said.

“MTNers know this is the work that needs to be done every day, everywhere, as we remain focused on our core belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life.”

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Do I need a startup consultancy in 2021?

90% of startups fail within a few years of being launched. Various reasons contribute to the failure of newly-launched businesses, like inadequate research and bad partnerships.

Our team at Reintech conducted research and also found a similar trend among startups.

As a result, entrepreneurs can’t afford to miss out on any details if they want their startups to succeed. However, the lack of experience often puts business founders in a challenging position. They are unable to understand the market or find the right people to join their teams.

Therefore, startups need solid guidance to reduce the barriers to market entry. A guide can also eliminate the guesswork and help entrepreneurs establish their business for more market share.

A startup consultancy can play the role of a mentor and help startups gain a strong foothold in their industry.

Let’s find out if you need a startup consultant and what they can do for your business.

Why Do Startups Need a Consultant?

Anyone can have a great business idea. However, not all business ideas can be converted into profitable companies. You need to understand the market, consumers, and the competition to determine if your idea is viable.

Additionally, setting up a business involves multiple steps and nuances. Entrepreneurs need to be aware of every aspect to avoid any unpleasant surprise and failure.

A startup consultancy can act as a guide to entrepreneurs. It can bridge the gaps and identify the loopholes their business needs to overcome in order to excel.

You can look up to your startup consultant to:

Provide Top Expertise

Let’s say you want to launch a business like Uber. However, you aren’t sure how you can sign up drivers and build your fleet.

Therefore, a consultant who has worked with a company like Uber will be able to show you the way ahead. They can lay out the steps you need to follow to create your fleet.

The consultant can also use their experience to guide your startup through obstacles and gain entry into the market.

Give an Outsider’s Perspective

Entrepreneurs often get emotionally attached to their ventures. As a result, it can be difficult to work out the accurate strengths and weaknesses of your startup. Emotions can also become a barrier to informed decision-making and lead to failure.

A startup consultancy can provide an expert outside perspective of your startup. They can help you discover insights that allow you to ensure the success of your business.

Connect You to Professionals

Startup consultancies have vast networks that entrepreneurs can leverage. They may even have an association with business incubators to help startups offer a full range of services.

Additionally, consultants can help you find the right people for your team. For example, your consultant may provide the contacts of adept professionals when you want to hire a JavaScript developer.

 Act as a Guide

A startup consultancy has the exposure to working with different businesses and industries. As a result, they know the market better than any new business founder.

Therefore, your consultant can guide your startup to become a top competitor in the market. They can provide adept suggestions to overcome business challenges and even bottlenecks.

Define Your MVP

Startup consultants can help entrepreneurs develop their MVP with the essential features. They can provide sound advice on what will work and what won’t.

Therefore, your product is more likely to become a hit if you work with a startup consultant.

Final Thoughts

Startup consultancies provide expertise and mentorship to entrepreneurs. They help aspiring business founders navigate the barriers in the market and build a strong presence. Entrepreneurs can avoid beginner mistakes and expect more success by working with a consultant.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Hit the Road: Current Trends in the Automobile Industry

The automobile industry has been counted out repeatedly, only to come roaring back at top speed. Many pundits swore their certainty that the COVID-19 pandemic was a death knell for the U.S. car industry. Once again, they were wrong.

Second-quarter reports show that car sales have seen over a 50% increase from the previous year. Roughly 4.5 million vehicles were sold in the U.S. during that quarter. While the microchip shortage led to limited availability on many car lots, American consumers have by no means stopped purchasing vehicles.

The death of the auto industry has been greatly exaggerated, and not for the first time. While the industry continues to chug along, even if it doesn’t zoom as fast some years like others, distinct patterns in vehicle purchases continue to develop. Here are some current trends that experts expect to continue shortly.

Cars and Technology

One of the biggest current trends in the auto industry is the relationship between cars and technology. As with every facet of 21st Century life, computerization, global connectivity, and technological advances will continue to play a role in the vehicles we buy and how we buy them.

