Graphic design can be a scary terrain to navigate, especially if you’re just starting out in business. Quality graphic designers are expensive. That’s why as a startup founder, it can be a difficult decision to make — in regards to your logo and brand visuals — when you’re on a tight budget. Which is where Designevo comes in.
Here, you don’t need to pay top Dollar to get something going. In fact, you can design a free logo for your business on-site. And you don’t have to be a design pro to use all the site. All you need is an eye for quality, just so you can make an informed decision on how your logo should look.
Designevo user review
For me, as a graphic designer, the first important feature I noticed about Designevo is the templates you get to work with. These make it easier for people who have no experience with design to be able to put together a decent look that can pass for a business’s corporate image.
These templates all come with vector images you can modify in terms of opacity, color, and positioning. Designevo comes with many font and text styles, so you have a variety of looks available to be used for your artwork.
The beauty of this site is that I was able to ‘fidget’ with various looks, colors, and possible backgrounds for my design. Also, I got to download a lo-res version of the logo; so I could test it on flyers and letterheads, as well as in mockups of other ways I’d want to use the design (t-shirts, mugs, and billboards). Of course, without downloading a sample, I can still preview the look on-site as there’s a preview panel to allow me have a good look at what my design in various print situations would look.
Who is Designevo for?
Designevo is for people who either have a working knowledge (layman’s experience) with design or totally inexperienced people who just want to put together a simple logo to visually represent their business. This means that you don’t need to be a professional to use the platform, as stated earlier. All you need is an eye for design so you can put together something worth using as a corporate icon for your business.
How do I use Designevo?
You can register on Designevo for free using your Facebook or Gmail account. Designing your logo is also free, and you get to download a lo-res version of your final design. However, to get the vector files, font files, and copyright to the design, you’ll need to pay $49.99.
My verdict
Designevo is good for basic looks that don’t come with too many frills. For $49.99, it’s a good deal since you’ll be in charge of the outcome and total look of your logo. I’d recommend it to people who just want a simple template look for their business. However, if you want a more customized look, I’d advise you go for a pro designer’s service.
As stated earlier in this article, design services can be costly. So if you’re going to be forking out good money for a logo, make sure that it is a look that can represent your business and brand for a very long time before there would be the need for a modification, or even a rebrand — when the business expands beyond what it was initially.
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source https://www.jbklutse.com/designevo-review-perfect-statement-logo/
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