Monday, May 31, 2021

Female Agribusiness Professionals encouraged to apply for Ignite 2021

Ignite 2021

Guzakuza Organization has opened applications for eligible female agribusiness professionals to apply for the 2021 edition of its Ignite programme.

Ignite is an Agribusiness programme that is designed to spark the creation of jobs and wealth in young women through Agripreneurship. The programme nurtures and turns ground-breaking ideas into profitable and sustainable Agribusinesses.

Female agribusiness professionals who qualify to join the programme will earn a Postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness certified by the London Academy of Professional Training, UK and Enterprise Risk Management – Africa.

Apply now and enjoy the under-listed benefits

  1. Earn a globally recognised certification
  2. Acquire Agribusiness, Human and Conceptual skills
  3. Professional Networks and Opportunities
  4. Coaching and Mentorship
  5. Access to Ready Market
  6. Access to Investors

Ignite 2021 is free for applicants who do not wish to earn a Postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness.  Applicants who wish to earn a Postgraduate diploma virtually would be required to pay a subsidised fee of $1,300.

There is also a blended opportunity for applicants who wish to earn a Postgraduate diploma and also get assessed by external examiners. By paying $1,600, they will get the chance to spend two (2) weeks on their businesses at the Ignite residence.

How to Apply

Visit to apply or find more information on scholarship opportunities.

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How to incorporate webcam chats into online dating

How to incorporate webcam chats into online dating

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an online dating connoisseur, or you feel bewildered just thinking about signing up for Fruzo – adding webcam chats to your online dating experience can be a game-changer.

For the experienced online daters, video chats give them focus; for the inexperienced, it helps them feel a sense of context as they talk to strangers. Wherever you fall on the experience spectrum, a video chat feature could end up being your second-favourite thing about online dating – with your favourite thing (ideally) being the person you fell in love with on the platform.

If using webcams for online dating is such a big deal, what can people actually use them for? Well, the possibilities go well beyond getting-to-know-you conversations – although that’s an excellent start. Instead of thinking of webcams as an upgraded version of a phone call, think of them as something closer to a portal to someone else’s world. You can’t ever cross through, but you can come close to sharing parts of their life. Want to know how? Just keep reading.

Use webcam chats as an extension of your profile for better matches

Yes, this is a boring start to the list, but it’s worth saying. Think about how an online dating profile works. The picture gives a snapshot of your face, and the written details give a snapshot of your life. Taken together, it’s a small and usually inadequate depiction of your personality.

Now think about what people see when you turn up in a video chat. Are you dressed in a way that represents you in real life? What does the background in the video say about you? You want to put your best foot forward, while still being authentic. Maybe for you, “authentic” is relaxing on the couch with a fun, messy bun and a cat.

Or, it could be sitting in your bedroom, surrounded by Star Wars figurines. Even if the only space that’s available for the video chat setup has a blank wall for a background, try to jazz it up a little. Not only will it make a much better impression, but now your living space is a little more interesting.

It might seem like overkill to worry about backgrounds and outfits, but it all contributes to the subconscious decision that other online daters will make almost as soon as they meet you – just like the kind of snap decision they make when viewing a dating profile.

If you’ve clearly put effort into your appearance and environment, it sends a signal that you’re probably willing to put effort into a relationship as well. And thanks to webcam chats, all that can be communicated in just a few seconds of live video.

Use webcam chats to make your online dating experience safer

Not many dating sites have a video chat feature, but the ones that do generally offer text chats as well. If you’re talking with someone via text and you aren’t sure if they’re legit, try suggesting a video call.

You could get a few different responses to this. They could reply that they’re too shy, they don’t have a webcam, their internet is too slow, and so on – which could be perfectly true. However, if they consistently decline to talk via webcam while also asking about personal information, or requesting good-faith loans, that’s a pretty sure sign that they’re trying to scam you. If that’s the case, there’s no reason to keep talking to them.

Use webcam chats to deepen relationships

It doesn’t matter what anybody says – sometimes emojis just can’t get the job done. Those who are shy might prefer messaging to video chatting simply because it maintains a degree of distance between them and the stranger, but for a lot of people messaging can become a bit of a pain. It’s fine for the trite back-and-forth conversations, but once you want to say anything meaningful, it’s hard to draft a message that gets the point across.

Video chats, on the other hand, have the flexibility to handle anything. It could be a light-hearted, 5-minute call to tell a funny story or a 3-hour conversation about a mutual passion. Whatever you happen to be talking about, you have a crucial source of information: body language. It tells you the difference between someone who’s just being polite and someone who’s genuinely interested. You can get someone’s “vibe”, instead of just critiquing their grasp of English – which, by the way, isn’t even everyone’s first language on most dating sites.

As the relationship progresses, your video chats will probably change too. Just make sure that you’re both setting aside time for regular, long conversations. Since video chats go a long way in replacing in-person interaction, it’s important to avoid getting lazy or taking each other for granted. This brings us to the next section –

Use webcam chats to facilitate hangouts and hot dates

People use webcam chats to talk to each other, but what if you wanted to go beyond talking? Easy! If you want to brainstorm things to do with a romantic interest via video chat, just think about what you could do if you were actually together. You might not be able to ride bikes down a beautiful country trail, but you could watch a virtual sunset together. You can’t go to a restaurant, but you can get food delivered and share the meal while webcam chatting. If the dating site allows sexual content on the platform, you could even make some after-dinner plans as well.

