Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Google Pixel 6A leaks: What we should expect

There has been rumours about the Google Pixel 6A within the past month. As the year draws closer to an end, some of the hints have seen the light of day as others remained as speculations.

We have here, a collection of all the speculations and leaked information about the new Google Pixel 6A.

Google Pixel 6A leaks: What we should expect


Leaked renders of the Google Pixel 6A have shown the phone has 6.2 inch OLED display, and appears close to the vanilla Pixel 6 when it comes to colour. The renders also show the the Pixel 6A will not have no headphone jack as well.

At a glance, anyone would think it is a replica of Pixel 6 because of its flat nature, the in-display fingerprint sensor and the centered selfie camera.


Unofficial renders have shown the phone having a dual rear camera. The main camera will be a 12.2MP Sony IMX363 sensor and a secondary 12MP Sony IMX386 sensor –  probably designed to be used with an ultrawide lens.

The render show the centered camera which is mentioned to be 8MP Sony IMX 355 sensor.


The Google Pixel 6A is rumored to be powered by the Google Tensor chipset – Google’s own CPU – with the RAM being 6GB or 8GB and a 128 internal memory.

Google is expected to deliver the same Tensor-enabled capabilities on the Pixel 6a, such as improved Voice Typing, HDRnet video, and Live Translate for conversations (although this last function was recently discovered to be coming to previous Pixels).

Google has yet to acknowledge the Pixel 6a’s existence officially, so there’s no guarantee just yet. We will still keep everyone posted on any developments with regards to this.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/google-pixel-6a-leaks-what-we-should-expect/

Fundamentals of laser HUDs for vehicles

Despite technological advancements and the emergence of thousands of smart devices, humanity has yet to resolve the issue of automotive safety.

The HUD was created to prevent drivers from taking their eyes off the road and driving cars.

According to research, even a fraction of a second of driver distraction doubles the risk of an accident. So, how can HUDs help in solving the issue?

Initially, head-up displays (HUD) were intended to serve the needs of defence aviation. HUDs have changed as technology has become more integrated into human life. They were significantly improved and tailored to the needs of car drivers.

As a result, drivers obtained the possibility to receive important data, such as the vehicle’s navigation and speed.

These parameters are displayed on a see-through screen that does not distract the driver. HUD relies on two key principles: not distracting the user while also providing important information.

Is It True That Laser Technologies Will Transform The Automotive Industry?

Modern cars with 2 axis MEMS mirror have many advantages over previous generations of vehicles:

  • They are more reliable;
  • They have an improved level of comfort;
  • Through innovation, they can make you feel completely safe.

The HUD for vehicles is one of the most recent and intriguing innovations in the automotive industry. Previously, this option was only available to the aircraft industry.

However, as the market for laser scanning mirror technology has grown, HUD has broadened its applications and may soon become the standard for all vehicles on the roads. The HUD is outfitted with cutting-edge MEMS displays.

They provide enhanced auto control parameters, navigation, and speed data. Furthermore, the new laser-scanned HUDs are simple to use and do not distract the driver while driving, allowing the driver to focus on the road rather than gadgets.

MEMS-Based HUDs’ Future Prospects

Recent automotive market research on HUDs and their updating through the introduction of laser scanning technology has revealed that:

  • The HUD market will grow rapidly;
  • These products will move from the luxury sector down the product chain and become more accessible to an average driver;
  • It will have improved overall image quality;
  • It will come with better contrast and brightness.

What Exactly Is a Laser-Scanning Mirror Display?

The new generation device is built around a microelectromechanical system-based projector. It is in charge of high-definition resolution.

HUD is outfitted with a laser MEMS projector, which allows it to produce an accurate image in a matter of seconds. The following are some of the primary benefits of this technological device:

  • It has a fairly compact block size;
  • It is a cost-effective alternative to similar technological solutions;
  • It has fast performance;
  • It ensures improved driver concentration;
  • It provides a thorough analytical foundation for speed estimating.

As can be seen from the characteristics of this device, it has the potential to replace many previous optical technologies in the near future.

As a result, the consumer will receive a more compact HUD developed based on the innovative MEMS laser scanning system, which will be easier to use and more resistant to data corruption.

Many experts advocate the use of multiple MEMS LiDAR technologies at the same time. This combination will allow for improved navigation and speed data accuracy at times.

Furthermore, the proper combination of a microelectromechanical system, light detector, and ranking technology will allow for the successful implementation of the concept of autonomous driving without the driver’s participation.

A variety of parameters can be easily adjusted to improve driver safety on the road. Laser scanning micromirrors can be used to determine the height of a moving vehicle or numerous objects along the route.

Based on this, one can conclude that MEMS-based HUDs have the potential to improve the driving experience and save millions of lives worldwide.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/fundamentals-of-laser-huds-for-vehicles/

Monday, November 29, 2021

The future of digital security tokens

Owing to the capabilities of blockchain smart contracts, digital security tokens are not only effective in holding value, but can also be programmed to fulfill other tasks. With that in mind, what is the direction in which the market of digital securities can be expected to unfold?

The finance market is no longer held back by the physical limitation of paper ledgers and documents as means of keeping track of investments. The emergence of digital tools, like Excel Spreadsheets, introduced adaptability to the virtual realm. Combining that with blockchain technology, a new world of investment opportunities and trustless transactions opens up.

A digital security, native to the blockchain, is the new type of investment opportunity the financial market will most likely rely on in the near future.

What Are Digital Securities?

Digital security tokens are blockchain native assets complacent with financial laws and regulations. They can be created in the form of commodity, equity or bonds, just like traditional securities, but are rooted in the blockchain world instead of the physical one.

A digital security is neither a cryptocurrency nor an NFT, but a symbol of an underlying asset that claims on the future proceeds from the work of others. However, similar to most NFTs, the work was put in before-hand and as such, none is left to be done in the future.  As an example, a security token digital asset can be programmed, which allows for it to operate without the oversight of a human being. This can be done thanks to smart contracts.

Smart Contract-Based

Smart contracts are executed automatically on-chain and are therefore transparent in nature, considering that on-chain processes are immutable.

This technology, in other words, allows digital to merge with the physical world, making a digital security offering even more enticing.

The future of digital security tokens

Easy to Create

The issuance of a digital security is much easier than creating a traditional one in addition to the added benefits of the technology—transparency and accessibility. Without the burden of a manual system that traditional securities like equity shares entail, a digital security token is an investment opportunity native to the blockchain.

While security token digital assets still need to comply with SEC principles to be considered a security, they are able to do that without copious amounts of paperwork and certifications associated with traditional securities. But fortunately enough, those can also be introduced to the blockchain.

Traditional Securities Can Be Turned Into Digital Ones

Neither blockchain nor traditional securities are limited to the digital and physical realm, respectively. In addition, traditional securities can easily become digital ones and gain from using distributed ledger technology.