Car manufacturers continue to incorporate computerized enhancements in their vehicles. The driverless auto still looms in the not-so-distant future, leaving us to continue to turn the steering wheel ourselves. In the meantime, cars will continue to roll out with increasingly advanced automated systems and compatibility with mobile devices.

In addition to innovations made to vehicle systems themselves, the way we shop for cars continues to trend toward the internet. Last year, almost 30% of car purchases were made online. This movement toward e-commerce in the auto industry is likely to continue.

Growing Market Share

Automobiles are still big money makers. The auto industry continues to capture an ever-growing portion of the market. This applies not only to cars themselves but to related purchases.

For instance, the market for car radiators continues to expand. A radiator is an engine component that cools the mixture of water and antifreeze as it circulates through the system. Experts expect the market for radiators to reach an eye-popping $9.6 billion by 2027. That’s for a single car part; imagine the dollar amount of all automotive-related parts and accessories.

A Move Toward Fuel-Efficiency

Another trend experts expect to see continuing is a move toward more fuel-efficient cars. While gas-guzzling SUVs are still prevalent in many areas, the popularity of compact, hybrid, and electric vehicles is beginning to rival that popularity.

Several factors lead to this shift in focus to more energy-efficient vehicles. The first is the current rise in gas prices. While some experts predict that prices will level out and possibly dip slightly over the fall and winter, prices remain significantly higher than in recent years. When gas prices go up, most consumers gravitate toward vehicles that will use less of it.

In addition, “green” consciousness is on the rise. Many consumers want a vehicle that leaves a smaller carbon footprint. Some are willing to pay the higher sticker price of a hybrid or electric car to achieve this end.


Best reasons to pick Las Vegas in your next sports related travel

Las Vegas, Nevada, can easily be considered one of the top entertainment travel destinations globally and with ample reason. While other cities rely on keeping a steady image and reputation, Las Vegas is all about reinventing itself over and over again every few years to become yet again the “it” spot for tourists and travellers looking to have a plain old good time. Given that sports betting is such a passionate affair in the area, with the top scores and odds makers being some of the most important players in the local sporting scene, why did it take so long for the “Entertainment Capital of the World” to get noticed by the pro sports world? Something that always baffled travel experts is how a city so rich in entertainment culture never really took it upon itself to become a sports entertainment destination.

Well, nowadays, with teams like the Las Vegas Golden Knights in the NHL, the Aces in WNBA and the Raiders in the NFL, “Sin City” is ready to be known as the new location for sports enthusiasts from not only the US but around the world. Since visiting Las Vegas is already something most people should do at least once in their lifetime, let us give you our best reasons to visit LV from a sports-related perspective as well.

Sports Action Plus Entertainment, Vegas Has It All

If there is one fan base in the NFL as loyal as they come, it’s the Raiders fan base. The former Oakland Raiders, now Las Vegas Raiders, is one of those teams that has been through it all in the NFL. From being one of the biggest dynasties in the game to being at the bottom of the league, their fans have always been there for them. So, if simple math is done, what would you get when you join a team that you know has been looking for a lucky break in life and a city yearning to have their own professional NFL franchise and who have been more than ready to get their day in the pro football sun finally? You get the Las Vegas Raiders. 

Yes, one could argue that all other Vegas pro teams deserve as much credit and hype as the Raiders. Still, we have to be real at the end of the day; there is no professional sporting league as popular and profitable in the US as the NFL. When you mix a franchise with a history as rich as the Raiders and a city with as much potential as Las Vegas, you know that it’s a match made in heaven. Just look at Allegiant Stadium, the home of the Raiders. 

The world-class sporting stadium is what everyone thinks about what a football team in Vegas should have as a home. With luxury spelt all over every single one of its details and top of the line service and commodity options for fans, this place screams out the Vegas lifestyle. Add to that all of the premier hotels that Las Vegas has, with rooming options as humble or as over the top as anyone can imagine and entertainment options for every single taste, and you can easily understand why sports and entertainment are a match made in heaven in Las Vegas.