In other words, get creative! As long as it’s allowed on the dating platform (and is also legal), webcam chatting can supply all kinds of awesome benefits that you’ll both enjoy. Not only is it more efficient than text chatting, but you’ll be able to make more accurate decisions about who may or may not be right for you. Ending up with the relationship you want might take a little while, but webcam chats will be there to help you every step of the way.

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Facebook launches profile frames to boost COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Ghana

Ghana Profie frame 2

Facebook today announces that it is working with the Ministry of Information to launch new COVID-19 Facebook profile frames and Instagram GIPHY stickers. The new frames will let you share your support for COVID-19 vaccines, and see that others you respect and care about are doing the same. The profile frames and stickers will say “Let’s Get Vaccinated” or “I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine”.

Research shows that social norms can have a major impact on people’s attitudes and behaviors when it comes to their health. We know people are more likely to get a vaccine when they see someone they trust doing it. By working closely with national and global health authorities and using our scale to reach people quickly, we’re doing our part to help people get credible information, get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same so we can come back together safely.

Facebook launches profile frames to boost COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Ghana

“We’re promoting these COVID-19 profile frames and GIFs to all Ghanian Facebook and Instagram users to help boost vaccine confidence,” said Adaora Ikenze, Facebook’s Head of Public Policy for Anglophone West Africa. “As COVID-19 vaccines become available to more and more people across Ghana, the new frames and GIPHY stickers can help you to demonstrate your support for the vaccines among your friends and family.”

To add a COVID-19 vaccine frame to your Facebook profile picture:

  1. Open your profile in the Facebook app
  2. Click your profile picture
  3. Click ‘Add frame’
  4. Search for the ‘COVID Vaccine’ frames and select the one you want to use
  5. Click ‘Use as Profile Picture’ to save

To use COVID-19 vaccine Instagram stickers (from GIPHY) on your Instagram story

  1. Open Instagram and add to your story – take a new picture or use a photograph or video of your choosing
  2. From your Instagram story, tap the ‘add media’ button, or swipe up to add Stickers from GIPHY
  3. In the search bar, use the search term ‘COVID Vaccine’ and select a sticker of your choosing (scroll through the options to find the one you want to use)
  4. Position this on your story image or video
  5. Use the hashtag #GetVaccinated if you wish, then post

Ghana also recently commenced phase two of its mass vaccination against COVID-19 in 43 inoculation centres across the country. Health officials are expected to administer a total of 350,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines delivered through the COVAX facility.

Speaking on the partnership with Facebook, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Minister for Information said “We are happy with this partnership with Facebook, as it helps in our drive to encourage vaccine acceptance across the country through digital platforms. Together we can work to ensure more Ghanaians are vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Recently, Facebook also launched facts about COVID in the News Feed and Prevention Tips for people to stay informed and debunk common myths about COVID that have been identified by the World Health Organization. These tips include continued guidance around wearing a mask and keeping a safe distance from others, as well as other tips. This is the latest step as part of Facebook’s ongoing work to connect millions of people to authoritative information about COVID-19.

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Huawei Day With The Media highlights a company making great strides

Huawei Day With The Media

The maiden edition of Huawei Day With The Media came off at the Tang Palace Hotel last Friday, 28th May 2021 — opening a new chapter between Huawei Ghana with the media as an ally.

The event was held to highlight Huawei Ghana’s contribution toward building the nation’s digital economy. For most people, the name Huawei is only synonymous with manufacturing smartphones and watches, however, there’s more to the Asian technology giant as it is involved in software design and development as well as Artificial or Advanced Intelligence (AI) aside making investments in the human resource of Ghana by providing skills training for citizens.

Read on to get an insider’s look at what Huawei Day With The Media attendees already know.

Huawei Day With The Media key highlights

Telecommunication infrastructure

Speaking at the event, Huawei Ghana’s Director of Public and Government Affairs, Jenny Zhou, touched on the collaborative work between her company and MTN Ghana in deploying and maintaining 2G, 3G, and 4G network across the country to help make communication a better experience in the country.

Till date, Huawei’s contribution towards the telecommunication structure of the country stands at 6700+ Km of fiber network and 3000+ wireless sites to connect 22 Million people and enrich the Ghanaian communication experience.

Education and Skills Training

Huawei ICT Talent (HIT) program

Through its Huawei ICT Talent (HIT) program, it has provided skills training for more than 5000 Ghanaian citizens from October 2018 till date. In 2020 alone, over 3000 citizens were trained with more than 1000 professionals receiving certification.

In line with this, Huawei Ghana made a commitment to H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo to provide ICT Skill Training to 10,000+ citizens by 2024.

Huawei’s plans for 2021 include training over 150 basic school teachers and District ICT Directors of the Ghana Education Service (GES) under the TOSS (Technology-enabled Open School System) Project which will be piloted in basic schools to benefit over a thousand students — among many other training projects.

Seeds For The Future

Launched in 2015, Huawei’s flagship Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program has been giving Ghanaian tertiary students the opportunity to experience China’s culture and technology. A hundred and ten (110) Ghanaian tertiary students offering courses in engineering and the sciences have benefited from the program since its inception.

Also read: Seeds Of The Future has given us new perspective on ICT

So far, 60 students from Ghana have experienced study trips to China as part of the initiative. This afforded the students the opportunity of visiting the Huawei Labs as well as interacting with top professionals in the company.

Last year, due to the pandemic, there were no trips as nations put travel bans and lockdowns into force. However, the program went digital and students got to experience the program regardless of their physical location in the world.

