Friday, February 25, 2022

5 Innovations being made in the Tech Industry

Inventions and innovations are at the heart of the technology industry since an upgrade needs to be done to the various products in the industry now and then. The technology applies scientific methods and knowledge to manipulating the human environment, which has prospects to infinity since it is going nowhere soon.

There are numerous innovations, both basic and revolutionary, in books and others currently being developed. This article discusses some of these interesting innovations.

1.  Smart Home Technology

It is with no doubt that everyone wants to live in a comfortable and secure home, and since humans are the ones doing the innovations, home-related developments will frequently occur. Smart home technology helps us do things easily at home, from protecting the entrances to remotely controlling surveillance cameras and helping us detect shortcomings in our homes.

Currently, home entertainment is prime, and indications show that a demand for more control of the entertainment sector of the home is on the rise. Pressure has been mounting on some technology companies to develop better home appliances, but a recommendation to consult a digital product development company is a rational idea. Furthermore, it would be best to watch flexible viewing surfaces as this is the next big space around our homes.

2.  Swallowable Medical Gadgets

You might have gone to the hospital not feeling well, and the doctors try to find the cause of your ailment, but they return with the answer that they cannot find anything amiss. You are therefore discharged, but you are not yet contented with their findings. You might have also seen some people who have been cleared to go home with their conditions still uncomfortable and pass on as soon as they arrive at their homes.

The swallowable medical appliances will come to the aid of many affected people, and this is one development that requires much appreciation. Being able to monitor your inner-self without surgery and no complications arising after is overly satisfying.

3.  Brain-Computer Interface

This innovation is quite interesting and requires much attention in the current AI-driven world. Computers have become basic, and many people and companies rely on computers` ability to give out a certain output in their workspace.

Computer gadgets have evolved ever since the first computer was invented, and one that will soon make a huge difference in cybernetics is an innovation by Elon Musk known as Neuralink. This innovation will make the keyboard and mouse insignificant since thinking will retrieve information from the website or any computer folder.

4.  Personalized Cancer Vaccines

This development in the health sector is mind-blowing since coming up with a way to train human cells to identify and destroy cancer cells is no walk in the park. You might think of this as an exaggerated phrasing of reality, but you should learn to live with this fact sooner.

Human Genome Project is the scientific development behind this innovation, and thanks to it, custom medicines and vaccines could be in the offing. Ailments like cancer could soon be a tale to the next generations.

5.  Anti-Sewer Technology

Developments to do away with sewers are rolling whereby eco-friendly toilets are at the peak of the science and technology sectors` innovations. Toilets will need no connection to a sewerage system, but the treatment of human waste will be instant at its disposal. Bigwigs like Bill Gates have been directly involved in this innovation where he runs a competition dubbed, “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” where he hopes to find a fitting blueprint for this.

Numerous submissions and suggestions have been made, and they indeed look promising. This waste metabolizing invention is one of its kind and will surely evolve the current world’s sanitation making cities and homesteads of the future clean and serene.

There are many other inventions apart from these highlighted here. It would be best if you did an up-close and sought knowledge far and wide since the above five inventions are just but a drop in the ocean. Many computer sciences and artificial intelligence sectors are currently underway, with most being quite promising. Currently, we need many inventions across the globe that will contribute to the betterment of human life, and if you get a chance to be part of any, chip in since it is a lifetime opportunity.

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How to see videos you watched on Facebook?

Since the easier accessibility of internet, social media platforms have become a heaven of content. With creators from different countries, the availability of new content every day has increased exponentially. This has made watching videos on different platforms very easy. One of the most widely used platforms, Facebook had more than 985 million downloads in 2020.

In this situation, we, as users, have found some of the best content over Facebook. However, things go south when we don’t get our hands on the content we found a few days back. Well, the only way out is to find the video. Therefore we must answer the question, ‘How to see videos you watched on Facebook?’

Well, this article is the perfect spot to answer your question. Different steps have been mentioned below to help you solve the issue.

How to check your recent watch on Facebook on Desktop?

While Facebook did a marvelous job providing a video button on the desktop version, they forgot to put the recently watched tab. Finding out the videos you have watched earlier is still the same hectic process as the one we used in 2021. Therefore, as Facebook users, we are bound to use the process available in 2021.

  • Visit on your desktop device and log in to your ID.
  • Open your Facebook profile page using the Name button available on the top right corner of your screen.
  • Look out for the 3 horizontal dot button and select Activity Log.
  • A new page will open with several options on the left side of the screen. Under Activity Types, you must select Logged Actions and Other Activity.
  • A drop-down menu will open, where you have to select Videos you’ve watched.

This will open up all the video logs you have been searching for. One can even clear the video history using the Clear Video Watch History option available on the right corner of the screen.

How to check your Recent Watched on Facebook Mobile Version?

While most of the procedure remains the same, some complications make the process a little tedious. Facebook’s mobile version has been updating with time, and therefore, some of the minor settings might change, but the rest of the procedure will remain the same as mentioned below.

  • Open the Facebook mobile app and log in to your ID.
  • Open your profile page and click on the 3 horizontal dot
  • Click on Activity Log>>Logged Actions and other activity>>Videos you’ve watched. Under this section, one can even lookout for the videos that they have searched for using the option Videos you’ve searched for.

The process is simple, but the steps can be lengthy to memorize. Comment down below any other help that you are looking for. Our team will catch up with the same as soon as possible.

Author Bio

How to see videos you watched on Facebook?
Abhijith VM

Blogger/SEO at Geek’s Framework. Loves internet marketing, travel, and cars.

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How the established film industry’s inclusiveness problem is worse than you think

Without a doubt, this year’s Oscar ceremony was a good one for the inclusion of minorities, one of the most pressing issues in the film industry.

The 93rd Academy Awards saw Chloé Zhao, the second woman, first woman of color and first Asian woman ever to win Best Director (Nomadland), and the first two black women to win for Best Makeup and Hairstyling (Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom).

Travon Free became the first African-American to win for Best Live-Action Short, and Yuh-Jung Youn became the first Korean Academy Award winner ever, in the Best Supporting Actress category. Deaf actress and activist Marlee Matlin even presented the awards for the documentary category in American Sign Language. Indeed, the press surrounding the ceremony paralleled the much greater level of current general media attention about the lack of inclusiveness of minorities and women in Hollywood productions.

However, this year’s especially inclusive Oscar wins were just exceptions that prove the rule about who is and isn’t allowed to make their way in Hollywood. A deeper look reveals an established film industry hardly structured for real change.

Recent Inclusiveness Gains: Paradigm or Pittance?

Some inclusiveness gains have been more than just one-offs. For example, in 2020, the proportion of film leads and overall cast members who were female, as well as those of people of color, approached or equaled their overall proportion in the American populace.

However, the devil is in the details with such numbers. Despite the increase in minority leads, only one minority actor, Halle Berry, has ever won for Best Actress, and only five African American men have won Best Actor, with the last one being Forest Whitaker in 2006. Consider the ridiculousness of so few African American actors winning these highest of accolades despite so many great performances.