Digital security tokens operate via smart contracts, so once they are programmed, they operate in a trustless manner. Physical securities can be pegged to digital securities by proxy of oracles, special programs that take real-world data and incorporate it into a digital security smart contract.

Pegging physical to digital securities seems like it is going to be the future, as almost all of the stock markets already operate on an algorithmic basis.

Creating digital security tokens based on stock holdings might be the next step in the development process as the digital securities market shows promise in the upcoming years.

However, it is the transition from traditional securities to digital ones where innovation can reach a peak today, as it calls for an investment paradigm shift.

To this, the creators of TurnCoin might be the ones fostering this next step in digital security development, with their revenue-sharing system embedded in such assets.

Revenue-Sharing: The Future of Digital Securities

Digital security offerings promise direct gain to the investor and can be considered an agent of change because of their revenue-sharing system. As traditional securities might appreciate in value over time and pay dividends to shareholders, the format that TurnCoin uses is an alternative way of making profit for the investors.

TurnCoin is a revenue-sharing asset that is reliant on digital collectibles called VirtualStaX. The total of the gross revenue VirtualStax produces is automatically distributed to TurnCoin holders via the issuance of smart contracts.

Employing a smart contract abolishes the need for human intervention. This results in a lack of human error and waiting time, making digital security tokens a reliable and efficient revenue distribution source.

Powered by talented individuals

The revenue sharing system of TurnCoin powers VirtualStaX—digital collectibles (StaX) that can be created by anyone wanting to fund their dreams and careers by receiving support from people who recognize their talents.

As people are purchasing these digital collectibles, part of the income is distributed back to TurnCoin holders on a pro-rata basis. The remaining funds go straight to the issuer or creator of the StaX.

Anyone willing to share their talents in the form of these StaX, are choosing a different way of starting and moving forward in their careers. Thanks to initiatives like these, they don’t have to rely on agencies, sponsorships or government funding to make their dreams come true.

This not only enables them to get global support in their pursuits, but also fuels the TurnCoin revenue pool—and those who invest in it.

Digital sports trading cards, one of the many categories offered by VirtualStaX, can be sold and traded on TheXchange, a marketplace for VirtualStaX powered by TurnCoin. There, through processing fees,  all transactions yield a return for the investors in TurnCoin. Digital collectibles are not to be confused with digital securities.

What Is the Digital Security Future According to TurnCoin?

TurnCoin’s idea for the future of digital securities involves a complaint, revenue-sharing based ecosystem on blockchain technology that will entitle holders to a perpetual monthly yield of the 100% gross revenue the underlying asset generates. This means investors benefit from the gross revenue VirtualStaX makes.

The future of the digital securities market will allow for liquidity of assets. As even earlier potentially illiquid resources like human talent can be liquidized, the growth of the business and the constant support from investors can yield sustained returns well into the future.

Similar to TurnCoin, future assets will adopt membership programs that encourage others to explore innovative practices and take part in beta-tests of features that might or might not be included in the underlying product.

All of those features are some of the characteristics of future digital securities, which are already present in TurnCoin assets.

These digital security tokens are fuelled by human talent. It is an investment that yields returns based on the passion of people and the willingness of others to support their idols.

This asset shows a way in which people will be able to monetize their talent and personal performance, and allows for future bridging over physical borders and restrictions.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/the-future-of-digital-security-tokens/

Conflict management in 5 steps

In every office, you will come across some form of conflict, the way you handle that conflict is what can make the experience a positive or a negative.  So here are 5 ways that you can use to manage conflict, learn from it, and potentially turn it into a positive situation.

Create a Safe Space

The best way to try and manage conflict is to create an office where employees feel safe sharing their opinions and have trust in management.  The most basic way to achieve this is to ensure that you meet in private to discuss any conflicts and have a neutral party as a mediator during the discussion.

To take this a step further, if you are a manager, is to have an open-door policy where people can come and discuss their concerns or issues at any time.  Make yourself approachable and available.

Listen to Both Sides

If you are a manager, try and take a neutral stance and hear out both parties on their issues.  Be a mediator and only join the conversation when absolutely necessary.  This role can be taken on by a project lead or team lead in smaller conflicts.

Try not to take sides in the argument.  This can be very difficult, especially if you have your own opinion on who is right or what the right solution is.  If you jump into a solution before hearing both sides you risk missing out on the real reason for the conflict and alienating one party leading to further issues in future.

Have Both Parties Work Together on a Solution

Ideally both parties should agree on the solution to the conflict, the best way to do this is to have them work together to get this solution.  The mediator should try and drive towards a compromise that suits all parties, though this is not always possible.  Be aware that some people view conflicts as a chance to win and will be reluctant to release this.

“Whilst working on a solution try and avoid patronising language, see if you can find the real root of the problem.  Potentially it could be a lack of clarification on a topic or a simple misunderstanding,” says Jacob A. Ratcliff, a writer at Draftbeyond and Writinity.

Once you have come to a solution all parties are on board with you should make sure this is put in writing somewhere in order to prevent further issues in future and to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Look for Ways to Avoid Negative Conflict in the Future

The most effective way to manage conflict is to avoid it turning negative where possible.  Have clear policies in place that detail how to deal with conflict when it arises.  Make sure when you assign any work to someone you give clear instructions so there is no confusion about what the work requires.

“Maintain a positive team environment by keeping up with safe space practices and having regular team-building sessions to maintain comradery amongst colleagues.  This should help team members to feel comfortable enough to manage some conflicts on their own,” says Eileen B. McCauley, business blogger at Research Papers UK.

See Conflict When It Arises as an Opportunity

When conflict does arise don’t see it as a failure on your part but as an opportunity to grow from the experience.  Find out what areas are lacking, whether this is team building that alienates certain members or simply that you have not been clear enough with your instructions.

If you can show that you are trying to improve and make changes yourself it will encourage others to follow, especially if you are in a position of management.  It is important to learn from mistakes and to avoid a culture of blame when things go wrong.  This starts from the top.


Conflict doesn’t have to be something to fear or avoid, you can effectively deal with it by creating an environment of trust, listening to all sides of the argument and working together towards a positive solution.

Look for ways to mitigate any risks of conflict by providing a culture that values individuals as well as teamwork and when conflict arises try and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn.

If you keep a good team morale and a work environment where people feel comfortable to share their ideas and opinions you should be able to deal with any and all conflicts that arise.

Jenny Williams is a business analyst and writer, lending her expertise to Lab Report Writing Service and Lucky Assignments. She also creates content for the Gum Essays service blog.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/conflict-management-in-5-steps/

Fixit45 announces acquisition of Parkit, unveils subscription-based VIP programme

In demonstration of its stated commitment to facilitating value-creating interactions across stakeholders in the automotive industry, leading autotech platform, Fixit45 has announced the acquisition of Parkit, a network of tech enabled autocare and car wash centres.

Since its entry in to the market in July 2021, Fixit45 has been focused on building a platform that provides a seamless, collaborative infrastructure for interactions to occur across verticals that include auto repair and maintenance services, fleet management, auto parts sourcing and delivery, auto care, refurbishment and upgrades, repair financing and mechanic workshop software as well as pre-purchase inspections, underlying these with moderation for compliance and accountability.