The Ghanaian government through two of its Ministries — Communication and Education — in addition to NGOs such as UNESCO, were on board the 2020 digital experience as partners of that year’s edition.

Huawei ICT Academy program

The tech giant has since 2015 been working with the Government of Ghana as well as education institutions and industry associations and partners, to help promote the construction of an ICT talent ecosystem. Last year, 2020, the Huawei Study At Home program was introduced for the ICT Academy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. After its introduction, over 2000 students took part and were trained with more than 700 of them getting HCIA and HCIP certified.

A free 5G training designed for tertiary students was also introduced with over 500 students getting to experience and (or) benefit from the program.

Huawei in Ghana — The numbers

Huawei Technologies (Ghana) S.A Ltd. was registered in 2005 after the company first entered the local market in 2001. In the 20 years, it has been in operation, its staff strength has grown and it is currently in excess of 800, with a localization rate of 90%.

In the last 4 years (2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020), the company has paid corporate-related tax totalling GH¢45 million, GH¢64 million, GH¢84 million and GH¢92 million respectively for each of the years, and as the company continues to grow and be profitable, the Ghanaian economy will derive bigger benefits in that regard.

Its collaboration with local suppliers (80+) in the last 5 years has created an impressive 3500+ jobs.

Huawei Day With The Media

Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)

Huawei started “Seeds For The Future” in 2015 — a program that offers brilliant university students in Ghana some first-hand learning opportunities by witnessing the latest ICT technology and how they were being utilized in China.

For four years running — in 2015, 2016,2017 and 2018 — Huawei has adjudged the CSR ICT company of the year for its initiatives in giving back to society.

Huawei renovated the Accra Main Library — donating ICT equipment to Ghana Laboratory Bureau, aside providing four ICT laboratories to 4 main public universities.

“For many tech-inclined individuals like myself, Huawei went from marketing smartphones with basic functionality in the early 2010s to becoming this manufacturer whose products will comfortably compete with any flagship smartphone on any given day. An impressive turn of events.

Aside the smart gadgets and other computing devices such as laptops, I’m personally intrigued by how willing Huawei is to test the limits of Artificial or Advanced Intelligence (AI) as the company terms it and see how far it can go in making the world better. And when you talk about social awareness, Huawei’s desire to remain a socially responsible corporate organization cannot be overstated because the evidence is clear and visible. 

Huawei’s growth should be a source of excitement and inspiration for anyone whose interest is in the future of AI and smart technology.

I am deliberate, so I like businesses and organizations that are deliberate with their progress and overall game plan. Huawei’s technology is a beauty to experience, and, long may it continue.” John-Bunya Klutse

… … …

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

How to use social media promotions to grow your business

social media promotion

Your business grows when it reaches the right people, and to reach the right people you need to find the right market.

There is no rocket science in this; it is also not a secret information privy only to the enlightened ones. Over the years, successful businesses have identified this mantra much before in their growth stage, and then formulated their strategy keeping this at the centre point. However, the market dynamics are not the same now, and businesses have the tougher job of establishing their brand name in the market.

The definition of a market has changed; it’s no longer just a physical place where buyers and sellers meet. People are now on social media, and spending a considerable amount of time indulging in virtual interactions, and getting familiar with the whole online buying market. In such a case, entrepreneurs refraining their business from getting their feet wet in social media are signing up for a doomsday.

Most of aspiring entrepreneurs are aware of this and are spending almost 12% of their marketing costs. However, a significant number of companies also waste 20-50% of their social media spend. The two most popular reasons for not getting the desired results from the social media promotions for these companies are not paying attention and using stale techniques for promotion.

In this blog, we will be uncovering answers for those companies who are struggling with a bad ROI on their social media investments and also touch upon some kick-ass social promotion ideas that will keep your social media accounts abuzz with new orders.

How to fix your current social media promotion plans?

Social media is a kind of market where trends, fashion and interest move like the hands of the clock, and as time changes, you need to take a fresh look at your social media promotion plans. There are many experiments you can try, and different ideas you can execute, but there are some tried and tested ways that work most of the time.

In the following list, we will be covering these ideas that will be very helpful for fixing your social media promotion plans.

Decide a goal

Shooting arrows in the dark doesn’t give you the desired result. The same goes for your social media promotion plans. You can post content on your social media channels all day long, as much as you want, however, if they’re a bunch of random collections of text, images and GIFs, there’s not much engagement or return you should expect from your social media activities.

Before, you even plan your social media calendar, set realistic goals for your social media campaigns. If you want to create more brand awareness, then stick to educational content where you make the online audience aware of the sole purpose of your brand, and how you’re here to make a difference. If you’re planning to use social media as a lead magnet, sharing promotional content, offers and discounts can help you land more prospective customers.

Of course, it’s OK to do a little mix and match or sprinkle a bit of variation in your content, but when you have a tone set for the longer run, you’ll have a more disciplined approach towards your social media activities.

Define metrics

Goal-setting is incomplete without defining the right metrics to measure your performance. The number one reason why you need goals at the place is to find out if your promotional ideas are even working as per your plans. However, when you get started with defining the metrics, it can get a little ambiguous. There are a plethora of social media metrics to look at, picking the ‘right ones’ can get tricky. The classic rule that you can follow here is to concentrate on your goals and then align the metrics according to it.