Dining Options Galore

One would think that since Las Vegas is basically a city stuck in the middle of the desert, finding good options for food would be hard, but come on, it’s Vegas we’re talking about, of course, you’re going to get all of the best food options in the world smacking you right in the face. For sporting fans, food and drinks are just as important as the sports action they’re watching. While some people go for regular snacks and other more laid back options, others like to go all out, and Vegas has options to cater for absolutely all palates. Being that Las Vegas has been a haven for sports fans, especially those that are into betting, as well as it is a paradise for people who are just generally looking to have a good time, “Sin City” has made it a point to make sure every single visitor is well fed and drank and is made feel like they can have the world at their feet.

If you’re a fancy or adventurous eater or maybe a thrill-seeking foodie, some of the best chefs in the world all have restaurants in some of Vegas’ most important hotels. For example, you made a killing playing in the casinos, and you want to treat yourself to one of those over the top, once in a lifetime dining experiences, well don’t worry, Las Vegas has plenty of that to offer. On the other hand, if you want to lay cool for a while and experience what local Vegas life off the strip is like, go where the locals go and see why Vegas has options for absolutely everyone that visits; believe me, you will not leave with an empty stomach.

It’s A Sports Betting Paradise

Last but certainly not least, probably the most important reason for sports tourists to want to go to Las Vegas, their ever-growing sports betting scene. Sports betting has been legal in Las Vegas since pro sports started to become mainstays in American culture, and it’s one of the main reasons many sports lovers visit Nevada. With some of the best sportsbooks and sports betting venues all based in Vegas, sports wagering enthusiasts are treated to the best experience they could think of when thinking about putting some money down on their favourite sports teams and events.

Sports betting is all about luck at the end of the day, and everyone knows that, but who doesn’t want to have that one story about the time luck smiled upon them in Las Vegas? Think about it and get to planning a trip to Vegas.

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Lands Commission to operate a one-stop verification system starting October 1

The Lands Commission has announced its intention to operate a one-stop verification system for all searches conducted at the Commission starting October 1, 2021.

In a news release to the public, the Acting Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission, Mr. James E.K. Dadson said the Lands Commission, Greater Accra Region will no longer issue separate search reports from its divisions (i.e. Public & Vested Land Management Division (PVLMD), Land Registration Division (LRD) & Survey & Mapping Division (SMD).

Lands Commission
Mr. James E.K. Dadson – Acting Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission


This new development is necessary to ensure that a search report from the Commission on a parcel of land provides full information relating to that parcel in a single report, instead of three separate reports.

Starting October 1, 2021, customers can submit their applications for searches online through

They can also read the step-by-step guidelines on online submission and payment process, how to track their applications online, how to access the search reports online, and the fee payable for the consolidated search via

Read the full statement on consolidated search below:


The public is hereby notified that from 1st October, 2021, the Lands Commission, Greater Accra Region will no longer issue separate search reports from its divisions (i.e. Public & Vested Land Management Division (PVLMD), Land Registration Division (LRD) & Survey & Mapping Division (SMD).

Records from these divisions will be consolidated into one Lands Commission search report.
This is to ensure that a search report from the Lands Commission on a parcel of land provides full information relating to that parcel in a single report instead of three separate reports.

Furthermore, from 1st October, 2021, all applications for searches should be submitted online through

However, clients who visit the Client Service Access Unit (CSAU) of the Lands Commission will be assisted to submit the applications online.

The public is advised to visit the Lands Commission website ( from 1st October, 2021 for step-by-step guidelines on the online submission and payment process, how to track their applications online, how to access the search reports online and the fee payable for the consolidated search.

For further enquiries please contact the Lands Commission, Greater Accra on 0303 969687/0302429760


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Five tips to improve the efficiency of your creative advertising campaign

In creative advertising, skilled professionals make ad campaigns to creatively and effectively narrate the brand story. It helps boost brand visibility, reach the target audience, and boost customer conversion and retention rates. The creative advertising team encompasses a wide range of activities from strategy and design to technology or media.

It helps them create a compelling brand narrative to generate a more positive response towards the concerned brand. Since users spend a considerable amount of time on social media and digital channels, creative advertising will empower companies to optimize the brand outreach across the right touchpoints.