Fixit45 caters to needs in the repair and maintenance segment, Parkit plays in the auto care vertical, Xparts is a discovery and trading platform for spare parts where you can explore a rich inventory, find exacts parts based on the platform’s AI tools and get these parts in very good time and Rampware is a Software-as-a-Service tool to help auto-workshops manage their operations and improve service delivery experience.

On the acquisition, Justus Obaoye, CEO and Co-Founder, Fixit45 said, “Parkit was committed to building out and digitizing the fragmented vertical in the autocare and car wash space. They provided business support, training and consumables to businesses and ensured that the experience was rewarding for fleet and car owners.

We found synergies in what they were doing at the time and we approached them to join us in this journey to fix and build the aftermarket ecosystem which has culminated in the acquisition. Parkit has been fully integrated in the Fixit45 family and we look forward to providing market leadership.”

According to Gerald Okonkwo, VP, Business Development, Fixit45 and Founder, Parkit, “our business was founded in June 2018 to use technology in making the customer journey for car washes very seamless by automating payments, helping them acquire the right tools for the job and providing professional care services that were not available in-country.

This journey has been a collaborative experience and we are blessed to have found the right team at Fixit45 with bold ambitions to create value for consumers in this space. The acquisition was finalized in September 2021 and we are looking to many more wins.

When we started, we had to import most of our consumables and materials, but today, we are to provide quality car shampoo, upholstery, tire and engine wash, polish and air fresheners. This is just one of many success stories that this acquisition has berthed.”

Automobile ownership for car and fleet owners can be a frustrating experience owing to a myriad of factors that include highly fragmented, mostly unregulated industry, informal service providers who often lack the technical competence, as well as proliferation of counterfeit spare parts with a lack of warranty on repairs.

Fixit45 announces acquisition of Parkit, unveils subscription-based VIP programme

These challenges in turn have also impacted the service delivery experience from service providers.

To change the narrative in the space, Fixit45 is collaborating with a lot of stakeholders and partners with a view to deepening value creation in the ecosystem. Some of these stakeholders include workshops, spare part suppliers, insurance companies, tow trucks, fintechs, and fleet owners.

The Fixit45 Vehicle Intact Programme (VIP) has been designed as the name suggests to delivering quality and affordable repair and maintenance services via subscription-based plans with a view to ensuring that the lifetime value of a vehicle or fleet is enhanced and productivity optimized.

The rich bouquet of plans come in 4 packages that include the Service Plan, Maintenance Plan, Extended Services Plan and the Emergency Services Plan.

The Service Plan ensures that subscribers don’t have to worry about workmanship and getting their vehicles in good shape. The Maintenance Plan is a commitment to a routine and or scheduled preventive maintenance which in turn mitigates the need for some repair work on the vehicle.

The Extended Service Plan works as an HMO for vehicles in which subscribers transfer to us the duty of keeping their fleet and or vehicles operational at all times. Because breakdowns don’t announce themselves, the Emergency Service plan is designed to give comfort and succor to motorists in the event of a breakdown.

With presence across 4 cities in Nigeria, more than 100 network partners and over 2500 vehicles under management, Fixit45’s ambition is to become Africa’s largest and most trusted autotech platform. “We have built a robust end-to-end ecosystem platform that caters for all players in the aftermarket segment. The industry has largely been based on brick-and-mortar operations and it is our intention to disrupt and digitize this space using technology,” said Abdulazeez Ogunjobi, Cofounder & CTO.

“It is gratifying to see the uptake and adoption of Fixit45’s service platform by corporates in the FMCG, Mobility and Tech industry. The glowing commendations we have received will further spur us to do more in the aftermarket space. Our value propositions of affordability, peace of mind, quick turnaround time, convenience, quality assurance and accessibility will never go out of fashion. We will double down on these and ensure that the vehicle ownership experience is better improved,” said Bemigho Awala, Head of Marketing and Communications.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/fixit45-announces-acquisition-of-parkit/

Friday, November 26, 2021

How can I meet new friendly ladies for a cam to cam video chat?

It’s not even a question as to whether or not you can play with friendly girls when you’re online. There are sites all over the internet that only exist to make that happen for you. It’s easy to find them and see what they have for you before you commit to joining them. None of that is really hard. The only problem is that there are some sites that promise you one thing while delivering on another. Just because a site is filled with friendly girls doesn’t mean that they’re all going to want to have the kind of fun that you want to have. 

What type of sexy girls is interested in cam video chat?

  1. Make sure the girls like anonymous sex
  2. They should like to act slutty
  3. Look for websites they go to hangout

Just read this article from Chicago Reader. If you can find a list like this on a major site like that then you know that these sites are really all over the place. When you start looking at adult sites then you usually want to have the most fun that you possibly can. That means that you probably want to go cam to cam with the girls and you can’t get that everywhere. Even when you can get it, it might not be as much fun as it really should be.

  1. Make sure the girls like anonymous sex

No matter what kind of fun you want to get into, it’s a great idea to make sure that the girls on the site are really all about having anonymous sex with strangers. That can be a real challenge. You never really know what you’re getting into before you decide to start camming with someone. You could end up going through the trouble of getting onto your cam only to see that the girl is fully clothed and only there to talk about the weather. That’s never a good thing at all and that’s why you want to check out the profile pictures before you start talking to them.

Girls who look like this are always going to be up for a lot of adult camming fun. If she’s showing off her body in her pictures then you can be sure that she’s going to want to do the same thing for you on cam. Talk to those girls first and see how far you can take it all. You might be surprised at just how much fun you can have by simply seeing what the girls look like before you show them your cam feed.

  1. They should like to act slutty

The best possible thing that you can come across is a site that’s filled with girls who love to be total sluts when they have fun. They certainly exist and you just need to find them. Everyone knows how much fun it happens to be when you see a girl who’s dressed like a slut in public. It’s exciting and you have to wonder if you could get them into bed with you. It’s the same thing when you’re on your cam. If the girl likes to play the role of a slut then you’re in a good place and in for a really good time. Look at this article from Elite Daily. It’s all about women who still like to wear skimpy clothes during the winter, even though it makes them cold and causes them problems. Those are the kinds of women that you want to be camming with. If they do it out in public like that then they’re certainly going to do it for you when they’re alone in their rooms. Finding these girls should always be the first thing that you do whenever you get yourself online.

