Monday, April 5, 2021

The increased use of AI as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Benjamin Gordon Cambridge Capital

increased use of AI as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Everyone is gradually adapting new habits required as a result of the pandemic, specifically through pursuing virtual learning options, video chats, telehealth, etc. Since most events are happening virtually nowadays, people’s dependency on accurate and speedy data has increased.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is behind most of this technology. While AI was already a somewhat mainstream phenomenon before the outbreak of the coronavirus, the process of introducing it into our daily lives has only hastened.

Reports suggest that about 41% of companies upscaled their investments in AI during the COVID-19 time pandemic to facilitate remote work, provide better customer service, and cut costs. It proved useful for both companies and customers.

The coronavirus’ impact might be slowing down, but social distancing rules are likely to stay in place for a while longer in order to safeguard everyone’s health. Experts believe that many of the changes we have seen over the past year will remain in effect even after the pandemic is gone. Here is some insight into how AI supports different industries and why it will be important to businesses worldwide moving forward.

Benjamin Gordon Cambridge Capital: Exploring cross-industry changes led by AI during the COVID-19 pandemic


Due to lock down and the rising spread of the viral infection, most schools shut down learning in-person, which meant that students had to transition to online classes. Most schools lacked sufficient time and staff to make the transition happen smoothly and quickly. AI facilitated it all.

From developing learning software to hosting platforms for online tutors and more, it helped facilitate the changes needed for our safety in a more seamless way. Teachers are still trying to implement these changes into their curriculum, but the efforts are worth it. One school automated a roll-call system through AI, and thereby ensured higher attendance and data accuracy.


According to Benjamin Gordon Cambridge Capital, AI has been a saving grace for the retail industry and, more specifically, for e-commerce businesses. The demand for online food delivery and no-contact pick-up skyrocketed, and the need is still there. At the same time, the need for retail store appointments also grew.

To ensure smooth operations, companies needed computerized models and new technology that allowed them to track inventory in multiple stores at once. AI helped companies at every stage of the pandemic by supplying accurate and efficient data on time.


During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the trend towards contact-free services increased almost everywhere, and contact-free healthcare was no exception. Hospitals launched AI-powered check-in options to reduce physical contact for patients who had to visit their doctor. Also, some people turned to virtual options for healthcare guidance, and companies tackled this need with telehealth.

As Benjamin Gordon Cambridge Capital points out, a more significant number of healthcare companies have used chatbots for basic patient queries related to appointment timing and prioritizing schedules. AI tools also help doctors detect and diagnose ailments through different imaging systems for faster results.

In essence, adjusting to this new lifestyle brought on by the pandemic has required faster adaptation to the virtual world. AI has proven to be massively beneficial in this regard for making our experiences safer and more accessible during the pandemic.

Hence, more investments in this field may mean an easier post-pandemic transition for everyone. Today, AI has become integral in every industry, and in the coming years, it will likely continue to be so.

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