Creative advertising campaigns have proven efficiency to help generate higher ROI and get better outcomes. Creativity can help brands develop a unique image and include the right nudges to move customers down the sales funnel. It can help companies make their brand stand out in the highly saturated market and stay ahead of the competition.

The right creative advertising strategy helps to promote sustainability and community. The creative ads are more result-driven as it facilitates brand memory and recalls among the target audience. Since social media is brimming with brand ads, it is only through creative advertising that a particular brand can stay afloat and prosper in the long run.

If you do not have the proper in-house support to build your creative advertising campaign, you can outsource the required solutions to the best creative advertising agency in Dubai.

It will help remove the overhead stress, and the professionals will take onboard the right strategy and enable your brand to create the best impression on the customers’ psyche.

They will help bring a unique flavor to your ads that will compel your viewers to watch them instead of skipping them altogether.

When considering your creative advertising strategy, you can view the following tips.

Strategy Pre-work

A roadmap will help you align your strategy with the business objectives and check the results against the KPIs. For kick-starting your creative ads campaign, you need to have data-driven insights. It will help you determine your target customers and market and identify the competition.

It will also enable you to gauge your current brand position and the level of effort you require to leverage it successfully. Data will help you gather important insights to boost your decision-making process.

Prepare your Focused Creative Brief

Your creative brief will list down the creative deliverables. A great brief is key to the success of your creative advertising campaign. A poignant brief with a significant focus is essential. It will help to outline the parameters, goals, and inspiration.

The creative brief will guide creatives down the project pipeline and ensure that they meet the project expectations. Debate each point within your creative brief so that you can effectively bridge the gap between your strategic planning and execution. Create a separate creative brief for each element of your advertising campaign.

Content Originality

In fostering creativity, originality is a key component. You can deliver the right impact if the target audience finds your brand ads unique yet relevant. Tap on the original aspect that adequately represents your creative perspective. Keep the originality and uniqueness of your ads well-balanced so that it does not look very superficial.

Synthesis Of the Advertisement

When synthesizing your advertisement to represent your brand, you need to engage in a creative storytelling method. The synthesis will involve the development of the relationship between the characters and objects within the story.

The story must adequately capture the attention of the target audience. It should be concise and without any hint of ambiguity. The ad must address the target audience’s pain points, including the right call to action elements that will provoke them to take the requisite steps. Explainer videos have become an essential part of the creative advertising campaign of companies.

It is enabling them to upgrade their marketing game. These are short online videos, often embedded into the homepage, website, or social media channels to attract target customers. It helps highlight a company’s product, service, or business idea compellingly and efficiently.

When considering the appearance of the multimedia advertisement, you should keep track of three main aspects: its visual, verbal, and music elements.

Advertising Testing

Before releasing your creative advertisement in the market, you must litmus test it. You can implement a target customer segment group that will provide you with various insights. They will review the quality of your ads, confirm your instincts, and help you gauge the potential of your ads.

A creative advertising campaign is resource-intensive and time-consuming. Hence, qualitative feedback will help you identify the bottlenecks and glitches that you can fix appropriately before releasing your creative ads.

To Conclude:

These are a few essential tips that will help you effectively strategize your creative advertising campaign and prepare a robust roadmap that will lead you to success.

The tips mentioned above will help you inform and direct your entire strategy to avoid missing essential points. It will help you address the various challenges and opportunities and impact the target audience with your ads.

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Should you get small business IT support? With its top 3 types

These days internet-based businesses are gaining ground for various reasons. First, they don’t require you to have a massive workspace or warehouse to run it. Second, you can work from anywhere whenever you want. But, as easy as running an internet-based company seems, it isn’t.

Do you know why? Because you need to look after the website maintenance, security, backup, and other tasks without compromising its quality.

Even though you are tech-savvy, it is challenging to deal with computer technology since it requires you to invest continuous time and effort to manage the emerging hardware and software issues and their upgradation.