  1. Look for websites they go to hangout

If all of this sounds really good to you then all you have to do is get onto the site where you can cam with these girls at all hours of the day and night. It’s not all that hard, really. You just need to know where to start looking. Once you get yourself onto a good site, you’ll know it. You should stick with it and you’ll be able to enjoy everything that you’ve wanted to. The more you play with the girls, the more you’ll do with them and that’s really what it’s all about here. The best way to have this desire fulfilled is to join and cam chat with hot ladies at arousr.com. It’s filled with exactly the kind of girls that you should be looking for. It’s also incredibly easy for you to use. You can get into the camming right away and you won’t have to learn any tricks to make it happen. Just point your browser and check it all out. It’s free and you’ll know that you’re finally home as soon as you get there. There’s no better way for you to spend your time when you’re online.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/how-can-i-meet-new-friendly-ladies-for-a-cam-to-cam-video-chat/

More women break into ICT space as Huawei trains 50 with more to come

The Huawei Seeds for the Future has trained some 50 women as part of efforts to increase women participation in the digital technology space.

There is a long term vision of training about 20,000 females in ICT through a collaboration between the government of Ghana and Huawei.

Deputy Communications and Digitization Minister, Ama Pomaa Boateng, congratulating the ladies said “it is time for our women after going through this intensive Digital capacity building program from Huawei to take opportunity to build and establish their businesses.

“Women participation in technology is my priority and that of the ministry. It is my aim to contribute to bridging the gender gap in Ghana and beyond,” she added.

More women break into ICT space as Huawei trains 50 with more to come

She indicated that “the Ministry of Communications and Digitalization has a plan and is preparing the girl child to compete globally and determination and planning is key in achieving a brighter future,” she said.

Madam Boateng said they have also engaged Huawei to offer digital skills training to over 20,000 girls across the country and “we continue to grow that number.”

Huawei, a world leading telecom giant looks to make ICT accessible to all especially women and younger entrepreneurs.

Deputy Managing Director of Huawei Technologies Ghana, Kweku Essuman Quansah, said the Company has been an organization that provides equal opportunities for all.

He said it was for this reason that “we decided to dedicate this year’s Seeds of the Future Programme to women in STEM.”

He noted that this year, through the Ministry some female students from various Universities across the country had the opportunity to experience technologies in ICT and dialogue with experts.

“l believe the tour of Huawei’s 5G Exhibition Hall as well as courses on Huawei’s ICT talent ecosystem has broaden their horizon and their understanding deepen.

“As a leading global ICT solutions provider, Huawei is committed to expanding our presence in Ghana and see will offer Ghanaian customers innovative ICT products, services, and solutions and collaborate within the local industry, ” he added.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/huawei-trains-50-with-more-to-come/

Dimensity 9000: A strong competition for Snapdragon?

MediaTek has just announced its latest flagship processor: the Dimensity 9000, the company’s most powerful chip ever. It is envisioned to go head to head with the best popular chip competitors like Qualcomm and Samsung offer.

“We’re moving deliberately into flagship tiers, and I think that’s probably a space that people have not associated Mediatek with, historically,” said Finbarr Moynihan, Mediatek’s vice-president and general manager of marketing.

The new Dimensity 9000 is coming in strong to make a case for 2022 Android flagships as it hopes to break into the flagship tier market.

Let’s get into the specifications of the chipset!

Dimensity 9000: A strong competition for Snapdragon?

Specifications of Mediatek Dimensity 9000


The new Dimensity 9000 is the first mobile chip to be built on TSMC’s 4nm process and uses Arm’s new v9 architecture.

The first Mediatek CPU to use Arm’s new core designs ( ArmV9 CPU cores): a single Cortex-X2 performance core clocked at 3.05GHz, three Cortex-A710 cores at 2.85GHz, and four Cortex-A510 efficiency cores at 1.8GHz.


The GPU is a 10-core Arm Mali-G710, along with MediaTek’s fifth-generation APU with six total cores for AI processing (which the company says offers four times the performance and power efficiency compared to its previous generation)

The Mediatek Dimensity 9000 also employs a 10-core Mali-G710 GPU — an ideal spot for Arm’s new graphics core’s performance.

This is Arm’s newest GPU, and the chip designer promises that its implementation will result in a 35% performance jump and a 60% efficiency gain over the Snapdragon 888.


MediaTek also introduces its fifth-generation APU with six total cores for AI processing. This improved silicon hexa-core design comes with four performance cores and two efficiency cores for less demanding workloads.

According to them, it offers four times the performance and power efficiency of its preceding generation.

Mediatek was also keen to note that its new processor packs 8MB of L3 cache and 6MB of system-level cache (SLC). By comparison, the Snapdragon 888 touts 4MB of L3 cache and 3MB of SLC.

Multimedia and Image processing capacity

Mediatek did not come to play when it comes to Dimensity 9000’s capacity for image and multimedia processing.

The new 18-bit Imagiq Gen 7 ISP claims to be the world’s first processor capable of capturing a 320-megapixel image and sending data at a rate of 9 gigapixels per second.

This means that the new processor can support a maximum single-camera resolution of up to 320MP and hardware support for a 32MP+32MP+32MP camera setup.

In addition, the upgraded chipset now allows 8K/24fps video recording. It also supports three 4K HDR recording streams simultaneously, as well as four 4K three-exposure video HDR streams.


Dimensity 9000 contains a 5G modem based on its M80 architecture. This includes a 3CC carrier aggregation (up to 7Gbps downlink speeds) and the company’s unique PowerSave technology for longer battery life.

Also, Mediatek has revealed that using its Dimensity 5G Open Resource  Architecture, it hopes to give device makers more access to the processor so they can tweak it per their taste.

This will be just as in OnePlus’s Dimensity 1200-AI, where they tweaked the processor, thus sharing the chipset name.

Compared to Snapdragon

Dimensity 9000 is ahead in its league as compared to Snapdragon 888 chipset. Moreover, comparing both will be somewhat towards unfair as they both belong to different generations.

However, MediaTek has taken the lead with this flagship tier chipset, and we can only wait to find out what other companies do in response to it or already have planned for it.

The history between MediaTek (Dimensity) and Qualcomm (Snapdragon)

Mediatek and Qualcomm have always competed when it comes to processors. Both companies have gained advantages in different capacities.

This new launch of Dimensity 9000 puts them at par with each other in terms of capacity, but the battle for the best processor is far from over.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/mediatek-dimensity-9000/

Facebook launches Boost with Facebook programme to help SMBs unlock digital growth opportunities in Ghana

Today, Meta announced the launch of Boost with Facebook, a program aimed at training and equipping small and medium-sized businesses in Ghana with digital tools and technologies to help them grow.

In partnership with Wineloya, a local Ghanaian Digital and Advertising agency, Meta aims to train over 5,000 micro, small and medium-sized businesses on how they can raise awareness for their businesses while also making meaningful connections with new consumers.

The program is run through a series of modules that are delivered by Certified trainers through live webinar sessions. Each module lasts around 90 minutes and is free for small and medium-sized enterprises who enrol.

“We’re excited to support economic recovery in Ghana through the launch of the Boost with Facebook program, as entrepreneurship provides economic opportunities for Ghanaians and plays an integral role in driving Ghana’s economy.” Adaora Ikenze, Head of Public Policy, Anglophone West Africa said while commenting about the launch. At Meta, we know that small and medium businesses in Ghana may be experiencing unexpected challenges during the outbreak of COVID-19 and we’re committed to providing as much support as possible. Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and pillars of their local communities so this programme is designed to help them strengthen their businesses during these challenging times.”