Such numbers tell a bleaker story for members of other minority groups, too, with the proportion of speaking roles for some groups in the 100 top-grossing films of 2019 severely mismatching the representation of these groups in the overall population, with only 1.4% featuring LGBTQ actors and only 2.3% featuring actors with disabilities.

While Chloé Zhao’s Oscar is well-earned and a cause for celebration, you shouldn’t expect her individual achievement to signal systemic change. After all, out of 2020’s 205 total non-acting nominations—for roles such as writer, editor, director and producer—only 32% of them went to women, a gain of only 2% from 2019.

Despite Neal and Wilson’s historic win for Black hair and makeup artists previously mentioned, the status quo of hairstyling for African American actors is far from ideal, with too many stylists not knowing how to work with African American actors’ hair, or not enough of them being hired.

Such an incongruous mix and match of progress belies the way the established movie industry tends to overemphasize its one-offs in the name of a systemic, structural improvement that just isn’t happening.

Going Even Deeper into the Smokescreen of Individual Achievement

Although tokenism is a strong word, the way minority actors are recognized doesn’t stray far from its definition—a symbolic effort to mask concrete changes that severely need to be made.

How the established film industry’s inclusiveness problem is worse than you think

For example, 20% of Honorary Oscars have gone to African American actors despite them receiving just a tiny fraction of Best Actor/Actress and Best Supporting Actor/Actress nominations and wins historically. To the established film industry, people of color are apparently more acceptable in an honorary way but not so much as mainstream achievers.

What’s more, some big names in Hollywood have pointed out some of the more hidden issues from their own experience. For example, John Boyega has famously pointed out that his character in the final three Star Wars episodes was marketed in a way that didn’t nearly match the expected status of the character he played.

Being Upfront About What’s Behind the Screen

At its most profound level, token inclusiveness involves the problems in the film industry located farthest from what moviegoers see on the screen. As Northwestern professor and author Aynman Jean Christian points out, real change starts at the executive level.

Correspondingly, a whopping 92% of CEOs and chairpersons in the established movie industry are white and 68% of them are men, facts revealing how severe lack of inclusiveness is at a foundational level.

This discrepancy is striking when considering how slow change has been, too. For example, the number of women working as producers, executive producers and editors rose just 3% in the 20 years between 1998 and 2019!

While such numbers are abysmal, they don’t have to be. Technology and a rapidly growing awareness of inclusiveness issues in the film industry have provided ways audiences can get their movie on in a much more inclusive way and supplement the sluggish status quo. Starting the Future of Film Out Right from the Beginning

With, there’s no need to make progress at the top because its whole power structure is built from the bottom up and not the top down, with those in front of the screen being the ones in charge rather than those behind it, by and large.

How the established film industry’s inclusiveness problem is worse than you think

More and more, reports show that movie fans want more diversity, and is heading straight in that direction, into a fundamentally better future without the same established film industry problems regarding inclusiveness. That’s because, on’s platform, movie fans have a huge say in how inclusive films truly are.

How Makes Sure of What Fans Want

If fans aren’t happy with a film, it doesn’t get made. And that goes all the way “up” to investors, who use the fans’ determinations to decide which films to support, not the other way around. A film achieves success through a progression of steps mainly based on fan evaluation and support through using the platform’s FAN Token, toward the innovative ‘Go Score’ as the data source guiding many of those steps.

The complete transparency of’s blockchain—a cutting-edge work of decentralized film financing in its own right—prevents any hidden issues, such as lack of inclusiveness, from derailing its platform’s mission, culture, values, or process.

Indeed, fans not only play a fundamental role toward greenlighting films, but also they can benefit in ways fans usually can’t—financially. By using FAN Tokens, fans are able to participate in’s Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and earn rewards of valuable movie coin.

Ultimately, with, there’s no need for progress in inclusiveness because tokenism and exclusion were never there in the first place.

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How working from home impacts your sleep

From canceled trips and weddings to new routines of mask-wearing and handwashing, the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown our lives out of whack. And perhaps nothing has been more affected than the way we work.

Per the U.S. Census Bureau, more than a third of U.S. households reported working from home more often since the pandemic began back in early 2020. While that’s been good news for everyone lucky enough to work from the safety of their own living space, it hasn’t necessarily been good for our sleep.

In fact, a survey of 2,000 people recently working from home found a whopping 70% of respondents were experiencing disrupted sleep patterns and restless sleep. While the stress of navigating a global pandemic no doubt plays a part, evidence suggests impacts on our posture and mental health may be just as much to blame.

If you’ve been struggling to sleep well while working from home, the information below is for you. We’ll walk you through the many factors that could be contributing to poor-quality sleep—plus simple, actionable tips to set you on the path to better rest.

Posture and Sleep

Many people began working from home during the pandemic without any warning, meaning they didn’t already have a home office set up. And many folks simply don’t have the space or the funds to create a dedicated workspace at home. For these reasons, a lot of people are working from less-than-ideal setups—think uncomfortable desk chairs, such as a seat at the kitchen table, or unsupportive seats such as the couch or a bed.

Unfortunately, working for hours every day without an ergonomic setup can take a toll on our bodies—and our sleep. Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between posture and sleep plus what you can do to obtain better health and sleep quality.

The Relationship Between Posture and Sleep

At first glance, your posture during daytime activities seems irrelevant to your sleep quality, right? Actually, there’s a strong correlation. That’s true for two main reasons:

  • Poor daytime posture can cause or exacerbate back, shoulder, and neck pain. Not only do aches and pains make you less comfortable while going about daily life, but they also make it harder to find a comfortable position when you climb into bed. This can inhibit your ability to fall and stay asleep, thereby diminishing sleep quality.
  • Poor daytime posture can lead to respiratory problems. When we slouch over our computers or phones during the day, our diaphragm doesn’t have as much room to expand our breathing capacity is diminished. Over the long term, this can make it more challenging to breathe during regular activities, including sleep. And when we’re not breathing well while sleeping, we’re more prone to nighttime wake-ups.

What You Can Do During the Day

A few simple strategies can help improve daytime posture, setting you up for a better chance of sound sleep at night.

  • Avoid working from the couch and/or bed. Proper seated posture means your ears, shoulders, and hips are all lined up. That’s all but impossible to achieve while slouched over a laptop on the bed or the couch. Support healthier posture by using a workstation and chair that enable ergonomic alignment.
  • Ensure your workstation is the proper height. An ergonomic workstation will make a world of difference for your posture. Aim to sit at a desk or table that allows your shoulders and arms to rest at a 90-degree angle, make sure your monitor is even with your eyes, and adjust your seat and desk positions so your ears, shoulders, and hips align.
  • Make time to move. Work breaks allow the muscles that maintain your seated posture to take a break so they don’t become so fatigued that posture declines. Aim to stand up and move around approximately every 60 minutes. Simply walking to the kitchen and back is worthwhile, but you can use the time even more wisely by practicing some simple stretches and exercises that support healthy posture.
  • Get some support (literally!). If you’re struggling to maintain healthy posture on your own, consider using a posture band, brace, or other assistive device. Many of these products will vibrate when you slouch, thereby training you to sit up straight. Don’t feel like paying for the help? Simply set an alarm on your phone that reminds you to check in with your posture at several points during the day.