So, the question is, what the best solution to this problem is? It will help if you can get small-business IT support from outsourced IT companies.

Now the first question that might have come to your mind regarding “get small business IT support” is:

What is an IT support company?

You can perceive an IT support company as a well-experienced team of IT specialists who work as core IT professionals for your organization. The main goal of an outsourced IT team is to provide you with expert guidance and management to meet your various information technology needs. They have deep knowledge about:

  1. General Computer Systems
  2. Electronic Hardware
  3. Cloud Platforms
  4. Software Applications
  5. Device Networking

Not just that, every member of an outsourced IT support company has some unique skills and expertise in what they do. Using their knowledge, you can leverage a wide range of IT support services and fulfil your business’s IT demands.

Once you have decided to get small business, IT support, rest assured the potential technician will provide you with first-level assistance through call or email if you or your employees encounter a technical problem.

Why do you need IT support?

Just to let you know, high-quality and reliable IT support is essential for every internet-based business, whether big or small. Do you know why?

It increases your team’s productivity and thus your entire organizational revenue. It’s not that IT support services are only good for maintaining your existing IT infrastructure, but it also helps you stay updated on the latest technological trends.

Should your business opt for IT support services?

Yes, if the functioning of your business largely depends on the internet. Some examples of internet-based business ideas are:

  1. Online shopping
  2. Ticket booking
  3. Food ordering
  4. Digital courses
  5. Blogging sites
  6. Online Real Estate Investing
  7. Software applications
  8. OTT apps
  9. Live streaming apps
  10. And many more

What are various types of IT support?

1. Time and materials support

You need this type of assistance mostly when any software or hardware issues emerge in your IT systems. Maybe you can’t access a particular application due to an unknown problem, or you face slow internet speed affecting your employee’s working potential. In that case, you need to get in touch with an experienced IT partner that can offer you time and materials support.

They will use their precious time and resources to fix your IT issues as early as possible so that you can start working again. Usually, outsourced IT companies pre-decide the cost for such services, and it may increase based on the time your problem takes to get resolved.

2. Block hours support

The primary purpose of this type of support is to offer your business long-term IT assistance. How? You need to get into a monthly or yearly contract with an IT support company first. After that, the IT firm will help you with various computer-related services for a certain number of hours. A few IT tasks they can help you with are:

  1. Client Systems Incident Management and Helpdesk Support
  2. Hardware and Software Upgrades and Enhancements
  3. Network Installation and Maintenance
  4. Hardware Specification and Support
  5. ICT and Business Administration Consulting

Not only that, but they can also assist you in:

  1. System Monitoring
  2. Hosting Services
  3. Backup Services
  4. Print Services
  5. Security Troubleshooting and Solutions

3. Managed services support

The third type of IT support is “Managed Services Support.” When you choose this type of assistance, the outsourced IT companies will offer you 24/7 support in return for a predetermined fee.

Do you know what the USP of this type of contract is? It ensures that the concerned technicians will come to your company if they fail to remotely identify and resolve your issue.

Our two-cents

We hope you found answers to many questions in this content piece, such as what an IT support company is, what do they do, and whether you need to hire them or not. So, if you are considering outsourcing your IT support tasks to a third party, speak to the leading IT support service provider in Dublin.

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Why internet-based businesses should get 24X7 server support service? Top 4 reasons

Have you developed an aesthetically appealing website for your e-commerce business? Is it live and running on the online platform? Then, it will help to ensure that it functions well 24*7 and offers quick product information to your potential customers.

By doing this, you can deliver an excellent experience to end-users and encourage repeat sales. But the question is how to ensure that your shopping site runs fine 24*7 catering to each of your customers? For that, you need to opt for a 24*7 server support service from a well-known server management company out there.

We know that many questions would be rushing to your mind right now, so we will answer each one by one:

What is a Server?

In simple words, you can perceive that a server is a computer or system that provides data, resources, or services to other computers in their network, usually known as clients. In theoretical terms, you can also understand that when computers share resources with other client devices over a network, the professionals call it “servers.”

