Friday, January 29, 2021

3 signs that show you’re in a stable relationship


Ups and downs occur in every relationship. No couple on earth can claim they never had some rocky patches. But when you’re in a stable and happy relationship, most of the times this will only make your love for each other stronger. This kind of relationship is something most of us can only dream about. But there’s also a group who doesn’t think or want to believe they’re in a stable relationship. Doubting this can have a downside on your love for each other. That’s why it’s necessary to recognize the signs.

1. Your partner is not only your lover but also your best friend

We are friends and lovers; this is an expression you’ll only understand when you’re finally in a happy and stable relationship. Being partners for life doesn’t mean only your sex- and romantic life is in order. It also means that you have found your partner for life. A best friend. Someone you can spend your life with, talk about anything (from using sex toys to buying a present for the neighbours) and enjoy every minute of your time with each other.

Your relationship must develop to survive. At first, it Is all fun and romantic, but after a few months or years, you lose the will and need to stay on top of it. It feels comfortable, and you don’t put in as much effort as you used to. When this occurs, your relationship will need a new foundation in order to survive. Not only a romantic one but also a strong friendship.

2. You recover quickly after a fight

Fighting isn’t as bad as some people think. All couples fight. You can’t be happy, 24/7. Sometimes there’s a need for a big discussion to understand each other on a whole new level. Even very old couple fight sometimes. But it will be necessary to recover quickly after a fight. When you feel that you and your partner are fighting all the time and it’s hard to recover, this can mean you’re not made for each other. Fighting is okay, but don’t stay mad at each other all the time.

3. You no longer miss being single

Some people find it harder than others being in a long-time relationship. Some of us are having a great time being single. This doesn’t mean there’s no one out there for you. It only means you haven’t find the right one yet. When you do find this special person, you will know it immediately. From that time on, you will not miss being single anymore, and you wouldn’t change your partnership for anything in the world.


Low ROI from your orthodontist clinic? Here is all you need to boost sales

orthodontist clinic

A search for a dentist within a few miles radius of where you live could potentially throw up millions of results. Dentists are most likely to have independent practices, meaning that clinics generally sprout up all over the place in areas with even moderate levels of population density. Dental procedures can also often be really expensive for patients.

Even the most minor procedures require a significant amount of experience and equipment on the part of the dentist. The equipment can cost a significant amount of money, a cost that inevitably needs to be passed on to the patient.

The fact that such a large number of dental clinics are present everywhere means that the competition among these clinics for a limited number of patients is fierce. Patients will consider a number of different factors when choosing a dental clinic. The first factor is generally the qualification of the dentist and how experienced the dentist is. People can even rely on word of mouth from people who live in the area.

Another major factor is the cost of the treatment. Dental treatment costs can vary widely from clinic to clinic, and people often tend to prefer the less costly option if dentists with the same broad rating are to be chosen among.

Even with these two options considered, there are a number of ways in which you can boost the sales of your orthodontist clinic. The below list lays out some of these methods.

Patient Financing

Patient financing can play a significant part in allaying the doubts of your patients as far as costs are concerned. If you offer your patients some financing options, either informally or formally, they are more likely to opt for you simply due to the flexibility you offer in payment. Informal financing generally entails an oral agreement between the dentist and the patient that the payment for the treatment will be made by a fixed time.

medical loan financing H4GS1Gj

Formal orthodontist financing options generally involve the clinic having a contract with a third party financer, who pays the dentist for the treatment and then collects regular installments from the patient. This option is now being used more and more by dentists who with to establish flexibility in their clinic in order to bring in more patients. Patients who are offered financing options are also more likely to opt for procedures even if they are expensive since the flexibility to pay over a long period of time is present.

Develop Your Clinic

A significant detriment to any doctor’s clinic can be the presence of old and outdated equipment or methods. There is not much that turns off a patient more than the belief that the clinic is unlikely to be able to offer an appropriate treatment since the medical equipment is not recent. To allay these fears, dentists must regularly update and refurbish not just their equipment but their clinic as well.

Just like any other business, private clinics also need to exude confidence and positivity in order for patients to trust the doctor as soon as they walk in. This can be done by investing in new equipment and in refurnishing your clinic regularly. These investments can cost a lot, and you may wish to opt for financing. Financing is generally available for complete refurbishing or for each activity separately.

There are companies that offer flooring financing to clients if they wish to have the floor relaid or plumbing finance if they wish to get new pipes installed.