Tips for Better Posture at Night

Just as daytime posture can impact sleep quality, so can the posture you adopt once you climb into bed. Even when you’re lying down, it’s important to keep your spine aligned; this helps prevent aches and pains and supports healthy breathing. The following tips should help.

  1. Invest in a quality mattress and pillow. The best mattress for back pain will support proper spinal alignment in your preferred sleep position. Back sleepers tend to feel best on a medium-firm bed, stomach sleepers require an extra supportive mattress, and side sleepers will need a bed with a bit more “give” to avoid getting jammed up around the shoulder and hip. A good pillow will support the alignment offered by your mattress without pulling your neck out of alignment with the spine.
  2. Try sleeping on your back. As a general rule, experts agree that sleeping on your back is best for spinal alignment. Bonus points if you use pillows to further support the spine—more on that in the next tip.
  3. Use pillows for extra support. No matter your preferred sleep position, bolsters and pillows can support proper sleep posture. Back sleepers could try placing a small pillow under the back of the knees to support the spine’s natural curvature, side sleepers might benefit from placing a firm pillow between their knees, and stomach sleepers could obtain better alignment with a flat pillow under their lower stomach and pelvis.

Mental Health and Sleep

Working from home offers several benefits, including time saved on commuting, better work-life balance, and more time for domestic and family commitments. But that doesn’t mean this work style is stress-free.

review of 23 studies found that for many people, the transition to working from home has been a bumpy one, with repercussions for mental health and sleep quality. In most cases, it’s not working from home itself that poses the biggest challenges, but an employer’s attitude to this transition.

For instance, employees who feel micromanaged and/or have received limited support from colleagues and supervisors are more prone to stress and fatigue. Several other factors can exacerbate stress; we’ll detail those below.

No matter the cause of work-from-home stress, one thing is clear: It can take a toll on mental health. One survey found 75% of U.S. workers have struggled with work-related anxiety since the pandemic hit, and 45% reported feeling less mentally well than they had previously.

When mental health takes a hit, sleep often does too. Research consistently finds that stress and anxiety can cause or exacerbate a variety of sleep difficulties, including making it harder to fall and stay asleep. In a vicious cycle, sleep deprivation can further inhibit mental health. Poor or inadequate sleep has been shown to increase anxiety, depression, irritability, and negative moods.

Working from Home and Stress

Working from home brings several benefits as well as unique stressors. Here are several factors that could have an impact on stress and mental health.

  • Increased distractions. For parents and caregivers, working from home often means they’re frequently distracted by the demands of children and other household responsibilities. A sink full of dirty dishes, a ringing doorbell, a needy pet, or the presence of other household members can all create distractions that make it harder to focus and provoke stress.
  • Lack of interaction with co-workers. One 2020 survey found that trouble collaborating and/or communicating with colleagues can exacerbate work-related stress, which can bleed over into our lives outside of work.
  • Lack of boundaries between work and life. The review cited above found that when the demands of working from home get in the way of a person’s ability to maintain their home and family commitments, mental health is more likely to suffer. Blurred or nonexistent work-life boundaries are associated with lower productivity, decreased motivation, increased stress, and poorer mental health overall.
  • Less time off. One of the consequences of blurring the boundaries between work and home is that people are less likely to take time off, which can take a toll on mental health. A 2021 review found many people are struggling to disconnect from work after hours and on weekends, and many folks are taking less vacation due to these blurred boundaries and the limitations on safe travel. When people don’t have the opportunity to unplug from work, they’re more prone to stress and burnout.

Why Stress Makes it Harder to Sleep

Research consistently finds that stress can cause a variety of sleep difficulties, including making it harder to fall and stay asleep. Here are several reasons why stress may negatively impact sleep quality.

  • Stress triggers hormones that keep us awake. One of the primary stress hormones, cortisol, also plays a major role in several key bodily functions—including sleep. When cortisol levels remain high for extended periods of time, this can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle and provoke sleep problems including trouble falling asleep at night, diminished sleep quality, and morning grogginess.
  • Stress may lead to an increase in nightmares. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can all increase the chances of having nightmares. In turn, nightmares can cause nighttime wake-ups and make it hard to fall back asleep in the middle of the night.
  • Stress may lead to increased alcohol use. When people are stressed, it’s common to turn to alcohol to ease into sleep. But that nightcap will probably do more harm than good. Drinking alcohol before bed increases the chances of insomnia, provokes sleep disruptions (for instance, because of waking up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night), increases the chance of experiencing nightmares, and decreases the time spent in restorative deep sleep.

The Impact of Having Your “Office” in the Bedroom

Many people who began working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic have been doing so from their bedrooms, and that can have a major negative impact on sleep.

One survey found 21% of respondents were working from their bedroom, and another survey found 72% of respondents had worked remotely from their bed at some point during the pandemic. A whopping 84% of the first survey’s respondents who reported working from their bedrooms also reported that their sleeping patterns have been disrupted or very disrupted.

As noted above, working from bed can harm a person’s daytime posture, which can reduce sleep quality at night. Working from the bedroom also blurs the lines between work and sleep.

Under ideal circumstances, the bedroom should be reserved for nothing but sleep and sex so that entering the room serves as a mental cue for sleep. When you work from the bedroom all day, the opposite happens: Your brain learns to associate the space with mental activity and the stresses of work. This makes it significantly harder to unwind at night and drift into sleep.

Another factor blurring the line between work and rest? Working late. When your bedroom is your primary workspace, you could be more likely to check work emails and take care of work-related tasks late at night, which can eat into your nighttime routine, push back your bedtime, and stir up stress or anxiety that makes it harder to fall asleep.

Checking email or work texts late at night has another consequence on sleep: These activities expose you to the blue light emitted by electronics. Blue light has been shown to disrupt circadian rhythms, which regulate our sleep-wake cycles. Blue light exposure in the hours leading up to bed is especially disruptive and could make it harder to fall asleep at a reasonable hour.

Tips for Sleeping Better While Working from Home

If stress is keeping you up at night, the following guidelines could help you sleep better while working from home.