Meta’s free workshops have helped hundreds of businesses build their social media skills and reach new audiences with lessons such as setting up a digital presence, discovering their audience online, or developing engaging content. Since its launch in Africa in 2017, the Boost with Facebook program has trained over 200,000 small businesses across the continent.

Meta is committed to helping businesses grow locally and worldwide, as well as driving economic impact across Africa. The launch of Boost with Facebook in Ghana comes after similar programs in Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Kenya, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, DRC, Guinea and Niger, Mali were launched.

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Threads app by Instagram discontinues by end of 2021

Threads app from Instagram will cease to exist by the end of 2021, Meta has confirmed. The app displayed a notification prompting users to return to Instagram from November 23rd.

Threads had a similar concept to Facebook Messenger in that it allowed users to send and receive Instagram direct messages in a separate messaging interface separate from the main app.

Threads app by Instagram discontinues by end of 2021

It included a number of significant features, such as automatic statuses that the app could create for you based on what your phone was doing. By the time Threads app closes, all of those tools will be available on Instagram.

According to Instagram, “We’re bringing the fun and unique features we hard on Threads to the main Instagram app”.

Meta’s cross-platform changes

Meta is also in the process of merging its several communications platforms. Both Messenger and Instagram now offer cross-platform texting; That is, Instagram users could message Facebook friends and vice versa.

The updates also included dozens of new features, such as the ability to co-watch films, respond with emoji, alter the chat colour, and more. The firm has stated that it plans to include WhatsApp as well in the cross-platform messaging.

Therefore, Threads, an Instagram-only app, may make less sense as the distinctions between Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp blur.

Last year, Meta tried a number of things to salvage it, like completely redesigning the app and expanding its use applications from only close friends to all users, but it appears that they were not enough to save it.

Threads app by Instagram discontinues by end of 2021

The app had just over 200,000 users, which is a small fraction of Instagram’s billion-plus users.

Threads app is now listed No. 214 in the Photo & Video category on the US App Store, indicating that it has yet to gain traction with a wider audience.

It also has a 3.1-star rating based on 2,500 reviews, with people complaining about its usability, layout, missing features, and bugs.

Instagram spokesperson Christine Pai intimated that, “We know that people care about connecting with their close friends, and we’ve seen this particularly over the past few years with the growth of messaging on Instagram.”

Pai added, “We’re now focusing our efforts on enhancing how you connect with close friends on Instagram, and deprecating the Threads app.”

History of Threads

Threads was launched for both Android and iOS devices as Instagram’s standalone image-centric messaging app in October 2019.

The app was found to have some similarities with Snapchat as it allowed users to share their photos and videos in a visual form with their close friends.

It moved beyond close friends last year and was updated to allow users to message anyone on Instagram.


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A year on, the HUAWEI Y9a phone still remains a beautiful yet powerful handset with great battery performance

As smartphones are constantly evolving, consumers are taking more factors into consideration when choosing a smartphone. In addition to powerful performance and a captivating design, consumers are also looking for a great camera to capture memories in high clarity.

Among a wide variety of products, smartphones offer more comprehensive functions, which are naturally more attractive to consumers, and the HUAWEI Y9a certainly offers consumers a wide range of functions. Let’s find out how it works one year after.

Powerful camera for everyday use

The quad-camera on HUAWEI Y9a includes a 64 MP main camera (f/1.8 aperture), an 8 MP 120° Ultra-Wide Angle Lens (f/2.4 aperture), a 2 MP Depth Lens (f/2.4 aperture) and a 2 MP Macro Lens (f/2.4 aperture). This combination meets consumers’ needs for shooting in various scenarios. After taking a few photos and videos over these couple of months, we found out the image quality is still excellent.

Its front camera only pops up when you need it, and is designed to be very fast and flexible. The front camera is a 16MP lens fitted with an f/2.2 aperture, great for capturing selfies in everyday life.

4200mAh battery and 40W HUAWEI SuperCharge

The HUAWEI Y9a is packed with a 4200 mAh battery and supports 40W HUAWEI SuperCharge. The smartphone charges to 65% in 30 minutes and to 100% battery – 4300mAh in an hour, which is awesome!

Powerful processor for a smooth gaming experience

The HUAWEI Y9a is equipped with a bunch of hardware tailored for powerful gaming performance. During an hour of continuous gameplay, there is no noticeable framerate loss and the game runs smoothly with no lags or latency, even when we switched between different scenes.

The phone doesn’t heat up much either, which shows that it has pretty good cooling performance. After playing for an hour, the phone still felt cool and it only used 9% of the battery, reaching a good balance between power consumption and performance.

Efficient and hassle-free multitasking

Generally, the most annoying thing about using a smartphone is that some apps may be “killed” in the background when the user has to leave the task on hand to answer a call or reply a message. The game or video they were just playing might be forced to shut down and need re-loading the next time you want to play. But we were really impressed by HUAWEI Y9a.

A year on, the HUAWEI Y9a phone still remains a beautiful yet powerful handset with great battery performance

The EMUI 10.1 improves the gameplay experience for users as well. Thanks to the Game Assistant, users can open WeChat or other apps in the middle of the game to reply messages without quitting. It also includes anti-mistouching and do not disturb features which ensure an uninterrupted experience, ideal for mobile game lovers.

Flagship-inspired design for a distinct look

It has a 6.63-inch TFT LCD (IPS) display with a resolution of 2400 x 1080 (FHD+). Using a pop-up camera design, the screen panel remains complete with no notches or holes to be seen and ensured an impressively high screen-to-body ratio of 92%.

The back panel is made of 3D curved glass with an iconic Halo ring designed into it, which was used on the HUAWEI Mate 30 Series. It is also inspired by the concept of stage lighting – when you hold it in different lights, you’ll see three beams of light reflected from the bottom.

On the side of the HUAWEI Y9a is the volume and power button which is integrated with fingerprint sensing. Both the actual sensing speed and accuracy is very high. On the top of the phone is a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Download various apps through AppGallery and Petal Search

Besides for hardware configuration, consumers might be concerned about software accessibility on Huawei smartphones. This is not a worry; with AppGallery, users can download popular apps including Lazada, PUBG Mobile and other popular mobile games.

You can also use Petal Search, which is listed on AppGallery and can be added to the home screen as a widget, to quickly search and download the apps you want, easy and straightforward.


After using the HUAWEI Y9a for a year, we would love to recommend it to you as a smartphone that really stands out in terms of design, gaming performance, photography, battery life and more. What’s more, it is pleasing to the eye and comfortable to hold.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Money-making suggestions for 2022

Making money online may help you supplement your income while also allowing you to leave your 9-to-5 job and follow your ambition of working for yourself full-time.