Some common types of servers are:

  1. Web-server
  2. Mail server
  3. Virtual server

Thus, the fact of the matter is that servers play a crucial role in offering essential information to your users when they navigate your site. You don’t know when existing or potential customers will visit your site, so getting 24*7 server support service is necessary. It will ensure that your visitors always get a pleasant experience using your site without facing a hitch.

What is a Server Support?

Server support is a widely accepted method of managing your servers, so they perform well in varying technical conditions. With 24*7 server support service at your disposal, you can be rest assured that your computer network systems will work efficiently and effortlessly.

Having powerful server support comes in handy when your server goes down, affecting your entire network. Whether it is your daily business operations or necessary data and information, everything gets on the line and halts for that moment. That’s where a reliable server support provider fixes your technical issue quickly and keeps your downtime minimal and uptime higher.

Why should cloud-based businesses have 24X7 Server Support?

An imperative thing you must bear in mind is that 24*7 server support is necessary for every web-based business to ensure the stability of its business operations.

So, it is vitally important to reach out to an IT outsourcing company that can deploy dedicated teams to your business to look after your server functioning. And when it comes to hiring a great tech support provider, always choose a company that guarantees to look after your servers, apps, and products correctly.

Most well-established server support companies across the globe have years of experience offering server support, including Windows server management, *nix server monitoring, and many more. They know well what they need to do to help your business reach a new height and, more importantly, how to do that in the best possible way.

Remember, when a dedicated server support company will come up with SLA (Service Level Agreement), NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), and vast hands-on expertise in IT support, rest assured your IT operations will work reliably and cost-efficiently.

Since new technological advancements occur every day, it is vital to keep up with the trends. So, when it comes to choosing the perfect server support company, please check if they offer remote network server support or not.

If they do, they should have hands-on expertise with remote server management, including on-premises and data centre ones. Now, our next topic will discuss the same:

Why do you need to get in-house technical support services?

1. Ease of control

Compared to outsourced technical support, it is always easier to manage and control the functioning of in-house tech support staff.

2. Feedback

An in-house tech support team can readily acquire all feedback from your customers and act on the issue, if any, pretty quickly.

3. Knowledge

The in-house technical support personnel can understand the actual circumstances of your company better than outsourced support service teams.

4. Consistent costing

An incredible benefit of in-house tech support services is that you won’t notice the changes to the costs incurred for the support services depending on the tasks undertaken. It ensures consistent costing and makes it easy to make budgeting decisions down the line.

Why do you need to get outsourced technical support services?

1. Better customer service

The completely outsourced technical support services allow you to leverage better customer services since it doesn’t limit your quality of service by the talent of your in-house resources.

2. 24*7 support services

A company that offers outsourced technical support is accountable for keeping your server stable and secure 24*7. It helps them deal with any server-related issues promptly if they emerge.


We hope you learned scores of things in this article ranging from server support to its importance for internet-based businesses. So, if you want to avail of “24*7 server support services,” speak to the optimal IT support service provider out there.

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PayPal in Ghana: An open letter to Vice President Bawumia

For many of us engaged in freelance business, the unavailability of PayPal in Ghana presents us with a thorn in the flesh, that sometimes pretends not to be there, only to cause discomfort just when we start believing everything to be fine.

If you accept monetary payment from foreign-based clients, you’d agree with me that Ghana not being one of the countries that PayPal recognizes, puts your dealings at risk. Your legitimately earned funds can be frozen at any point in time and will remain locked for a long time simply because there are irregularities with your PayPal account — which was illegally acquired because a Ghanaian resident in Ghana has no business with the payment processing platform, PayPal.

This is why I find it necessary to scream out to our nation’s Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, to as a matter of urgency, make getting Paypal in Ghana one of the priorities in his efforts to transform our digital space during his tenure as Veep.

To that end, I’m publishing this open letter to him, because just like many others, I have had unpleasant experiences with PayPal that could have been avoided only if I could sit at my desk in Ghana and legitimately register a business account with no fear of any dire repercussions — because everything about the account’s registration would be legitimate by PayPal’s acceptable standards.