  • If possible, avoid working from your bedroom. As noted above, working from your bedroom blurs the boundaries between work and rest and prevents your brain from associating the bedroom with sleep. It also increases the chances that you’ll be consumed by work stress before bed. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid working from your bedroom if at all possible. Of course, not everyone has a home office, and some people don’t have a choice but to work from their bedrooms. If you fall into that category, read on to the next tip!
  • If you must work from the bedroom, follow these tips:
    • Set and follow clear boundaries about work hours. Establish firm start and end times for each workday, and stick to them. End the workday at least a couple hours before bedtime so your brain has time to unwind. If you’re stressed about late-night work emails, set up an autoresponder that alerts the sender to your regular working hours. Struggling to enforce these boundaries? Enlist a friend or family member to hold you accountable.
    • Ensure your room is clutter-free. If you’re working from your bedroom, it’s easy for work-related documents and devices to take over the space. Not only does this further blur the lines between work and sleep, but it can provoke additional stress. Research has found that a cluttered space can increase distractions, decrease focus, increase stress, and generally inhibit mental wellbeing. Keep your workspace tidy so your bedroom doesn’t become any more stressful.
    • Use a room divider if possible. A room divider creates some physical separation between your bed and your workspace. So long as you never work from the bed, this can help your brain associate your bed with sleep even if the whole bedroom isn’t reserved for rest. Don’t have room for an upright divider? Even a curtain hung from the ceiling could help.
  • Adopt a consistent morning routine. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted virtually everyone’s routines in some way. Not only can this make life more stressful, but it can also make it harder to obtain quality sleep. Day-to-day routines help regulate our sleep-wake cycles—so when these routines are disrupted, our sleep cycles often are too. For this reason, it’s important to create new routines that simulate a normal workday. Consider taking a short walk first thing each morning to fill in for a “commute,” eating lunch at the same time each day, and starting your wind-down routine at the same time every night.
  • Schedule breaks throughout the day. As noted above, taking time away from work is essential for recharging your mind and body. During these breaks, strive to get outside (daytime exposure to natural light helps maintain sleep-wake cycles), move your body (regular physical activity is linked with better sleep quality and greater wellbeing overall), and/or practice mindfulness meditation (which can improve mental wellbeing). If stress and anxiety regularly keep you up at night, it could also be helpful to schedule short, dedicated breaks for “worry time,” during which you write down everything that’s on your mind. Even 10 or 15 minutes of journaling in this way can help settle your mind and make it easier to fall asleep come bedtime.

Final Thoughts

Working from home can offer a lot of benefits, but it’s not without its downsides. Poor posture, blurred lines between work and home, increased distractions, and other factors can all have a negative impact on our physical and mental health, with major consequences for sleep.

The good news is that several practical strategies can help you improve your posture, establish firmer boundaries between work and rest, and support mental wellbeing. In the process, you’ll increase your chances of obtaining restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Original source:

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why use Cyber Security as a service & how to choose the right provider

The swift development of the Internet all everything it has to offer has brought about a lot of changes in the way we live our lives. It has also changed the way businesses operate on the market these days, as everyone is using one kind of technological solution or another in order to improve the efficiency of their work and drive their business towards success. Not to mention that everyone is renting out an online space for them, a space that their company can call a digital home, otherwise known as a website.

Given the fact that we are all so caught up in the online world, it’s no wonder that we have to talk about cyber or computer security, as defined here. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you understand the significance of it. After all, you do want to stay safe online.

More importantly, you want your business to stay safe online. You probably have a lot of data regarding not only your company, but also all your customers and clients, and you want to safeguard the data. In other words, you wouldn’t like to experience any data breaches, as that could harm your business.

Well, that’s only one of the reasons why you need to stay absolutely and completely safe while using the right technological solutions for your business. Of course, this is something that you need to learn how to do, because some strong passwords are certainly not going to cut it. There are just so many things that play a role in this type of safety and I believe you’re aware of the complexity of it all.

So, are you ready to learn the ins and outs of cyber security and do you even have time for that? Since you’re, well, running a business, I doubt that you have the time to learn about all of this, as it could take months or even years. Fortunately for you, there is another option.

You should, however, learn at least the basics:

The other option that I am talking about is the option of using cyber security services provided by a third party. I know that you might be a bit confused as to why you might need these services when you could perhaps do things alone, but here’s the thing. If you’re not ready to commit yourself entirely to the process of mastering cyber security, then these services are certainly the right move for you.


Why Use These Services

You probably won’t decide right away whether to use them or not, though. This is because you might not be aware of the extent of their importance at first. That’s why we need to talk about the reasons why you should use these specific services for your business, before we get to the part of helping you find the right provider.

First things first, the people who will be providing you with cyber security services will have vast knowledge and extensive experience in this line of work. That’s something you lack. Thus, they’ll be able to offer you the perfect protection, which is undeniably what you want.

Another significant reason to use cyber security as a service lies in the fact that it might actually cost you a lot less than it would cost you if you tried to do everything on your own. The experts you’ll hire will be completely aware of all the tools and programs you’ll need, and they won’t roam in the dark trying to figure out what could work. You, on the other hand, could spend a lot of money while roaming around.

There is probably no need for me to keep on emphasizing the importance of cyber security, since you’re well aware of it. You need to be protected in order to drive your business towards success and establish yourself as a trusted brand. Getting experts to provide you with this type of protection is the right thing to do.

How To Choose The Right Provider

Now, while it might be perfectly clear to you that you need experts for this job, there’s one thing that you probably still aren’t sure about. In few words, you don’t know how to choose the right provider of these services. And, that’s perfectly normal at this point.

When you first begin searching for these, you’ll realize that there are undeniably quite a lot of companies that could offer you what you need. Should you just randomly choose one of those? Well, you could do that, but it wouldn’t quite be the wisest thing you’ve done and it could lead to some troubles.

Since you understand the importance of cyber security (more info), you probably also understand the significance of getting high quality services from your providers. That is why you need to be careful when choosing these companies, because you want to find the best one. There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to find the best one, so let me tell you about those.

First and foremost, you should consider their experience in this line of work. Then, you should also search for some reviews with the aim of checking their reputation. And, of course, you should take a closer look at the precise services they are offering and at the prices, so that you can be perfectly sure that you’ll get the best value for your actual money.

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


What are the benefits of living in Arizona?

The majestic Grand Canyon and the wide dry desert are only part of Arizona’s appeal. There, you’ll find a wide range of intriguing food, varied geography, and a dynamic work market. Arizona is a great place to visit if you want a change of scenery.

The advantages of moving to Arizona in 2021

The weather in Arizona is always warm

Arizona’s lack of a brutal winter is one of the state’s major assets. Arizona is the perfect location to live if you don’t have a tender spot in your heart for crisp mornings and cold breezes.

The climate varies from semi-arid to arid at lower elevations, with pockets of continental and alpine climate in the northern highlands. Summers are hot and dry in this mountain state, with temperatures reaching from 90 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. In July, the maximum temperature averages 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

Average daily highs reach 70°F even in the winter. Snowfall is uncommon in Arizona’s southern regions, with snowfall accumulating primarily in the state’s northern high mountains.

Arizona’s economy is continually looking ahead.

Unlike many other states, Arizona has always supported innovation. As a result, many new businesses have chosen to locate in Phoenix, Tucson, or another Arizona city. It was one of the first states to let Uber and Lyft to operate in its cities.

Uber is planning a 2 billion expansion, one of the largest in the company’s history, while Apple is planning a 2 billion expansion, one of the largest in the company’s history. In Arizona, Google has begun a self-driving vehicle initiative. In Arizona, Lucid Motors will open an e-vehicle production facility.

There are several golfing options in this area.

One of Arizona’s best attractions is its large number of golf courses. In Phoenix alone, there are about 200 different golfing options, ranging from modest neighborhood courses to world championship grounds.

Arizona is home to two of the world’s top golf courses: Chiricahua in Scottsdale and Desert Forest Golf Club in Carefree.

In Arizona, driving is simple.