From online poker to commercializing your beany Babies collection, there are a variety of popular get-rich-quick money-making ideas. Are they successful? Not in the least. Will you be able to benefit from it? Maybe. Your 9-to-5 job, on the other hand, might pay you more money. At the very least, you’ll make a small profit.

The truth is that there are legitimate ways to make money online, and many individuals do so every day. From freelance digital nomads to astute marketers to ambitious entrepreneurs, there are a variety of business ideas you may test out with your laptop and a dependable internet connection. Let’s have a look at some methods for making money online the right way.

Do you want to start a business but don’t know what to sell? Shake’s wholesale rating is where bestsellers are identified.

On the internet, there are a variety of ways to make money.

You might be able to make money by selling affiliate products. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods for making money online. Its quality has risen and waned over time, yet it is still dependable owing to generating money online. The wonderful thing about affiliate marketing is that you can work for almost any company as an affiliate, from Shopify to Amazon to Uber to FabFitFun.

Consider content selling if you want to make money with affiliate marketing online. You’ve effectively built an Associate in Nursing quality that you’ll claim by creating a blog with several pages of high-quality content. The advantage of concentrating on content marketing is that if your affiliate program closes, you may switch your affiliate link to a competitor without losing money from your side business.

Make a YouTube channel for yourself

If others can make money on YouTube, you can too. Ryan, a 7-year-old YouTuber who reviews products on his channel and earned $22 million in 2018, is the highest-paid YouTuber in the world. World Health Organization’s Jeffree Star has made about $18 million on YouTube and owns a cosmetics company that sells nearly $100 million in merchandise yearly, which is another high-paying employment. He was able to use his YouTube (and Myspace) notoriety to generate money online in addition to his YouTube earnings.

The key to making money on YouTube is to create content that people want to watch, whether it’s educational or entertaining. You may utilize a compelling headline or YouTube-optimized keywords to persuade visitors to pay attention. Once you’ve reached the 1,000-subscriber barrier, you’ll be able to fully legitimize your channel with YouTube advertising.

Become an idea Leader

Making money on the internet may also be aided by creating a personal identity. Cristiano Ronaldo was paid $975,000 for each sponsored Instagram post in 2019, making him the world’s highest-paid influencer. While reality stars, singers, and athletes may appear to be the most powerful influencers, keep in mind that even small-scale influencers may now earn more money than they did a few years ago.

You’ll be able to charge for sponsored posts, speaking engagements, including affiliate links in your bio, selling your photos, selling advertisements on your own podcast, being paid as a complete ambassador, writing a book, getting paid to gift at events, and other ways to make money as an influencer.

Create a web-based course

Sharing your experience is one of the most efficient methods for making money online. If you have Associate in Nursing expertise about a field, you may legitimize your experience by creating online courses. If you already have a following, you may sell your course on Udemy or through your website. Some firms might make up to $5,000 per month by offering online courses.

Observing numerous courses on the topic is the best way to create a preferred and successful course. After then, have a look at the feedback. What are some of the alternatives that people admire, and what are some of the ones that people dislike?

What makes you think you’ll make something larger than what’s currently there? Consider creating content that tackles the most prevalent difficulties while also emulating the wonderful alternatives that people enjoy.

The platform on which you provide your course might have an influence on the amount of money you make. If you sell your course on Udemy, you should not do anything to promote it. It’s almost as if you’re going to set it and forget it. Perhaps you’ll sell it on several blogs or your own website.

However, if the course is hosted on your website, you may want to run adverts to promote it. You’ll also create an Associate in Nursing email list so that you can keep advertising subsequent courses to the same people.

Create aspect hustles

While doing a normal job, side jobs might help you make money online. If you’re looking for a method to supplement your income, this is a fantastic opportunity to make an extra several hundred dollars every month. It’s not always possible for the work to endure a long period, but it’s a possibility.

Use platforms like Fiverr to create gigs. When you first start out on Fiverr, you should focus on offering a low-cost service in order to acquire your first review. To get you started faster, I propose enticing a buddy to help you purchase for your concert and write your first review. Treat your buddy as if he or she were a customer, and deliver a polished product that you will proudly display in your portfolio on the spot.

Learn more about product photography tips to help you start making money with your camera.

Bitcoin mining vs. trading

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoins, as well as the network’s confirmation of new transactions, and it’s a key aspect of the blockchain ledger’s upkeep and development. “Mining” is completed using high-tech equipment that solves a difficult mathematical problem. The next block of bitcoins is sent to the primary computer to solve the problem, and the process repeats itself.

Mining cryptocurrency is time-consuming, costly, and seldom rewarding. Using the most up-to-date technologies, such as Helium Mining, greatly raises the profit margin.

Many cryptocurrency investors are drawn to mining because miners are compensated in crypto tokens for their work. Aside from mining, you may use Bitcoin Wallet to start trading Bitcoin right immediately if you have money in your wallet. You may use the Bitcoin Wallet for both long and short-term investments.


Making money online may help you supplement your income while also allowing you to leave your 9-to-5 job and follow your ambition of working for yourself full-time. By brainstorming online business ideas and opting to start an online business, you gain more financial freedom, improve your financial security, and get closer to living life on your own terms. If you put in the work and continue, you can make a living online. So, what’s going to be your first side hustle?

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/money-making-suggestions-for-2022/

Showmax Pro to stream Ballon d’Or ceremony live

It’s that time of the year where football fans hold their breath to find out which one of their favourite players will win the most prestigious individual prize in football, the Ballon d’Or. The award ceremony finally makes its return this year after the 2020 Covid-19-related cancellation.

An absolute favourite for football fans around the world, the 65th ceremony will be broadcast on 29 November and Showmax Pro subscribers are set to catch all the action live. With all of the favourites for the award being regulars on local TV screens, fans will be eagerly waiting to see who will claim the most prestigious individual award in football.

Fans can catch Jorginho’s Chelsea, who currently sit at the summit of the EPL, weekly live on Showmax Pro, as well as Lionel Messi’s PSG and Robert Lewandowski’s Bayern Munich, who can also be seen in action during UCL games live on Showmax Pro.

After winning the trophy in 2019, Lionel Messi is the current holder of the award and now 2021 front runner alongside Polish striker Robert Lewandowski and Chelsea’s midfielder, Jorginho. Messi’s 2019 win came after he played 48 games, scored 40 goals and led Argentina to their first Copa America title since 1993.

In 2021, Messi scored 41 goals, made 14 assists, and won Copa America and Copa del Rey. Lewandowski scored 63 goals, made 10 assists, and won Bundesliga, Club World Cup and DFL-Supercup, while Jorginho scored eight goals, made three assists, and won Euro 2020, Champions League and UEFA Super Cup.