So, if your social media promotion activities are pivoted towards building a community, then the likes, comments and change in the number of followers will be the right numbers to look at. Similarly, if your goal is lead generation, then the number of clicks on your product or offer link will give you a more calculated idea.

Understand your audience

The whole idea about understanding your audience is like taking a piece out of a big pie and then frosting it with attention and love to make it look more delicious. No matter what product you sell, you cannot claim all the 3.6 billion active social media users as your target customers. It’s therefore pertinent to carve out a niche, and then nurture this group for a developing longer period of relationship with them.

While you start that, create a persona based on the demographics like age, gender, place and income. Once you have a convincing number of users, listen to different types of interactions your target audience are indulging in, and what are interests that they’re pursuing. Observing their online behaviour will make it easy to produce and share content that immediately attracts their attention, and nudge them to click on the follow button.

Keep an eye on competitors

Learning from your competitors is an old trick, and it holds true for social media too. By following the posts and activities of your competitors on social media, you get a very good idea on where they’re heading at, and what are the places you need to work on to match their standards. Besides, you can spot an opportunity where you can take advantage to build a more robust presence on social media.

Moreover, you will also know what their customers are talking about, which posts are getting the maximum engagement, and what is their posting frequency. To dive deeper into competitor analysis, investing in a social media tool can give you better returns.

These were a few fundamentals which can help you to fix your social media marketing strategy, and give it a push in the right direction. In the following section, we will explore some very cool ideas that you can include in your social media posts to keep your online account vibing.

10 social promotion ideas to lit up your social media posts

When it comes to social media, there are an abundant number of ideas that have worked well for companies. It’s difficult to collate all of them here, but here’s the best attempt to list down the most effective ones.

Start a Q&A

A Q&A removes the veil of unfamiliarity between the users and the company. By giving a podium to your customers for asking questions, you open up to them, and send a clear message that you’re not just another company who is only interested in taking their money. To spice up your Q&A’s, you can also ask questions to your followers not necessarily related to your industry. This will be very helpful for starting conversations with people who are not very familiar with your company.

Include videos

Videos grab attention of the users, and it’s more engaging than text. Additionally, you can communicate many ideas which can be easily perceived through a video as against a text heavy post. So, a video does a great job in communicating your message, and also improves the engagement rate. You can rely on using traditional techniques for making videos, but if you’re low on resources, using screen recording tools is also a great way to keep churning out video content. Nowadays you can record engaging videos with a chrome extension which comes with a lot of engaging features including custom filters, background and more.

Use branded hashtags

Using hashtags does give an extra edge to your social media posts, but when you’re talking about promotion plans, using branded hashtags can give an extra thrust. A branded hashtag is particular to your business, product or even tagline. By creating a branded hashtag you improve the chances of brand recognition and resonance as the users will immediately identify your company when they spot the hashtag next time in any of the social media posts.

Share data and trends

Numbers and graphs attract a lot of attention, and when they’re done the right way, you can expect a healthy stream of followers walking in. If you have done extensive research, and have numbers that give actionable insights, then people will share it with others, and follow your social media account for more such relevant content.

Run polls and surveys

Running a poll or a survey tells the customer that you care about their opinions and suggestions. Whether you’re launching a new potato chip flavor or rating the best taco joint in New York, running polls and surveys open a new door for your users to start a conversation with you.

Plan giveaways

Giveaways are one of those strategies that work really well on social media. Giveaways are a great way to incentivize and recognize the efforts of your customers, and the best part about them is that there are multiple ways of planning a giveaway. You can run a contest, ads or ask your users to refer your products with your brand hashtag. If you’re looking for inspiration, here’s a collection of 20 best social media ideas.

Create partnerships

Reaching out to companies that are related to your brand, and partnering with them to create social media content is a great way to bank on each other’s audience. Both the companies tend to benefit from such a collaboration because the content is relevant to their audience, and they get a ready-made set of users who are willing to show interest. Sharing interesting data sets, industry trends or findings will be a great crowd-puller for such partnerships.

Build a loyalty program

Your loyalty program is all about turning your ardent customers into brand ambassadors. To build a loyalty program, you give these customers a special referral code, so that they recommend your product to their friends and family members. In return, you give a specific amount of commission to them if someone makes a purchase using that code. There are many success stories on loyalty programs, however, here’s a list of 80 referral programs that will help you draw some ideas.

Reply to mentions

This is a no-brainer. All the above ideas can fail if you’re ignorant to people who are tagging you or adding your hashtag in their posts. Responding to their questions or thanking them for leaving a rating on a software review website is the right thing to do. If you fail to be a part of such conversations, then it will not take a lot of time for negative words to get around, and before you realize, many of your users will start preparing plans for switching.

Involve your employees

With social media, nothing remains under the covers, and the millennial users are well aware of this. If your employees are not very involved in sharing your company content or engaging with it, users will know, and it will raise their suspicion. Leaving your employees out from social promotion plans are like refraining your torchbearers from parading, and sending out a message that they don’t believe in the company’s branding. Instead, make your employees a part of social media activities by asking them to include the company name in their bio, using branded hashtags, and participating in the company posts. If you have a small team, you can introduce your team members by posting their bio along with profile pic in your company posts. This will create a better and personal bonding with your online audience.

Summing it up

Social media is the place where you have to be to grow your business and give the branding it deserves. It is therefore important that you have a well-thought-out social media promotion plan so that you get a good ROI on your social media activities.