Go Digital

An increasing number of people are turning to telemedicine for their consultation needs. Any doctor with either a new practice or a dwindling turnout of patients may wish to explore the digital space in order to boost the sales of the clinic and the doctor’s own reputation. Signing yourself up on a number of telemedicine website or online pharmacies is very easy, and the number of people that you are likely to see every day is only going to increase in the future.

During hours when your clinic is either not open or does not have customers, you may wish to offer online consultation to patients. Patients who then feel the need to see a doctor in person may choose to visit your clinic, increasing your sales. The amount of monetary investment in online consultation is minimal, and the potential profits are many.

Market Yourself

In any competitive domain, the importance of marketing is immense. It is understandable that as a medical practitioner, it is unlikely that you will have the experience or the time for marketing. A number of doctors choose to hire a marketing team or ask an intern to do the needful online. As an alternative, you can opt for a few easy steps to make yourself more visible online.

As an orthodontist, there is minimal need to have regular Facebook or Twitter posts or an active Instagram handle, which are things you would expect from any other business. However, it is important to have a well-developed website that has regard for the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps you appear on the top of Google search results whenever a certain keyword is searched for.

You should also list yourself as a business on Google, so people get your location and contact information when they search for a dentist in their area.

Get Reviews And Testimonials

Among the most important pieces of data for an orthodontist looking for an increase in patients is the positive reviews and testimonials of previous patients. As a doctor, if the treatment of a patient goes well, you may ask the patient for a frank testimonial either on video or via text. You may post these testimonials on your website to increase trust among prospective patients.

Additionally, you may ask patients to rate you on your Google Business page or on any medical website you are registered on. This can increase your prestige among similar clinics as well.


As an orthodontist, there are multiple ways that you can explore in order to boost your sales. Some of these require investment at your end, while others are completely free to try, though less effective. Design a strategy based on the above points, and you are sure to witness an increase in patients.


Get ready for the school season with the stylish HUAWEI WATCH FIT!

school season with the stylish HUAWEI WATCH FIT

All set for the school season? Got pretty much everything you need? Let’s add to that list a small smart companion on your wrist, that will help you get through your day easily. More importantly, help you be on top of your health and fitness game.  Well, we are talking about the new HUAWEI WATCH FIT, the latest smartwatch from Huawei which is perfect for the new school season, thanks to its stylish looks and powerful features.

Good looks you would love

When you think of a watch, your mind usually goes to small displays on your wrist with a lot of information crammed in. This changes with the new HUAWEI WATCH FIT and its massive 1.64 inch AMOLED HD display that is big enough to display every bit of information you would need. The best part is, you can choose from more than 130 watch faces, so you can have the best one that suits your style, or keep changing them every day. On top of that, you can even customize what should be shown on your display, which means you choose how much you want to see, or not.

Charge once and good to go

You might already be charging your phone, tablet or laptop every night before school, so adding yet another device to charge might sound tedious. But with the HUAWEI WATCH FIT, charge it once and you are good to go for the next 10 days, even with normal everyday use! The best part is, you don’t have to charge it for long either, because of its support for Huawei fast charge, you can get up to 70% of battery in just 30 minutes!

Stay on top of your health

With the current situation, everyone would want to be on top of their physical and mental well-being. The best way to do that is to be smart about it and keep an eye on all your major health indicators. One important indicator is your blood oxygen saturation levels: Keeping an eye on these levels are important because a drop in them can result in drowsiness, loss of strength or even memory issues, which you don’t want while you are in school.

On the other hand, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT can also keep an eye on your stress levels during the day with the help of HUAWEI TruRelaxTM technology and give you tips on how to calm down in case things get a little out of hand.

A good night’s sleep is crucial for a good day, but it can be a little hard to pinpoint why your sleep didn’t help you. With the HUAWEI WATCH FIT’s HUAWEI TruSleepTM 2.0 technology, the smartwatch will keep track of how well you sleep and track all the important data.

It can also identify any of six typical sleep issues: insomnia, shallow sleep, night-time awakenings, early morning awakenings, excessive dreams and an irregular sleep pattern and offer you more than 100 kinds of personalized tips and advice on how you can improve, ensuring that you are at your best during your school day.

It is also important to maintain a steady heart rate and with the HUAWEI WATCH FIT’s HUAWEI TruSeen™ 4.0 heart rate monitoring technology, your heart rate is monitored all day, quickly and accurately even alerting you if it’s too high or low for more than 10 minutes.

school season with the stylish HUAWEI WATCH FIT

Stay on top of fitness levels with intelligent tracking

For you sports enthusiasts, the best way to improve your performance is to have the right data to work from. You need to know how well you did, how many calories you burnt and even need to ensure your form is right. On the other hand, beginners would need a guide to ensure they are doing the right workout.