When you move to Arizona, one of the nicest things you will notice is how simple driving is. When you look at the map, whether in a metropolis like Phoenix or beyond, you’ll be amazed to find the intended grid. You can drive without using the GPS and still go where you want to go. Even the roads in this area provide a direct approach to your destination.

However, before going on a road trip, make sure you have enough petrol. Due to the arid nature of much of the state, you will be on the road for long periods of time before finding a location to refuel.

In Arizona, there is lots of sunshine.

Arizona offers seven seasons of pleasant weather. And for the next five months, instead of coping with chilly winters, you’ll be dealing with hot sun. There will be 320 days of sunshine and only a few days of rain in Arizona, which might be both a plus and a disadvantage.

The sunshine is pleasant because you may spend more time outside in Arizona than in any other state, experiencing the state’s magnificent landscapes and mountains. However, after a while, the intense sunlight might get monotonous.

Arizona is a multicultural state.

Native Americans make up around a quarter of the population and have a significant cultural effect in Arizona. Some of the languages spoken in Arizona are Apache and Navajo. The greatest approach to raise your child in a culturally varied atmosphere is to relocate to Arizona.

The fauna is very untamed here.

Arizona is famed for its endless expanses of territory teeming with uncountable and undiscovered animals. There are probably no other areas in the United States with such a diverse diversity of wildlife — peccary, bobcat, Mexican wolf, tarantula, great horned owl, rattlesnakes, and mule deer, to name a few.

Arizona has a strong sports culture.

The vibrant sports culture in Arizona is one of its greatest features. The Cardinals, Diamondbacks, and Suns, respectively, in football, baseball, and basketball, are among the professional sports teams in the area.

Is it a smart idea to reside in Arizona?

One of the greatest areas to start a new life is Arizona. When it comes to human issues like cost of living, employment possibilities, and health and education quality, most of the cities in the state are livable. Furthermore, the state has a well-developed transportation system.

Arizona also provides a diverse range of outdoor and indoor entertainment options. Also, if you’re considering relocating to Arizona, don’t overlook the state’s incredible flora and fauna.

Is it safe to live in Arizona?

Arizona is breathtakingly gorgeous and retains the allure of the Old West. The state’s crime rate, on the other hand, is at the top of the list, and the state is working to fix it. On a daily basis, about half of the population is anxious about their safety. Despite a recent drop in criminal charges, Arizona continues to have a higher crime rate than the rest of the country.

The majority of crimes, on the other hand, are reported in large cities, sparing small towns and rural areas, where life goes on as usual in any other section of the country.

What are the benefits of living in Arizona?

The Arizona economy is thriving, which means there are plenty of work prospects. Despite this, the cost of living in this city is minimal. Arizona is a leader in both education and healthcare. Arizona, for example, is known for having some of the best dentist in Scottsdale.

The Grand Canyon State offers mild winters and plenty of sunshine all year. Furthermore, the state has a diverse flora and fauna.

Other reasons to make Arizona your home include:

  • Incredible landscape
  • Unlimited cultural activities
  • More than 200 golfing locations
  • Younger population
  • Highly diverse population
  • Best Dentist in Scottsdale
  • Low crime rate
  • Fabulous food scene


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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Brand new pokies releasing in February

New slots enter the gambling market every month. Can’t keep up with new releases? Then a review from Yoju casino Australia will help you keep up to date with the season’s hottest new releases.

Wolf Power Megaways (Playson)

After Wolf Power Hold and Win (2021) is now the turn of Wolf Power Megaways, both from the Playson factory.

Once again, this slot takes you to the Blue Mountains, a mystical region in the outback of Australia. It’s home to all sorts of wild animals, including the wolf. The wolf plays the leading role in this game.

The Megaways variant is a noticeable upgrade from its predecessor. It has a larger playing field and an extra-large number of win ways to form, namely a maximum of 46,656 Megaways.

However, that number is less than usual (117,649), which applies to the highest possible win. The top prize is set at “only” 2,000x. That’s pretty low for a Megaways slot machine. The theoretical payout percentage is 96%.

First of all, there is a Hold and Win feature to trigger, which also earns multipliers with the unique Power scatters. This bonus game can mean your ticket to cashing in on the aforementioned top prize.

Also, the optional Bonus Buy button is back, whose associated feature costs you 100 times your stake to activate.

While Playson never really scores points in innovation, at least fans know what to expect from this significant Hold and Win games supplier.

Legacy of Rome (Stakelogic)

We regularly come across clones of well-known classics. For example, the name Legacy of Rome is reminiscent of Legacy of Dead (Play ‘N Go).

Apart from the fact that this high variance slot machine is a Stakelogic creation and takes place in ancient Rome rather than ancient Egypt, it’s also a clear Book of Ra copy.

That means that the playing field consists of 5×3 symbols, with which ten fixed winning lines can be formed.

The scatter wilds (eagles this time) trigger the Free Spins, the highlight of the entire game. Here, a regular random symbol is selected as the expanding symbol. You also get an extra symbol if you manage to re-trigger the feature with another three scatters.

However, the RTP is a bit lower than you might use from several other Book of Ra copies. It is stuck at 95.60%. The top prize, however, is the same, at 5,000x.

All in all, Legacy of Rome is the perfect game for fans of the original. It offers zero real surprises, but that fact will appeal to a large group. After all, why mess with a super-popular classic?


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Internal Communication: Why is it important for success?

Internal communication is more important than ever before in keeping firms together.

According to several studies, a strong internal communications strategy in a company enhances business success. While this is a significant consequence, it is not the only benefit of effective internal communication. Here are reasons why internal communication is critical in today’s changing workplace.

1. Internal communication provides a feeling of direction for employees.

As employees, we want to know what our goals are, how we’ll achieve them, and how important our contributions are to those goals. We want to be respected, heard, and a part of the team. This is especially true for millennials and Generation Z, who appreciate feedback and face-to-face interaction. Since they grew up in the digital age of social media, they’ve been accustomed to a continual stream of comments, sharing, and criticism.

In offering this validating employee experience, publishing information about a team’s or company’s successes on a regular basis is both beneficial and inspiring. A sense of teamwork and progress is fostered by achieving specified goals as a group.

In terms of economic value, 73 percent of workers who say they work for a “purpose-driven” company are engaged. In comparison, just 23% of those who say they aren’t.

2. It provides you with total control over your message.

Employees should never rely on a third-party source for critical organizational information. To control the corporate narrative, internal news should be delivered all of the time, not only during times of crisis.

Regardless of the platform, two crucial elements must be met in order for all employees to get information:

A flexible and quick editing method is available with a short authorization chain. Creating such a system is similar to the challenge that businesses faced when they were forced to respond to increased news sharing on social media years ago. They discovered that responding to posts within minutes or hours, rather than days, was important.

Every employee has access to channels that are both engaging and reliable. Instead of exposing vital information to hackers, organizations may keep control over the communications they send.

3. It increases the power of middle management.

The bulk of companies’ hierarchies pass information down from the top. This trickle of information, on the other hand, typically results in delays, limited feedback, and complete reliance on each individual in the chain’s own communication efforts.

