Friday, August 20, 2021

Ways for making an attractive and remarkable brand guide

A brand guide is an important document that assists content producers in communicating a clear message to customers. However, developing a brand guide is complicated and time-consuming since it is not as simple as selecting a color and logo combination.

Moreover, creating and designing a brand guide is appropriately planned and executed, which demands deep thought, a workforce with effective communication and creative abilities, and a unique grasp of a brand.

Furthermore, keeping a distinct brand guide is also challenging due to several industries, partners, or agencies generating your branded assets. So, to help you in the construction of your brand guide, we will provide you ways on making an attractive and remarkable brand guide.

Brand Guide: About

In a brand guide, you’ll find components such as a company’s logo, typography and color schemes, photographs, etc. In short, it is a set of objects, which portray the company to its audiences or potential customers. Also, it serves as assistance to maintain brand consistency.

Furthermore, utilizing an interesting brand guide guarantees that your brand looks and sounds consistent, even though various individuals work in customer support, advertising, designing, and commerce.

How Significant Brand Guide Is?

Try to observe someone constantly changing their appearance and conduct, and you wouldn’t know who they are. As a result, you won’t trust them due to the change of appearance that feels new to you, and that is where the brand guide will come up.

Your brand guide will serve as your company or product’s style and identity, and through consistency, it is how your consumers will know and support you.

Tips for Making a Remarkable Brand Guide

After acquiring the knowledge about brand and guide and its significance, let us now move to the tips for making your brand guide attractive and remarkable.

Gather Ideas and Inspiration from Other Brand Guide

This tip is among the most effective approaches to generate ideas because gathering ideas and inspiration from other brand guides could help your brand guide become attractive and remarkable via proper preparation and implementation. Also, be careful in acquiring ideas from other brand guides and avoid copying or imitating theirs to prevent plagiarism and certain issues.

Finding ideas from other brand guidelines is also tricky because you have to prevent copying specific details about their brand that might cause problems in your brand guide. However, you may consider consulting with a specialized artist, such as from logo designers in North Brisbane, a freelancer, or a graphic artist who has a background and expertise in developing brand guidelines.

Determine Your Competitors

Knowing your competitors or future competitors is essential in producing your brand guide since knowing your competitors will inspire you to come up with a fresh and distinctive concept for your brand guide.

Also, aside from gathering ideas and somehow copying certain brand guides, differentiation is also one of the keys to developing a brand guide: making your brand recognizable, interesting, and one-of-a-kind.

Establish the Criteria for Brand Guide Elements

Upon gathering ideas, it is appropriate to collaborate with the designer and include them in your plan. Be sure to choose a creator who communicates effectively and helps you remain calm. And, throughout the startup process, your designers are your companion in making your brand guide. Still, you are in charge and the decision-maker in creating your brand guide.

Moreover, the six (6) essential brand guide elements are:

  1. Brand Story – This includes the presentation, mission, and vision of your brand.
  2. Logo – It is the visual representation or identity of your brand to be recognized.
  3. Color Palette – The theme or proper color combination for your brand’s marketing and recognition.
  4. Voice – It is the style and tone of words used that have an impact on your potential customers.
  5. Typography – It is the strategic typeface or fonts used in your branding.
  6. Imagery – The appropriate and attractive image or graphic used for your brand.

Create Visuals of Your Brand

Considering the ideas, you gathered and your marketing strategy, brand assessment, profiles, and proposal, you should now have a solid foundation to help you create and visualize your brand guide. Creating a visual display of your brand may assist you in conceptualizing the overall structure and style of your brand guide.

Have a List of Platforms for Your Brand?

Most businesses must contain six key aspects in their brand guide; however, some businesses may go further and include certain features in their brand, which is somehow helpful.

Moreover, you must set a list of platforms or representatives where your brand will be potentially deployed or promoted. In making a list, make sure to know your brand well; is your brand actual? digital? service or product?

Once you’ve understood your brand well, you may now have a list of platforms or representatives to deploy your brands, such as social media, websites, YouTube advertising, or Google Ads for digital. And business cards, brochures, flyers, invoices, and more for actual branding.

Set a Development Plan for Your Brand

Just like the other brand guides, your brand should also have a development plan, which can be utilized and developed in the future. A development plan is a method used to cope with the current trends and innovations, allowing your brand to adapt to the new environment.

In setting a development plan, you should commit one clear section of your brand guide to present your future development or ideas that you want to implement so that your team could quickly understand and take action on it when needed.

Make Your Brand Guide Remarkable

A brand guide is one of the stepping stones in making your brand, company, or product be recognized and known. So, creating a brand is one of the things to do for your brand or organization to be well-known, but somehow creating a unique brand guide alone would be hard.

However, there are ways to make your brand guide attractive and remarkable from other brand guides. And, you may see some of those ways here in this article, ways such as acquiring inspiration from other logo designers and more. Moreover, having an appealing and consistent brand guide is the key to successful branding.

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