If you’ve already figured it out, great, but if you’re looking for ideas to fix it, then start with deciding a goal for your social media promotion plans. Once you have that in place, set the metrics that will help you to measure the performance. When you’re done with that, identify the users who you would like to target. Use different demographics to create a persona, and social media tools if you need a more drilled down version. Lastly, keep a close tab on what your competitors are up to. What are they posting, which platform, how the customers are engaging with their posts, and if there is a weak point on which you can capitalize?

Once you’re through with the fundamentals, follow the 10 simple ideas that will help you grab more eyeballs on your social media posts. Remember, it’s not an exhaustive list, but a great resource to get started. Apply and review what is working for your business, and discard the irrelevant ones.

Experimenting with different ideas, applying them, and reviewing their performance is a great way of keeping your social media promotion plans alive and using them to grow your business.


Friday, May 28, 2021

Sir David Adjaye OBE receives the 2021 Royal Gold Medal for architecture

Sir David Adjaye OBE receives the 2021 Royal Gold Medal for architecture

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is pleased to announce that this evening (Wednesday 26 May 2021) Sir David Adjaye OBE is formally celebrated as the recipient of the 2021 Royal Gold Medal for Architecture. The medal was presented by Iain Walker, the British High Commissioner to Ghana, on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen.  

This evening’s virtual celebration links Sir David Adjaye in Ghana, with the RIBA President Alan Jones in London, tributes from dignitaries around the world, and a global audience tuning in online.

Given in recognition of a lifetime’s work, the Royal Gold Medal is given to a person or group of people who have had a significant influence “either directly or indirectly on the advancement of architecture”. Awarded since 1848, past Royal Gold Medallists include Zaha Hadid (2016), Frank Gehry (2000), Norman Foster (1983), Frank Lloyd Wright (1941) and Sir George Gilbert Scott (1859).

Sir David Adjaye is a Ghanaian-British architect who has received international attention for an exceptional body of work over 25 years. Drawing on his cited influences including ‘contemporary art, music and science to African art forms and the civic life of cities’, his completed projects range from private houses, exhibitions and furniture design, through to major cultural buildings and city masterplans.

From the start of his career, he has combined practice with teaching in schools of architecture in the UK and the USA, including professorships at the universities of Harvard, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Princeton.

His practice, Adjaye Associates, was founded in 2000 and today has studios in Accra, London and New York, with projects across the world. 

Adjaye Associates are most well-known for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, in Washington, DC (2016), where they were lead designer of the Freelon Adjaye/Bond SmithGroup. Other completed projects include Ruby City, an art centre in San Antonio, Texas (2019); the Alara Concept Store in Lagos (2016); the Sugar Hill Mixed Use Development (housing, museum, community facilities and offices) in Harlem, New York (2015); the Aishti Foundation, a mixed use retail and arts centre in Beirut, Lebanon (2015); two neighbourhood libraries in Washington, DC (both 2012); the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo in Russia (2010); the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, Colorado (2007); the Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo, Norway (2005); Rivington Place arts centre in Hackney, London (2007); and the Idea Stores – two community libraries in London (2004, 2005).

Current projects include a new home for The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York in collaboration with Cooper Robertson; 130 William, a high-rise residential tower in New York’s financial district; the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Dakar, Senegal;  the Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey in collaboration with Cooper Robertson; the George Street Sydney Plaza in Sydney, Australia; The Abrahamic Family House, an interfaith complex in Abu Dhabi; Winter Park Library and Events Center in Winter Park, Florida; the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, London led by Adjaye Associates, with Ron Arad Architects as Memorial Architect, and Gustafson Porter + Bowman as Landscape Architect; the Royal Benin Museum in Benin City, Nigeria; the National Cathedral of Ghana in Accra; and the Thabo Mbeki Presidential Library in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sir David Adjaye OBE said:

“It’s incredibly humbling and a great honour to have my peers recognise the work I have developed with my team and its contribution to the field over the past 25 years. Architecture, for me, has always been about the creation of beauty to edify all peoples around the world equally and to contribute to the evolution of the craft.

The social impact of this discipline has been and will continue to be the guiding force in the experimentation that informs my practice. A heartfelt and sincere moment of gratitude and thanks to all the people who supported the journey to get to this moment.”

RIBA President Alan Jones said:

“It was my absolute pleasure and honour to chair the committee and be involved in selecting Sir David Adjaye as the 2021 Royal Gold Medallist.

At every scale, from private homes to major arts centres, one senses David Adjaye’s careful consideration of the creative and enriching power of architecture. His work is local and specific and at the same time global and inclusive. Blending history, art and science he creates highly crafted and engaging environments that balance contrasting themes and inspire us all.

I believe his both practising and teaching in schools of architecture has significantly enriched his work. His artistic and social vision has created public projects that perfectly demonstrate the civic potential of architecture – fostering empathy, identity and pride. David’s contribution to architecture and design globally is already astounding, and I am excited that we have so much more of it to look forward to.”

Sir David Adjaye was knighted in the 2017 New Year Honours for services to architecture, following an OBE in 2007. As a student, he won the 1993 RIBA Bronze Medal for the best design project worldwide; in 2006 his Idea Store Whitechapel was shortlisted for the RIBA Stirling Prize for the best building of the year.

He has won RIBA International Awards for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver (2008) and the Francis Gregory Library and William. O Lockridge/Bellevue Library in Washington DC (both 2013).