If you happen to be close to Vice President Bawumia, kindly forward it to him because we Ghanaian business and freelance workers have suffered and are suffering because we can’t get PayPal in Ghana, legitimately. Here we go.

Also read: PayPal phishing scams on Twitter

PayPal in Ghana: An open letter to Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Dear Sir,

Your efforts aimed at transforming Ghana’s digital space are commendable. The role you played in making mobile money interoperability our reality has not gone unnoticed. Digital addresses, eliminating redundancy and tedious processes by replacing the TIN with the applicant’s Ghana Card number, and a couple of other positive advancements is not lost on us. We are thankful.

However, while those are certainly things worth writing home about, they are simply not enough. To whom much is given, much is expected. I’ll go on to modify that in my own words, that, there’s much expected from any man who has shown that possibilities exist — no matter how extreme or abstract they may seem in the moment — the people look up to him to lead the way forward.

Why am I typing all this?

Because, Dr. Bawumia, the people of your nation are pretending to be citizens of other countries just so they can get something as basic as a PayPal account for doing business. Isn’t that sad? For context, please look at it this way; your children pretending to be children of some of your ministers just so they can gain access to a basic, but exclusive restaurant. Not kosher. Not halal to your person and reputation.

As it stands now, some of us are from Lesotho. Others are from the UAE and the USA. Hell… some are even from Nigeria and Togo. And this is all because there is no legitimate way to access PayPal in Ghana and we just have to improvise… and compromise. Please regard this situation as haram and work assiduously to correct the anomaly.

Closing argument

I understand you’ll possibly be running in the next presidential race slated for 2024. I wish you well in that endeavor. You’ll agree with me that it’s the little things that truly matter to us Ghanaians — the little things that make our everyday hustle worth the while.

That is why I believe that doing your best to bring us PayPal in Ghana would put a feather in your cap and ultimately help your presidential ambition. Do what needs to be done, Sir; we’re looking up to you.

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.


… … …

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How will the latest transfers affect Sampdoria’s results?

A new season in Serie A has started, which is being followed by fans from all over the world. If you want to not only watch the games, but profit from them on a regular basis as well, register at a reliable office and specify 1xBet promo code. This will enable you to get a generous bonus, which is easy to convert into forecasts for the games involving Sampdoria. This summer, the team wasn’t especially active on the transfer market. Only at the end of August, the club managed to agree on the transfer of Radu Dragushin from Juventus.

The young Romanian defender moved to Sampdoria on a one-year loan. At Juventus, he had little playing practice, which is extremely important at his age. Now, we’ll see how he will be able to join the new team and become a part of it.

Meanwhile, make predictions for the games involving Dragushin’s new club. Specify a promo code for 1xBet, and you will surely get a good reward, which you will be able to convert easily into new forecasts for Sampdoria’s games. The season is just gaining momentum, so you will have a lot of chances to demonstrate your knowledge.

Potentially strong points of the team

It is easy to enjoy betting when working not only via a computer, but via a mobile device as well. Download 1xBet apk, and you will get access to all the platform’s functions. You can also make predictions for the games of Sampdoria, which is quite capable of finishing in the middle of the standings. The team’s strong points are as follows:

  1. Many young talented performers in the squad. If they keep progressing like in the previous campaign, the club is quite capable of reaching a qualitatively new level.
  2. The main stars’ vast experience. There are a lot of top performers who have been playing at the top level. They know perfectly well what should be done to achieve the required results. Their experience and personal skills are the most important trump cards of the Genoese.
  3. Experienced coaching staff. Specialists implement bold ideas and schemes. This doesn’t always immediately bring results, but it is always interesting to watch the games involving Sampdoria.

Meanwhile, download the apk file for 1xBet and make predictions for what you like. The season has already gained momentum, which means that interesting games are waiting for us on a regular basis. Now, you can not only watch them but make your own forecasts and hit a really big jackpot, with no problems with placing the bets.

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If not the first, TECNO Phones are among the earliest Chinese phone brands to enter the Ghanaian market. It is a brand of TRANSSION Holding...