Decentralized or location-specific communications channels facilitate the flow of information from HQ to frontline employees by enabling middle management. This allows for more efficient knowledge dissemination as well as the opportunity to improve management skills. It’s especially crucial for millennials and Generation Z, who frequently feel unprepared for their new obligations.

4. It Assists You in Delivering on Your Brand Promise.

A company’s reputation is determined by its brand promise. With each meeting, customers may expect to receive this value or experience.

How can large, distributed companies with thousands of middle managers maintain a consistent brand promise?

Internal communication with front-line employees is better.

Clear goals, well-trained workers, and friendly faces will significantly improve a customer’s experience and increase income.

5. Internal Communications’ Importance in a Crisis is Unmistakable.

To avoid escalation of a crisis, prompt and careful communication with employees and external stakeholders is critical. An internal crisis communication research, on the other hand, revealed that during a crisis, managers had far less interaction with employees.

Internal communication helps with both short- and long-term crisis management, as well as influencing the narrative in crisis situations. Short-term management is concerned with the problem, while long-term plans are more concerned with preserving the company’s image and putting in place measures to prevent bad situations from recurring.

Internal communication prepares your firm for any situation, regardless of its size, reputation, or industry, by establishing organizational structure, goals, and channels before a crisis happens.

Business phone numbers are being used for internal communications more than ever before. Usually, React JS is used to create these applications. Reading react interview questions is recommended for anyone interested in making these applications and understanding Java Script.

6. It Assists in Retaining Talented Employees.

In 2018, the average turnover rate in the United States was 22 percent, with 15 percent of it attributed to voluntary turnover. Furthermore, the vast majority of employees who voluntarily departed (81%) did so in quest of a better job opportunity.

Millennials, in particular, are known for often shifting occupations. In the next two years, up to 40% of respondents say they’re open to changing careers.

Internal communicators are responsible for decreasing these figures by providing continual feedback and engagement opportunities for employees, which helps to minimize attrition rates.

Whether you’re looking to hire or keep employees, employees need to know who they’re working for. A properly-functioning internal communications system, as well as the open work environment it fosters, will provide your company an advantage in today’s increasingly competitive market.

7. Transparency is improved.

Informal communication has both advantages and disadvantages. Grapevine word-of-mouth regularly reaches people who might otherwise miss the first broadcast. In addition, it is more versatile than traditional internal communications. Furthermore, the grapevine may help strengthen employee relationships and communicate insider information that might improve productivity.

Informal communication, on the other hand, has the ability to change how data is interpreted. It promotes rumors and misperceptions, which are difficult to dispel once they have taken hold.

When it comes to internal communications, creating trust is essential.

Solid and formal internal communication approaches can help to increase the benefits of informal communication. It will, for example, aid in the comprehension of information and the suppression of rumors.

Employees place a high importance on transparency in dealings with all levels of management, ranking it as the most significant factor in determining their satisfaction and fulfillment at work.

Providing both—a rumor-free environment and transparency—is crucial for a generation of employees that are skeptical to the core. When it comes to internal communications, it’s critical to establish trust.

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Review the Snoopza Free Invisible Keylogger for Android

In today’s technologically advanced era it has become necessary for parents to find a free invisible keylogger for Android to track the usage of mobile phones by their kids. Today you can get anything just by clicking your mouse similarly several dangers are also a few clicks away from your kids when they use an Android phone in their adolescent years.

In such conditions, most parents, worried for the safety and future of their kids, search for some tool that can allow them to track the mobile phones of their children.

Snoopza is a phone tracking app, specially designed to track Android phones, which can help parents to keep an eye on the online activities of their loved ones. Information provided hereunder will help you to know this spy app more closely.

Why do parents use the free invisible keylogger for Android?

Today Android phones are extensively used by youngsters.

Most of them use their phone for unproductive purposes like playing games, watching movies and other similar things of entertainment or for chatting with their friends, etc.

Some of them are also involved in watching adult materials available online which can be harmful to them at this young age.

All such things distract them from their education and social responsibilities.

The excessive use of mobile phones and the internet can also cause certain dangerous situations when youngsters share their personal information online without considering their pros and cons.

So, to control their kids, parents usually use a free invisible keylogger for Android like Snoopza, etc.

What types of teen control exist?

Free invisible keylogger for Android like Snoopza can help the parents to record the calls made and received by their children, without being noticed by them as it is completely invisible.

They can also monitor the online activities of their kids including the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc.

Review the Snoopza Free Invisible Keylogger for Android

This spy app can also be used by the parents to check up to 5 devices at a time from one account with Snoopza, including cell phones and tablets, etc.

They can also check the text and visual messages like SMS and MMS received, sent, and stored on their Android mobile phones

Why is it convenient to use a free invisible keylogger for Android?

It is convenient for the parents to use a hidden keylogger app because it allows them to track the activities of their kids on their cell phones without getting exposed to them.

Youngsters usually use their Android phones for useless purposes when they know that no one is observing them which in turn can affect their productivity.

The keylogger like Snoopza allows the parents to monitor the mobile phones of their kids as they may be wasting their time watching useless things or wandering without any purpose.

Parents can also use this app to know the correct location and online activities of their children.

What are the main free Features of the application that will be useful to parents?

The basic version of Snoopza offers some of the main features which parents can use for free may include:

Track Calls

They can track the calls received and made from the Android phone of their children.

Track Internet History

Parents can also track the history of usage of the internet through their kid’s phones.

Manage SMS

SMS received and sent can be viewed and managed by the parents.

Geo-location Feature (h3)

They can also know the geographic location of their kids.

What paid features of the application will be useful to parents?

Review the Snoopza Free Invisible Keylogger for Android

The standard version of Snoopza offers some of the paid features like:

Record Calls

This feature can be used to record the calls received and made by the kids.

Check Contacts

This feature allows you to check the contact list on the phone of your children.

Viber spy

It can track the usage of the kid’s Viber account.

Stealth Mode

You can use this feature to track the secret messages stored on the phone.

Facebook spy

This feature can be used to track kids’ activities o Facebook accounts.

Track to-do List (h3)

You can also track the to-do list on the phone of your children.

WhatsApp spy

This feature helps in tracking the video and audio messages shared through Whatsapp.

Track Camera (h3)

This feature allows the parents to see the images and videos captured by the camera of the phone.

Snapchat spy

The activities on the Snapchat platform can be tracked through this feature.

Detect SIM card replace (h3)

This feature will allow the parents whether the sim card has been replaced by the kids and when.


You can also check the screenshots shared by your kids.

What do you need to know to install the application on your phone?

Parents can install the invisible keylogger for Android, Snoopza, on their phone in just three simple steps including:

Sign Up

They will have to create an online account with Snoopza for free by signing up on its official site with their email address and password.

Install Snoopza

Now use your account to install this app on the target mobile phone of your child, which may take a few seconds to complete the task.

How to Log In

You can start tracking the phone of your kid just by logging in to your online account. You can track the calls received and made, location of the phone, web history, screenshots, SMS, etc.

Pricing policy

The basic version of Snoopza offers a limited range of features that can be used by anyone for free.