The 2021 Royal Gold Medal selection committee, chaired by RIBA President Alan Jones, comprised: architects Professor Lesley Lokko, Dorte Mandrup and last year’s Royal Gold Medal recipient Shelley McNamara and structural engineer Professor Hanif Kara. The full citation from the committee is in notes to editors. An essay by Simone de Gale – On Sir David Adjaye OBE– can be viewed in the image download folder.

RIBA has commissioned the artist, scholar and choreographer Adesola Akinleye to create a series of new video artworks inspired by the work of Sir David Adjaye OBE as part of the 2021 Royal Gold Medal celebrations. The videos will be available to watch on the RIBA Youtube channel from Thursday 27 May.

RIBA’s Royal Gold Medal week is sponsored by Arper.

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MTN committed to supporting Ghana’s digital agenda – Ralph Mupita, MTN Group CEO

MTN committed to supporting Ghana's digital agenda

MTN Group CEO and President Ralph Mupita have reiterated MTN’s commitment to supporting Ghana’s digital agenda as well as government’s initiatives to drive rural financial inclusion and support for businesses under the ‘Ghana Cares’ initiative.

Mr Mupita commended the government on its efforts to digitalize various sectors of the economy when he paid a courtesy to the Vice President of Ghana, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia at the Jubilee House as part of his three-day working visit to Ghana.

During his interaction with the Vice President, Mr Mupita shared updates on steps MTN has taken to align its strategy with the national agenda to create a shared value.  He said, “We are committed to supporting Ghana’s QR code project and other digital initiatives such as the fight against cyber-attacks and the development of Women in ICT. Mr Mupita gave a hint about MTN’s intention to construct an ICT Hub to commemorate its 25th anniversary celebrations.

He also shared updates on MTN Ghana’s commitment to complete its localization drive of 12.5% for Scancom Plc by end of 2021 and the sale of 30% shares in MobileMoney Limited by January 2022.  He shared highlights on discussions with competition and technology partners aimed at improving and expanding network infrastructure in readiness for ACFTA opportunities.

In his remarks, H.E Dr Bawumia commended MTN for its belief in the Ghana market and for expanding its investments over the past 25years. He reiterated his commitment to protect and support MTN’s operations in Ghana especially its request for spectrum to enhance its operations.

The Group CEO and his team of executives paid similar courtesy calls on other stakeholders to interact and discuss issues of mutual interest.  He called on the South African High Commissioner to Ghana, H.E. Grace Jeanet Mason, Member of MTN Group’s International Advisory Committee and the former President of Ghana Ex-President John Agyekum Kufuor.

Ralph Mupita also had meetings with the Minister of Communication and Digitalization, Ursula Owusu Ekuful and the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori Atta.

The Group CEO and his team also met the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Addison, the Commissioner of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Rev. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah and the Managing Director of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE), Mr Ekow Afedzi

Mr Mupita was accompanied by the Vice President for West and Central Africa Region(WECA), Mr Ebenezer Twum Asante, Samuel Addo, Chief Enterprise Business Officer representing Selorm Adadevoh, Chief Executive Officer and Samuel Koranteng, Chief Corporate Services Officer.

Ralph Mupita’s visit to Ghana is the third since he assumed office as Group CEO in September 2020.

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


Get free cash on Surfline. Here’s how

Get free cash on Surfline

You read right. Surfline, Ghana’s true 4G LTE network, is giving you FREE cash!  It’s very simple – refer your friends to Surfline and get paid for your efforts. You will also enjoy other amazing rewards for doing just that. No questions asked, No pranks!

For each friend you refer to Surfline who will buy a Surfline device, Surfline will pay you GHc25 cash which will be deposited in your Surfline cash account. You can then use this cash to buy data and stay connected to the rest of the world. This means that you spend less of your own money on data and get to save your money to be used on other things that are important to you.

That is not all! Your referred friends also get to enjoy 50GB of free data to get them started when they buy a device and a 50% discount on all data purchases for the next 3 months that they stay active on our network.

How it works

As an existing Surfline subscriber, simply dial the USSD code *718*77# on your mobile device (on all networks in Ghana) and select option 5 – Generate Referral Code. Your referral code will be sent to your primary contact number via SMS.

You are now ready to use your referral code and enjoy FREE GHc25 from Surfline.

Share your generated referral code with your friends and convince them to join you on the Surfline network and say goodbye to buying data for a while. Your friends have to buy and activate their Surfline devices using your referral code at any Surfline shop.

Your referral code can be used by as many friends as you wish and is valid for 30 days. This means that you get the chance to share your code in that Old School WhatsApp group or share it on your social media pages and encourage your friends to buy a Surfline device using your code while you get cool cash for doing just that.

So why worry about data purchase when you can simply refer your friends to use Surfline and get free cash to buy data. Dial *718*77# now to generate your referral code and start sharing among your friends and family.

The Future is Bright; The Future is Surfline!

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Find divorce attornies in Phoenix

Find divorce attornies in Phoenix

Divorce is a difficult situation for any couple to go through, and it can be made even more complicated when it comes to the legal matters at hand.

A couple that is going through a divorce not only has to deal with the breakdown of a marriage but also the breakdown of everything else they have built together. In this delicate time, you need to receive the necessary legal support.

A family law attorney can work with you to ensure that your divorce is handled sensitively and effectively.

Do I Need A Specialist Lawyer?

Divorce is a part of family law, and this is why your case needs to be handled by a family lawyer.

While all lawyers have a good understanding of the legal aspects of marriage, family lawyers like those at Cantor Legal Group are experienced in this kind of case and can offer more than their peers.