Here’s the full list of nominees: Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea), Nicolo Barella (Inter Milan), Karim Benzema (Real Madrid), Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus), Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City), Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus), Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United), Ruben Dias (Manchester City), Gianluigi Donnarumma (Paris Saint-Germain), Bruno Fernandes (Manchester United), Phil Foden (Manchester City), Erling Haaland (Borussia Dortmund), Jorginho (Chelsea), Harry Kane (Tottenham), N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Simon Kjaer (AC Milan), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Romelu Lukaku (Chelsea), Riyad Mahrez (Manchester City), Lautaro Martinez (Inter Milan), Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint-Germain), Lionel Messi (Paris Saint-Germain), Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Gerard Moreno (Villarreal), Mason Mount (Chelsea), Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain), Pedri (Barcelona), Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Luis Suarez (Atletico Madrid)

Showmax Pro subscribers can catch the ceremony live on 29 November at 20h30 (West Africa Time), 21h30 (Central Africa Time) and 22h30 (East Africa Time).

Why Showmax Pro?

Showmax Pro is a streaming service available for Showmax subscribers in Africa that bundles the existing Showmax entertainment offering with music channels, news and live sports streaming from SuperSport.

Subscribers can live stream the 2021 seasons of the English Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, UEFA Europa and UEFA Conference leagues, the 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers and more.

The platform also offers a wide range of other live sports events including athletics, professional boxing, and the world’s biggest marathons.

To learn more and join the Pros, visit www.showmax.com to subscribe to Showmax Pro.

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Satellite data driving changes in the modern world: 10 examples

Many complex geophysical processes are taking place on our planet. To understand these processes, we need a reliable tool, which is satellites. They allow us to understand all processes on the Earth both at the local and global levels.

Satellites use a variety of measuring instruments. They collect data revolving around the Earth. The received satellite data is processed and analyzed on the ground.

Satellite Data changing the world: 10 examples

Whether individually or as part of a constellation, satellites allow us to see a global perspective from above. It is necessary to control and protect the environment, including wildfire combat, and ensure sustainable development. In addition, satellites are capable of responding to humanitarian emergencies. Land observation satellites can also assess the condition of vegetation, making a significant contribution to agriculture.


With the help of active and passive sensors, farmers can obtain soil moisture data from space. For agriculture, this is an important parameter that provides an understanding of the Earth’s water cycle. For agricultural planning, satellite technology also provides a valuable tool, namely the mapping of soil types. Accurate soil information is vital for food security in a rapidly growing population.

The global food supply is estimated using satellite imagery and the Normalized Vegetation Difference Index in today’s world. Satellites allow the assessment of the state of vegetation and the estimation of potential yield thanks to the ndvi calculation. Such opportunities make life much easier for farmers and other participants in agribusiness.

Satellite data has also made it possible to create and develop precision farming technologies and practices. The concept aims to improve the efficiency of agriculture while maintaining sustainability and conserving resources. Precision farming could hardly exist without remote sensing6 as it allows early detection and resolution of various problems in the fields, including pests or diseases.

Archaeology: Digging the past out of the ground

Remote sensing makes an outstanding contribution to archaeological research. For example, this technology helps to find places where dinosaurs have been. Satellites help detect four critical factors that indicate the presence of fossil remains. These factors include slope, vegetation cover, proximity to landslides, and aspect.

Remote sensing technology has also helped archaeologists excavate sites from ancient civilizations, including the Mayans and Ancient Egypt. Remote sensing applications with infrared and stereo images made it possible to discover pyramids and other old structures.

Earth studies: Calculating the depth of snowpack

Snowpack is one of the essential hydrological components of the global water cycle. In most regions of the world, it forms the dominant part of the continental runoff. A significant part of the world’s population lives in river basins with snow food.

It directly determines the cycle’s dynamics and controls the climate due to its influence on the formation of the energy budget of the earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere. Snowpack  provides essential information for flood control. In addition, they are one of the most important sources of drinking water. Without remote sensing technologies, it would not be easy to obtain accurate depth data.

Business: sustainable fishing

With remote sensing technologies, we can monitor ocean color and water temperature. This information is helpful for satellites as it helps to detect different types of fish. Local fishermen can get the data from the satellite to save time and reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, due to the satellite apps, we can see the places with algal blooming or other harmful phenomena to aquaculture.

Climate change: sea level rise

Sea level rise can become a severe problem, as it can cause the inundation of coastal areas and islands. It’s one of the most dangerous climate change consequences, as it is also a reason for shoreline erosion and significant ecosystems destruction. Spacecraft orbits in combination with satellite altimeter radar measurements help measure sea level globally. It’s an effective way to get accurate data and monitor long-term changes to predict the future of Earth’s climate.

Crime: locating missing people

Remote sensing is also a helpful tool for the detection of missing people’s locations. If detectives want to thoroughly search the territory and narrow the search to save time, remote sensing can help them find anomalies on the ground. Thus, the crime scene can be identified. Satellite technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of search operations and reduce labor costs.

Disasters: Disaster mitigation and recovery

Assessing the impact of natural disasters can be extremely challenging. However, this estimate is critical for planning rescue and recovery operations. It is vital to obtain this information quickly and in full. Satellite imagery makes it possible to compare objects before and after state to detect changes and assess the damage caused. In addition, various satellite imagery applications enable disaster assessment, building shadow measurements, and digital surface models.

Ecology: Ecosystem restoration

Ecosystem restoration is helping to move forward in tackling climate change. However, it is not an easy task because it requires a collaborative effort from different businesses, governments, indigenous peoples, and many others. Various systems and platforms use satellite imagery to detect degraded land, food insecurity, and areas in need of remediation.

Recovery plans are drawn up based on satellite imagery and data. They are also necessary to monitor the status and assess the effectiveness of the operations performed.

Engineering: supplying water via irrigation systems

Construction and engineering also use remote sensing technologies to plan and implement various projects. Thus, it is possible to improve water supply in multiple sectors, including the daring economy. One way to achieve these improvements is through the projection of elevator irrigation systems.

Engineers need to get a complete view of the site before construction begins. Satellite stereo images and photogrammetry are used to generate datasets, including digital terrain models, which are critical to the work of an engineer.

Military: Searching for lost aircrafts

In the past, searches for crashed aircraft could take quite a long time, which meant a tiny chance of rescue for people on board. We know a lot of stories about flying planes in the mountains or other hard-to-reach places. Remote sensing capabilities are also used for search and rescue operations. Many satellites revolve around our planet every day, which allows rescuers to obtain the necessary data in near real-time. Satellite data enables timely detection of aircraft to save lives.


Satellite data can help humanity in solving many pressing problems related to climate, environment, and emergencies. Remote sensing technologies are truly empowering people in many areas. The development of this technology gives a chance to solve those issues that were impossible or extremely hard to solve in the past.

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Zenity comes out of stealth with $5M as the only company to secure low code/no code applications

Zenity, the only governance and cybersecurity platform for Low-Code/No-Code applications, exited stealth mode with a $5 million seed funding round, led by Vertex Ventures and UpWest, and backed by top executives such as the former CISO of Google, Gerhard Eschelbeck, and former CIO of SuccessFactors, Tom Fisher.