Plan Basic Plan Standard Professional
1 Month Free $14.95 $29.95
3 Months Free $34.95 $49.95
1 Year Free $99.95 $99.95

The Standard version of this keylogger offers a wide range of tracking features which can be availed by paying a monthly fee of $14.95 or an annual fee of $99.95.

Pros and cons of such free invisible keylogger

Pros Cons
  • It can be used to know the exact location of the device of your kids
  • It can help in monitoring the messages instantly.
  • This application can be used for free
  • It is compatible only with Android devices
  • You must have the target device physically to install this application

Conclusions and results

Thus, Snoopza is a very helpful application for parents who want to control the usage of mobile phones by their kids.

This free invisible keylogger for Android can help them in protecting themselves as well as their kids from unwanted situations that can occur due to misuse of the phone.

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Fidelity Bank and MTN MoMo upgrade Y’ello Save Account with savings plan feature

Fidelity Bank in partnership with MTN MoMo has upgraded its Y’ello Save Account with a savings plan feature to encourage customers to adopt the habit of saving.

The upgrade offers Customers the opportunity to set up a standing instruction on their Y’ello Save Account to automatically debit a specified amount of money from their MoMo wallets into their Y’ello Save Account on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This can be done by simply dialing *170# and following the prompt.

Speaking on the upgrade of the Y’ello Save Account, Julian Opuni, Managing Director of Fidelity Bank, said, “We are committed to expanding financial services to the underbanked and unbanked population in the country and our partnership with MTN Ghana for the roll-out of the Y’ello Save Account is one of many initiatives to achieve this goal.”

Fidelity Bank and MTN MoMo upgrade Y’ello Save Account with savings plan feature
Julian Kingsley Opuni – Managing Director Fidelity Bank Ghana


“We understand that saving money requires a lot of discipline, and we’re making this easy for our customers by automating the savings process to enable them to save effortlessly”, he added.

Commenting on the initiative, Eli Hini, the CEO of Mobile Money Ltd, commended Fidelity Bank for the upgrade of Yello Save service noting it will encourage more people to adopt the savings culture and deepen financial inclusion. He said, “the Yello Save service has been widely accepted by MoMo customers and testimonials we have received since its launch is that Yello Save provides a convenient option for personal savings and investment. For business owners, it serves as an expedient option to save sales revenue received through MoMo.”  We are very hopeful that the new feature will help customers achieve financial independence and ultimately help business owners expand their business whilst driving economic growth.

Fidelity Bank and MTN MoMo upgrade Y’ello Save Account with savings plan feature
ELI HINI- CEO Mobile Money Ltd

With an interest rate of up to 8% per annum, the Y’ello Save Account is a savings account that was introduced in 2016 by Fidelity Bank in partnership with MTN Ghana to offer MTN MoMo Customers the opportunity to save funds on their MoMo wallets and enjoy an attractive interest rate on their Y’ello Save Accounts.

Fidelity Bank ‘s partnership with MTN Ghana, forms part of the Bank’s “Together We’re More” brand promise that views success as a collaborative effort among key stakeholders working together towards a greater good.

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Here are five (5) simple steps to keep your crypto safe – an explainer by Binance

As cryptocurrencies continue to grow in interest and adoption, so also does the demand for trusted, convenient, and secure crypto exchanges, where people can trade these digital assets safely and hassle-freely. Security remains one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a crypto exchange to trade, as it offers protection from fraud when both user and platform take the necessary precautions.

Hence, leading exchanges such as Binance have continued to implement a robust security framework, like stringent identity verification and authentication measures, to ensure that its users can enjoy strong layers of protection against malicious actors in the ecosystem.

However, beyond the measures in place by exchanges to protect their users from cybercrime, crypto holders also have a role to play in keeping their assets safe from jacking schemes and theft. Here are some simple steps to follow to achieve this:

1. Always use a secure passcode

Quite a large number of people use the same passwords for various accounts – this poses a security risk. It is better to assume that all your accounts may experience data breaches and take steps to mitigate against them by having different passwords for your accounts. This way, if one account is compromised, the likelihood of the other accounts being affected is slim.

Long and complex passwords play into keeping your information secure along with changing your passwords regularly. Although this might seem inconvenient, it is one of the best defense mechanisms against potential threats.

2. Enable multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication is a login process where users are only able to access their accounts after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence, like a password as well as an SMS to their registered phone numbers for example.

By enabling this, users enjoy an extra layer of security to prevent someone from logging in, even if they have the password. The additional security measure requires users to verify their identity using unpredictable digits.

3. Be cautious of phishing scams

These sorts of scams are carried out in numerous ways – via SMS, phone calls, or emails – to deceive unsuspecting recipients into divulging passwords and private information. To guard against this, users need to be wary of clicking on irrelevant links from unknown sources or responding to questions that require divulging extremely personal information.

Here are five (5) simple steps to keep your crypto safe – an explainer by Binance

4. Understand the potential risks before trading

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. For example, Binance has a P2P platform – this is a marketplace where people can trade crypto directly with each other on their own terms, in virtually any country.

On the P2P platform, you should pick your trading partner the same way you would assess any other person or any other company you want to do business with – verify and validate. For instance, while selecting a P2P partner, try verifying the number of transactions the other party has successfully carried out and completed on the platform.

However, Binance has certain safety measures in place to ensure one does not fall victim. Services like the P2P escrow guarantee that both buyers and sellers are protected from such situations. On one hand, the escrow helps buyers open an appeal if the counterparty defaults in releasing the cryptocurrency after payment; while on the other, sellers are also protected by holding the crypto in a temporary deposit within the escrow service until after payment from the counterparty has been verified. The cryptocurrency is returned to the seller if the payment is not verified within a specified timeframe.

5. Use only reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets

Safety for one’s investments should be the utmost priority when deciding on a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet. Finding an exchange that provides inexhaustible resources about its security features to understand how user data will be protected is key; by investing only through reputable crypto exchanges and wallets, you enjoy access to top-tier security features such as intermediate verification, multi-factor authentication, SSL/TLS encryption, excellent customer support and so much more.

While blockchain companies such as Binance consistently work to ensure the safety of their users’ funds, some of the responsibility also lies with customers to ensure that they adhere to these security steps to protect their assets. As the ecosystem continues to scale and gain global recognition from positive and negative counterparts alike, taking cautious steps to secure your digital holdings will make all the difference.

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Monday, February 21, 2022

Another HUAWEI nova device is here bringing incredible camera features and impressive SuperCharge support

Smartphone users, especially the younger generation, use their phones to play games, watch videos, take pictures, shoot videos and of course, browse social media and connect with people. Smartphones are part of their everyday life, and they are always looking for something that works better for them.

Huawei recently launched the HUAWEI nova 8i and according to Huawei, the new smartphone will bring upgrades and fulfil consumers’ needs for play, content creation and fast charging!

Let’s see what this new nova phone is going to offer.

The appearance is eye-catching

Design wise, the HUAWEI nova 8i looks bold and stylish and comes in three colours, Moonlight Silver, Interstellar Blue and Starry Black. For those who fancy dazzling design, the new nova smartphones make a fashion statement, especially the Moonlight Silver variant. This is a unique colour that will let the user stand out from the crowd.