The HUAWEI WATCH FIT can help on both fronts, thanks to its support for 96 workout modes that include 11 professional sports modes ( running, walking, cycling, swimming, elliptical machine, rowing machine) and 85 free sports modes including workout, dance, racket sports, water sports, snow sports, extreme sports and more.

For beginners, the smartwatch also comes with 12 animated fitness courses and 44 standardized fitness exercises built-in which can guide you in getting your form and workout right. Additionally, if you want to make a routine of running every day, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT comes with 13 running courses for all types of runners to get you started.

Smart features you would need for everyday

When you opt for smart features, you end up making everyday life easier and the HUAWEI WATCH FIT has the right features that you would need for everyday use. For example, you can get incoming call and message notifications as well as reminders on your wrist and even control your phone’s camera shutter remotely. You can also set alarms on your phone and it syncs to your watch, which then vibrates when its time.

If you can’t find your phone, simply hit the Find my phone feature and your phone will start ringing so you can find it easily.

In addition to all these features, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT is also priced more accessibly making it easier for students to afford one! Its stylish display, long battery life, health monitoring and fitness tracking make this a smartwatch perfect for students.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


Narcissism: How it can cause car accidents

Narcissism How it can cause car accidents

Narcissism makes it all but impossible for people to have happy and mutually fulfilling relationships. In fact, despite their charming demeanors and seemingly limitless charisma, narcissists can struggle in all of their social and professional interactions.

Surprisingly, narcissism can also have a very detrimental impact on a person’s driving abilities. While defensive driving is a responsible approach to helping everyone on the road stay safe, narcissists are only concerned with themselves.

Their need for admiration and their drive to impress make them take risks that other motorists might not. In short, their self-centred take on everything and everyone around them can make narcissists a unique danger behind the wheel.

The Connection Between Narcissism and Aggressive Driving

Narcissists are people who live with feelings of self-superiority. Their inflated views of themselves cause them to experience extreme frustration with those around them. While their interactions with others often entail a noticeable lack of empathy and extraordinary impatience.

These thoughts and feelings also surface when they take to the road. Narcissism causes drivers to overlook many standard guidelines for defensive driving including, maintaining reasonable stopping distances, obeying speed limits, and signalling before lane changes.

Known for rule-breaking, manipulation, and bullying, a narcissist will bring these same unfortunate personality traits to the roadways. While unpleasant in general, these behaviours on the roads frequently lead to accidents.

Beyond self-importance, many narcissists need admiration and acknowledgement. Thus, they often want to drive the fastest, out-manoeuvre others and make visible displays of their driving skills that cause others to take note.

Narcissism can exist in varying degrees with some people displaying low to moderate narcissistic behaviours and others having a full-blown narcissistic personality disorder, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed. According to research, the more narcissistic person is, the more likely they are to engage in risky driving practices.

Speeding and Narcissism

Narcissists see their own time as being incredibly precious and more valuable than of those around them. They cannot fathom why other people are going slow, failing to take risks, or manoeuvring in ways that keep things moving at the best possible pace for meeting their own needs. As such, they often:

  • Hurry pedestrians through walk signals by advancing with their vehicles
  • Tailgate
  • Overtake and cut other motorists off

The need to gratify themselves is what governs their whole driving style.

Waiting for others simply doesn’t fit into their world view. Due to their perceived sense of superiority, the needs and safety of others are never a top concern.

Driving Off-Road

Off-road driving is a fun and adventurous way to explore terrain that lacks the infrastructure and preparations of paving, striping, and other like features. When narcissists go off-road, however, this means something else entirely.

A narcissist who is unable to reach their desired speed by tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, and overtaking, will often use the emergency lane, the bike lane, or even cross the centre line and attempt to navigate through oncoming traffic. When this behaviour results in a car accident, suing the driver personally may be the best legal course of action.

Everyone Is a Bad Driver According to a Narcissist

Riding in the passenger seat of a narcissist’s vehicle is guaranteed to be a hair-raising experience. Not only is this person’s driving aggressive, but they’ll also launch verbal attacks at nearly every motorists around them.

According to a narcissist, only their own driving methods are ideal. Everyone else is too slow, too fast, under-skilled, or simply inept. Narcissists deal with constant frustration and road rage, and they frequently blare their horns when obscene language and hand gestures don’t get them the attention they want.