With Zenity, businesses can promote citizen development and adopt Low-Code/No-Code platforms while avoiding critical data exfiltration or disruption to business continuity.

Today’s digital revolution is powered by platforms that democratize application development and enable rapid quality deliverables. Traditionally, IT and development teams developed applications. Now, teams utilize Low-Code/No-Code platforms such as Salesforce, Microsoft Power Platform, and others to develop applications in minutes.

With this new employee independence, CIOs, CISOs, and relevant stakeholders are looking to ensure that business units and citizen developers are free to improve productivity without compromising security. Without governance and security practices, organizations are unintentionally vulnerable to exfiltrating sensitive data or exposing the organization to breaches and ransomware attacks.

Zenity comes out of stealth with $5M as the only company to secure low code/no code applications
Ben Kliger, co-founder and CEO of Zenity (Left) & Michael Bargury, co-founder and CTO of Zenity (Right)

“Companies are heavily adopting Low-Code/No-Code, without realizing the risks it employs nor their part in the shared responsibility model,” said Zenity co-founder & CEO Ben Kliger.

“We empower CIOs and CISOs to seamlessly govern their Low-Code/No-Code applications and prevent unintentional data leaks, disturbance to business continuity, compliance risks or malicious breaches.”

To provide governance and security for such applications, teams must assess the business logic, security configuration, permissions model, and data flows. Already working with Fortune 500 companies using their platform, Zenity continuously scans every application component identifying security policy violations.

This can include vulnerabilities, such as risky 3rd-party components and exfiltration and manipulation threats, including supply chain attacks.

Zenity comes out of stealth with $5M as the only company to secure low code/no code applications

“The challenge is mitigating the risks and security threats associated with Low-Code/No-Code solutions without disturbing the business,” said Tom Fisher, Zenity advisor and former CIO of Oracle, Qualcomm, CTO of eBay. “Zenity provides the perfect combination of governance and security tools with a pro-business approach that helps business developers build with confidence.”

Ben Kliger and Michael Bargury worked at Microsoft on the Azure and cloud security teams.  Michael Bargury, co-founder and CTO of the company, said, “Low-code brings huge ROIs to Fortune 500 companies by democratizing application development and aligning development with the business. However, it also bypasses existing security approaches, making it easy to store sensitive CRM data on personal accounts, share credentials, and execute arbitrary code, allowing attackers to remain hidden while maintaining full control

These funds will allow them to expand R&D, product, marketing operation, and customer acquisition activities while allowing businesses to experience unprecedented growth, made available by today’s digital revolution.

To add to this or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to www.jbklutse.com or visit us on Facebook

source https://www.jbklutse.com/zenity-comes-out-of-stealth-with-5m/

Online Casino Games – Variety you can find online

There has been a rapid surge in the online casino gaming industry over the last two decades. What’s more interesting is that online casinos are generating more in terms of revenue when compared to land-based casinos.

With recent technological advancements and its accessibility to the general public, online gambling is now more popular than ever and has a dedicated fan base with users from all over the world.

One key reason why online casino games have become more prevalent than ever is that individuals now get to play from the comfort of their homes. Not to mention, online casino games are a lot faster than brick-and-mortar casinos.

Furthermore, online casinos offer more flexibility, convenience, and anonymity to the players than land-based casinos. As long as players have access to the internet and their country of residence allows it, online casino games can be enjoyed anywhere. Be it your home, office space, car, you name it! 

Besides, who doesn’t like the idea of being able to win real money by playing casino games online?

Different Types of Online Casino Games

Online casinos offer all sorts of games for players. In this section, let’s shed some light on the most common types of casino games you can play in today’s age.

Online Slots

Perhaps the most popular casino game of all time on the list, online slot games are extremely easy and exciting to play. What’s more, is that vibrant graphics make the whole experience of slot casino games a lot more exhilarating and real.

It is true that a lot is invested by iGaming developers into making these games more engaging and entertaining than the previous versions. Some interesting themes of these slot casino games include Egyptian themes, pirate themes, etc.

Not every slot game has the same rules. Since there are so many variations of slot casino games online, you will have to create accounts on all the casino sites to play all of them.

Nowadays, online casino sites have their own in-house casino games which you won’t find in other online casino sites because they are exclusive to that particular site only. Some online casinos also award bonuses for the players to have a much more thrilling experience.


Blackjack is one of the most popular table games in an online casino. The main objective of a classic game of blackjack is to reach as close to 21 without going over while having an upper hand over the dealer.

What makes a game of blackjack perfect for beginners is its straightforward rules, which are very easy to grasp. Once an individual masters the game of blackjack, he/she can easily aim for major winnings over the course of time. 

Live blackjack is a good way to gain a realistic casino experience without having to go to an actual casino. Not to mention, one can also cash out the money won after winning a round of live blackjack.

Online Roulette

The world of online roulette is just as fun as it is in a real-life casino. The only goal of this casino game is to be able to guess where the ball will land after the roulette wheel has been spun. And it goes without saying that you will get paid once you’ve won a game of online roulette.

For live casino games of roulette, a live dealer hosts the game and very much like the original game, you get to decide the stakes of your bets. A game of roulette requires an individual to have a clear understanding of how odds and inside/outside bets work. They also need to have a strategic approach to the game if they are to win.

Online Poker

Online poker is an online version of the original casino games and is an enjoyable game for individuals, especially during weekly or monthly tournaments hosted by casinos. These casino games are often backed up with prizes worth thousands of dollars.

One upside to playing poker online is the faster pace of the game and the entailment of fewer risks since it can be played for smaller amounts. Another advantage is that you can play online poker whenever you want to because you will always find an online game no matter wherever you are in the world.

You have the freedom to withdraw the winnings of a game whenever you want to. It is also possible to deposit small amounts such as $2 to enter a classic game of poker online.

Texas Holdem Poker is one of the best poker games of all time. Texas Holdem Poker first came into the limelight during the 1970s. While the game has evolved over the years, it still requires the players to deal with two cards. The aim of online casino games like Texas Holdem Poker is to be able to create the best poker hand of five cards by merging a hole card with one of the community cards.

Other kinds of online poker games include Five Card Draw, Badugi, Triple Draw, Omaha Hi, Razz, Stud Poker, and many more. There are endless variations to poker games across all online casino sites. 

Final Words

Table games are not only limited to roulette and blackjacks. There are more casino games across all online casinos, with attractive odds and simple rules.

Baccarat is also pretty popular in Hollywood culture, particularly in Bond movies. What’s more is that online casino games allow players to interact with each other, which definitely adds to the already thrilling gaming experience.

Other casino games that are widely available and are booming in the online casino game industry include video poker, bingo, jackpot games, keno, etc. Nowadays, you can also use your smartphones to play casino games making them portable no matter where you go.

Remember, casino games are generally based on pure luck. So if you haven’t yet mastered strategic casino games like baccarat and blackjack, you can always begin with online slots, which are extremely beginner-friendly. 

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source https://www.jbklutse.com/online-casino-games-variety/

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