Another HUAWEI nova device is here bringing incredible camera features and impressive SuperCharge support

Like many other Huawei phones, the HUAWEI nova 8i is equipped with a beautiful display for immersive viewing. This time, the display is called HUAWEI Edgeless Display, which has incredibly narrow bezels as if it were edgeless, as its name denotes. Imagine the ease of watching live streams or playing games with this phone. Positioned as an entry-level to mid-range smartphone, the new nova device reproduces true-to-life colours and fine details for streaming your favourite reality shows and TV series.

Camera capabilities

When it comes to camera capabilities, the HUAWEI nova 8i is leading the way, with four cameras on the back. Among them is the 64MP High-Resolution Main Camera, which can capture clearer photos in higher resolution compared to a 48MP camera phone. What’s more, this gives users greater flexibility in post-editing.

Photos still look clear and sharp after being zoomed in and cropped. When you’re posting your daily meals or showing off your cute pet, HUAWEI nova 8i helps you capture crystal-clear details that will impress your friends.

Another HUAWEI nova device is here bringing incredible camera features and impressive SuperCharge support

The night photography feature has long been part of Huawei’s smartphone competitive edge. Likewise, you can take advantage of the upcoming HUAWEI nova 8i to create clear and bright photos that wow your followers. On top of the powerful main camera, the new nova smartphone supports the multi-frame noise reduction algorithm to lower noises for shots taken in dimly lit locations or outside at night.

From neon lights to a busy night market, HUAWEI nova 8i makes night photography easier for users of all levels. The rear quad camera also includes an Ultra-Wide Angle Camera, Macro Camera and Depth Camera to fulfil consumers’ various needs for photo and video shooting.

66W HUAWEI SuperCharge

In addition to a stylish design, high quality display and powerful quad camera, this new smartphone supports 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge, which is the same technology applied on Huawei’s flagship, Mate 40 Pro. Compared with the mainstream 25W or 30W fast charging capabilities available on its competitors, HUAWEI nova 8i’s 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge is really impressive.

This feature is really practical as well, because it will let users have their smartphone fully charged in a shorter period of time, meaning they will have more time to do the things they enjoy.

Another HUAWEI nova device is here bringing incredible camera features and impressive SuperCharge support

This new smartphone delivers excellent performance on its own and can be used with other Huawei products such as the HUAWEI Band 6 for health and fitness tracking, and the HUAWEI FreeBuds 4i for immersive audio enjoyment.

The Huawei Nova 8i is available now for GHS 2,169 and comes with a free gift box. This offer is available at the Huawei Experience Store Accra Mall and accredited retail shops. Visit to buy now and learn more.


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Friday, February 18, 2022

10 Reasons to play in online casinos in 2022

Do you remember the times when you had to fly to Vegas or Monte Carlo for some quality gambling pastime? Well, with the introduction of online casinos, things have drastically changed. Today the best casino venues are available right from your computer screen. Virtual casinos provide all the fun of a brick-and-mortar casino, especially if you launch live games while also presenting a broader range of games than any land-based casino can ever have.

Whether you are a new Aussie player or an experienced punter, you will take all the conveniences of online gambling for granted since it features a series of advantages compared to traditional gambling venues. However, has 10 basic reasons to play in online casinos in 2022. This article will help you distinguish easier.

Online Casinos to Play Anywhere and Anytime

The first great thing about online gambling is that it’s available any time of the day and anywhere as long as you have a smartphone with internet access. Nowadays, you don’t have to travel to play in a casino house or worry about its opening times. Even if you have only half an hour and want to use it spinning the reels in a pokie, you can do it from the comfort of your home or during lunch in the office. Imagine you are in the waiting room to see a doctor or have to wait for your delayed flight to start. How can you spend the given time productively? Surely by launching a casino app and playing your favourite games. Furthermore,
most known virtual sites allow users to enable the battery-saving mode to let you play in an online casino longer. You see, the mode lowers the quality of the images and disables the animation in games to save your battery when you are outdoors.

Great Bonuses and Promotions

In land-based casinos, they offer visitors free drinks and shows. That’s the only way to thank those Australian players who have chosen their establishment over others. But what does this give a player except for a dizzy head and distraction from cards? Absolutely nothing!

And what do Australian online casinos offer via incentives? When you play in online casinos, you get bonuses and promotions such as free bets, cashback, free credits to play, etc. make up the freebies by virtual gambling venues. These bonuses can significantly boost your bankroll and help you get bigger wins. However, be aware that these bonuses come with certain wagering requirements that must be completed before you withdraw the wins. They mostly range from 35 to 50 times the bonus money.

Quick and Easy Payments

Modern online casino sites operate without cash. And if you have only a credit card casinos and make your deposits, going to a traditional casino can be tricky. But when it comes to play in online casinos, you are provided with plenty of payment options, including not only credit cards but also e-wallets and cryptocurrencies. The most popular options are Apple Pay, Neteller, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, BTC, etc. Online deposits are conducted in seconds, while withdrawals normally proceed within a couple of business days.

Wide Array of Games

Land-based casinos have wide territories yet can’t offer the same quantity of games as virtual ones. Nowadays Australia’s online casinos offer thousands of games in one place. Moreover, sometimes it feels overwhelming to find your favourite game among such an abundance. To help players spot the game they wish to play easier and quicker, casinos separate the games into categories or providers and offer a search bar. And once you get bored, you can instantly switch off the games. Moreover, you can switch off between casinos, too, or even play more
than two table games simultaneously. And can you do the same in land-based casinos? Definitely no!

All-in-One Solution

Another reason to play in online casinos is that they offer all solutions in one place, meaning you should no longer worry about the crowded halls, rush hours, queues for your favourite games, etc. Just open the site of your favourite Australian casino, enter your account with a login and password, place a deposit within a couple of seconds, and start gambling.

Convenient Depositing

The terms of online gambling authorities oblige casinos to set affordable deposits. Therefore, the deposit limits are very low to let all players enjoy their favourite games irrespective of their solvency level. You can play in online casinos and make deposits as low as only 10 AUD, while the bets start at only 0.1 AUD per spin.

Social Gaming Accessible

If you think you can’t pass to online gambling since you will miss the social experience, we’ll hurry to reassure you that virtual casinos in 2022 don’t stay behind and offer a fabulous live gaming experience. Professional dealers stream live games from land-based casinos to interact with players through the chat option. Mind that the limits on deposits at live games don’t differ from those of other casino games, but they don’t offer free modes.

No Gambling Addiction Possible

Unlike land-based casinos, where they only encourage visitors to stay and play as long as possible, virtual casinos take measures to protect their players against gambling addiction. At online casinos, you can set transaction limits and session time caps and exclude yourself from the casino for a certain time (a week, two weeks, etc.). You can even delete the account permanently.

High Security Level

The most popular gambling sites protect the site users’ data with robust encryption protocols, including TLS and SSL. These are those particular protocols that security institutions and banks use to protect their data against hacking and phishing.

Round-The-Clock Customer Service

The customer support of the industry-leading casinos is available round-the-clock. Whenever you face any problem or question, you can contact the tech support through any suggested means, including live chat, email, or a phone call.

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