Family lawyers from Cantor Legal Group are experienced in the field of family law, and this includes handling divorce proceedings. They can handle your case with the sensitivity and grace it requires during this time while also working towards the best outcome for their clients.

What Makes A Good Divorce Lawyer

When it comes to finding a good divorce lawyer, there are some things to look out for, along with the experience of the attorney.

It is also important for clients to consider the communication style of their family attorneys, as they will be working very closely with them. The relationship that lawyers and their clients build is based on trust, as well as a common interest in getting the case through court.

Clients need to be able to trust their family attornies to ensure a smooth process when going through the courts.

Cantor Legal Group is renowned for its approachable style and experience in the field. With decades of experience in family law, these lawyers understand what their clients need at this time and are dedicated to making the process as safe as possible for all involved.

How To Hire Family Lawyers In Arizona

Cantor Legal Group is a specialist family law team based in Arizona, and they have years of experience serving the state and the wider nation.

This team of lawyers are experts in family legal matters, including divorce, and have seen many families get through their cases successfully. This is a reputable law firm in the state, and the attornies can work with a range of legal matters from divorce, child custody to same-sex marital matters.

What makes Cantor Legal Group stand out from the rest is the reputation they have developed for themselves.

These family legal lawyers are renowned across the state of Arizona for their professionalism, integrity, and honesty. They are renowned for working closely with their clients, offering the support they need both in and out of the court.

Family matters are a delicate business, and divorce can be a difficult time for everyone involved. This is why ensuring your case is handled with care and integrity is just as vital as the experience of the lawyers you hire.

Cantor Legal Group works to ensure the best possible outcome for their clients, helping them through this difficult process and offering them the support they need to navigate new family life outside of court.

Get A Consultation Today

Cantor Legal Group offers a free, confidential consultation to new clients.

This is an opportunity to meet with lawyers and discuss your case, so you can start to work towards the best solution for your family.

The first step in hiring a divorce lawyer is meeting with the legal team. This is known as an evaluation, and it is a time for the attornies to learn about your needs so they can discuss the best strategies to ensure success for your family.

The free consultation is available to book online, and it offers clients a chance to see what the best solutions for their case may be.

Divorce can be an isolating time in a person’s life, which is why your case needs to be handled with integrity and care, as well as the experience needed to ensure success in court.


Nominations open for Digital Equality Awards

Digital Equality Awards

CODE, a network connecting local and international stakeholders to address the digital gender divide and drive sustainable economic growth in Africa, has opened nominations for the inaugural ‘Digital Equality Awards’ in Ghana and Uganda.

The Digital Equality Awards will recognise digital impact makers in Ghana and Uganda in order to promote and amplify their work.

The Award categories are:

  • Digital Skills Champion
  • Digital Inclusion Innovator
  • Research and Knowledge Builder
  • Women’s Entrepreneurship and Investment Champion

Nominations are open from May 26 to June 27, 2021.

Eunice Baguma Ball, Ecosystem Development Consultant said:

“Despite the difficulties during the pandemic, individuals and organisations have forged on to enable digital inclusion and improved digital skills for women and girls across the continent.

A prosperous and inclusive digital Africa is possible if we pool our efforts and resources towards that goal. It is for this reason that we have launched the Digital Equality Awards to recognise, particularly, individuals and organisations in Ghana and Uganda for their continued efforts in this space.”

Nominations are open for submission from May 27, 2021 and will close on June 27, 2021 via the following link:

Eligibility criteria and assessment details are available on the CODE website.

Digital Equality Awards is a CODE initiative.

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Forex24 to open R&D center in Kyiv


Forex24, a well-established Cyprus Investment Firm, announced opening a new R&D center in Kyiv, Ukraine. The center will enable the company to create new technologies to support forex trading.

The company expects further development of mobile trading platforms, unique fund withdrawal solutions, and advanced customization features. As a result, the company will be joining a number of other companies globally, utilizing Kyiv’s ecosystem to drive innovation and growth. The new office will collaborate with different teams in order to utilize the company’s resources.

The centrally located R&D center will span around 10,000 square feet and is expected to provide employment for over 70 employees. The company chose the relevant location to have the ability to recruit from Kyiv’s pool of highly skilled talents and, therefore, enable faster growth and development with industry-leading products and solutions.

“We expect the coming years to bring thrilling innovations for forex trading, as the industry matures and more people are using to this type of trading,” said Georgios Ioannou, the appointed person to head the Research and Development at Forex24. “With our new R&D center, we believe we can be at the forefront of the innovation. We are looking to create new methodologies that will enable additional growth for the traders who use and have come to trust our services.”

The R&D center is just the latest action that Forex24 has taken. The company has previously provided an online affiliate program, training programs for traders, and hosted webinars to give its clients the edge they were missing. The company is looking into introducing new training programs through webinars, in order to enhance traders/clients’ experience in trading.

The withdrawal process will be one of the top priorities of the new R&D center. Currently, clients are experiencing a complex withdrawal process, leading to delays. By prioritizing the withdrawal process, Forex24 shows its clients its importance on clients’ experience, related to trading and handling clients’ inquiries and requests.

The company is looking toward introducing safer, more reliable trading environments, building relationships with local partners in Kyiv, and developing a global talent pool.
Ukraine ranks 19th in Europe in the number of online facilities due to the fact that the industry is getting increasingly stronger in Ukraine. Entities like Forex24 have the ability to utilize the facilities, following the reforms introduced in 2019, which made it easier for Ukrainian citizens to assist the forex industry.

