Technology has continued to offer increased ROI, productivity, and mobility at a lower cost. It has proved to be an asset for entrepreneurs. But even as useful as technology is and modern innovations are, these devices have also posed a growing security threat to small businesses.
We’ve prepared 8 tips to ensure that you keep your systems operational and secure and avoid costly tech failures.
Protect With Passwords
To many, this seems like an obvious thing. But did you know most cyberattacks happen because of relatively weak passwords? Therefore, all wireless networks, access to vital systems, and sensitive data should be protected by unique passwords that should be specific to certain individuals.
And strong passwords usually contain symbols, numbers, and letters. And, it is wise to avoid easy-to-guess clues such as birth dates or names of common locations or certain common terms. Every individual should have a unique password for every device or network.
And, for those that create a document to keep all the passwords in a common location, ensure that the document is encrypted and guarded by a strong passcode. Take no chances.
Have Safe Systems
One of the most effective ways of ensuring secure computer systems is limiting access to your infrastructure. Instances of failure and compromised operations can be minimized by eliminating the random and mostly unnecessary access to software and hardware. Simply put, the users should only access the programs and infrastructure only when need be.
And, specialists at https://www.4it-inc.com/it-support-miami/ note that you could also minimize the likelihood of damage to the systems by ensuring that there are unique user emails, domain names, and servers as well.
Conduct Background Checks
Most of us associate cyber-attacks with rogue hackers. However, most of the intrusions and attacks do come from within the network firewall. Therefore, be sure to have a detailed screening of all the personnel from the executive all the way down to the mailroom.
And, background checks should not be limited to calling referees only. Be sure to confirm their credibility. Also, there should be a trial period where access to certain data is restricted. During this period, be sure to monitor for any questionable employee behaviour.
Have Training
There are many breaches that can be attributed to carelessness or employee errors. As such, ensure that you build a culture that puts a high priority on computer security through various training programs. These programs should especially highlight the risks of careless practices in the use of devices and programs.
The training should also cover basics such as document disposal and the procedures for handling passwords, especially lost passwords. Security measures should never be an afterthought.
Avoid Suspicious Emails
The golden rule has always been never to click suspicious email attachments. These attachments might contain Trojan programs or viruses. So, before opening any of them, be sure to contact the sender and confirm the contents of the attachments.
If the sender looks suspicious, the wise decision would be to delete the message and block the sender’s contact. Also, it is better to warn your colleagues of the sender’s account.
Call Back
There are cons, commonly known as “social engineers”, that will pretend to be someone they are not and prey on unsuspecting people. They may pretend to be calling from your bank seeking to get a few vital details.
Always hang up on such calls and call back later after doing a background check. You could contact the organization the call was from to confirm if it was indeed their representative.
Think Twice Before Clicking
We all have heard of phishing scams. They send emails that look like they are from a trusted source. They ask for sensitive data such as usernames and passcodes. And, some go a step further in creating web redirects that encourage unsuspecting victims to input the data.
Therefore, ensure every person in the organization is aware of such malice and encourage them to confirm the email source before providing any personal or sensitive data.
Stay Alert
In simpler terms, always stay paranoid. Be sure to shred sensitive paperwork that might contain addresses, logos of vendors, corporate names, and even the financial institutions that you transact with.
Sensitive reports that should not be accessed by just anyone should not be left unprotected, even for a moment. Passwords should be reviewed regularly, especially when operating in an open office plan. This sounds like paranoia, but it is what prevents costly data breaches.
A data breach may mean the company stands a minimal chance of recovery or worse, could go under in a matter of months.
Securing computer systems to ensure smooth operations ought to be the first priority of every organization. Leave nothing to chance.
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source https://www.jbklutse.com/how-to-ensure-that-your-computer-systems-are-secure-and-operational/
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