About Forex24

Forex24 operates from Cyprus and provides traders with access to the popular MT4 trading platform for trading with multiple trading instruments, including forex, metals, indices, commodities, energies, equities, and more. Traders can use a range of trading and learning tools and be serviced by the experienced client support team to assist them.

Forex24 is a brand owned and operated by Lydya Financial Ltd, a Cyprus Investment Firm (“CIF”) regulated and supervised by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (“CySEC”) with CIF License number 300/16 and Company registration number HE334292.

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.

To add to this article or start a conversation, join our forum to share your opinions with other readers. For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.



Turbo GIF Animator review

Turbo GIF Animator Review – Introduction

In this review, I’m going to be taking a closer look at WORLD’S BEST GIF ANIMATOR SOFTWARE – Turbo GIF Animator. We’ll cover what it does, who it’s for, how much it costs, what the upsells are, and the pros and cons of this new product, so you can make a more informed decision about purchasing it, and whether it’s the right product for you.

Not forgetting the bonuses I have added if you buy Turbo GIF Animator today through my affiliate link on this page.

Turbo GIF Animator Review – Overview


Creator: Purvesh Mahajan
Product: Turbo GIF Animator
Launch Date: 2021-May-26
Launch Time: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Official Website: CLICK HERE
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche: Software

Turbo GIF Animator Review – What’s Turbo GIF Animator All About?

Turbo GIF Animator is a PHP software script you install on your hosting account and use it to create gifs from videos, so it works equally well for Mac and Windows users.

This software allows you to:

  • Upload Your Images
  • Load a YouTube™ video and get screenshots
  • Load an mp4 video and get screenshots
  • BLEND all screenshots into 1 image!

Screenshot 83

Turbo GIF Animator Review – Features of Benefits of Turbo GIF Animator

There are plenty of features and countless benefits of using Turbo GIF Animator. I have listed below the key features and benefits for you:

  • Attract Your Customers/Clients Like Crazy!!
  • Engage Your Audience 100 Times
  • Grab Their Attention With GIFs
  • Generate More conversions
  • Own Branded and Targeted GIF messages to attract and draw in customers.

With Turbo Animator You Can…

Load a YouTube, play, pause, and get a screenshot, then pause it and take screen grabs at the intervals of your choosing. You can then create an animated gif of those screenshots, so you have full control over the subject matter.

Screenshot 83

Turbo GIF Animator Review – How Does Turbo GIF Animator Work & Demo Video?

Upload Your Images

Load an mp4 video and get screenshots

Just 1 Click You Create Your Own GIFS

Screenshot 83

Turbo GIF Animator Review – Pros & Cons


✅ Newbie friendly

✅ No product creation required

✅ Step-by-step training

✅ Very affordable

✅ Results-oriented and highly effective

✅ Easy to understand and get started

✅ Great customer support

None so far

Screenshot 83

Who Should Buy it?

  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Email Marketers
  • Dropshippers
  • Vloggers and Youtubers
  • SEOs
  • Facebook Marketers
  • Local Business Agencies
  • Selling Your Own Products

Screenshot 83

Launch Discount Price & Upsells

Front End:- Turbo GIF Animator – $17

OTO 1:- Turbo eCom – $27

OTO 2:- Reseller’s Rights Of Turbo GIF Animator – $37

OTO 3:- Powerful Reseller’s with All Promotional Stuff Of Turbo eCom – $47

Turbo GIF Animator Review – Bonuses

This is the end of my Turbo GIF Animator Review. I hope that my article will lend you a hand in choosing the right tool for your business.


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Website hacking has been an issue for many WordPress users for several years now. That’s why WordPress Developers are making security plugins to defend WordPress sites.

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You can have your webinar pages without Facebook, and have them have nice pretty URLS inside of WP. Watch the video above for more info…

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Plus you can even sell these images…it doesn’t get much better than that!

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Bonus #29 – Social Media Annihilation

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There’s a misconception out there that in order to make money on YouTube, you have to have millions of views on your videos or millions of YouTube subscribers. Nothing could be further from the truth as there are many ways to make money on YouTube and affiliate marketing is one of them.

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Exclusive Bonuses

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How to claim your Turbo GIF Animator bonuses

1. Click here → BUY NOW or any of my affiliate links/buttons on this page.

2. Go through the order process successfully and complete the purchase.

3. Your product access + bonuses would be automatically delivered in your purchase area. If for some reason you don’t see your bonus delivery button, please forward your payment receipt to or for support. You will receive your bonuses within 12 hours.

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Turbo GIF Animator Review Conclusion – Where & How To Buy Turbo GIF Animator At The Best Price

You would like Turbo GIF Animator and I highly recommend it because I believe it will help the success of your online business tremendously. If you agree with me, go ahead and make your order.

Also, my bonuses are meant to compliment Turbo GIF Animator and help you 4x the results you will get with Turbo GIF Animator. These bonuses were created with one thing in mind; HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE. Bring smiles to your face, your loved ones, and live that dream life.

The bonuses contain apps, tools, plugins, and training guides that will collectively help you build a successful online passive income empire.

Click the image below to visit the official website, make your order at the discounted price and receive my custom bonuses for Turbo GIF Animator during this special launch period.

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Latest TECNO phones and their prices in Ghana [2022]

If not the first, TECNO Phones are among the earliest Chinese phone brands to enter the Ghanaian market. It is a brand of TRANSSION Holding...