Dealing with a Narcissist on the Road

Dealing with a narcissist is never fun. Encountering one on the roads, however, can be downright dangerous. Extreme narcissism and related aggressive driving tactics can result in serious injuries and loss of life.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


Huawei is expanding its Y series with an all-new smartphone!

Huawei is expanding its Y series

There are a number of models available on the market today. The popular HUAWEI Y series is one of the most desirable choices, offering flexibility with long-lasting performance and powerful camera setups. So, what’s the good news? The HUAWEI Y Series family will soon welcome a new member, the HUAWEI Y7a. Bringing with it super-fast charging capabilities, a large battery and even a powerful camera setup, this new model will significantly enhance user experience.

Coming with SuperCharge and large battery

Extended use brings more demanding battery life requirements. However, the HUAWEI Y7a, featuring super-fast charging and a high-capacity battery, will be a blessing to all those suffering from “battery anxiety” who worry about conserving their battery.

Huawei is expanding its Y series

Upgraded Camera

Photography is one of Huawei’s most well-known and long-standing strengths, so it is no surprise that the Y Series has never cut corners when it comes to its camera. Judging by the recently released HUAWEI Y9a, the Y7a is expected to inherit many of the clever camera tricks from Huawei’s mid-to-high-end models which is sure to help it make a big splash in terms of its photographic capabilities.

Huawei is expanding its Y series

 Bigger Display

Looking at the details in Huawei’s announcement, the Y7a maintains the Y Series design philosophy, coming equipped with a large screen, long battery life and a powerful camera system. The screen has always been one of the key selling points of the Y Series, with a larger display offering a better viewing experience.

 Large Storage

Although Huawei’s latest announcement does not reveal the phone’s exact storage specification, it is believed that the Y7a will improve on this, probably with storage of up to 128 GB. This presents the exciting prospect of saving money on additional external memory cards. Not only that but doubling the memory means you can satisfy the storage requirements of more photos, videos and games without the hassle of first having to delete enough files to make space.

Huawei is expanding its Y series

According to reliable sources, the HUAWEI Y7a will be officially launched on 29th January 2021 and will be available for pre-order from 5th February 2021. If you’re looking for a phone with both quality and performance, don’t miss the Huawei Y7A.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook.


How to insure your rental property

How to insure your rental property

In the country of the U.S.A., between 60-70 percent of Americans own their homes. This leaves the rest for renting. Apartment complexes cover some of that percentage renting and the rest are renting from individuals who are renting a second home that they own.  

These individuals sometimes do not know that they need, for their own protection, to get rental property insurance. Getting the proper coverage could mean saving from financial disaster. For example, an average homeowner’s policy will not cover any damage if the homeowner/payor of the homeowner’s policy does not live in said domicile. 

Sometimes called Landlord insurance, you need to carry this insurance for your second home because there is a whole new set of risks involved with having a renter in this home.  For starters, you would typically take better care of this home than the renter would.

Insuring Commercial Property

In the world of business, this rental home is now a commercial property. Sometimes called a dwelling short for a tenant-occupied dwelling.  This changes the conditions of insurance real fast.

There are a lot of questions to ask and things you would not even know to ask when it comes to this type of commercial insurance. You are not going to be the expert, but make sure that you consult those who are. The folks over at strongly advise making sure you enter into this rental business with the knowledge to keep you on top. 

Types of Rental Policies

There are generally three types of dwelling policies-DP1, DP-2 and DP-3.  The first, DP-1 is the least expensive and basic and only generally covers vandalism to your property and theft.  The DP-2 expands its coverage to fire, windstorm damage and other such related risks.  DP-3 covers all unless they expressly exclude a certain peril.

DP-3 is obviously the best protection that you can get.  But there is also another very good reason to consider this extensive coverage.

Have you ever heard the phrase “cash value” when it comes to insurance? Knowing the definition is crucial no matter what type of insurance you are looking into. 

An example a lot of us can relate to is this: You have a car that you still owe $3700 in accrued payments for to your lender. You go through a traffic light and get t-boned. Nobody is hurt, but your car is now totaled by your insurance company and they hand you over a check for $1700. What happened? They paid you for the cash value, or depreciated value, of your car. You now owe $2000 for a car that is on its way to the junkyard.

The term cash value also refers to the value depreciated of your home. The home is 30 years old and suffers a fire. The insurance company will cover the cost of the depreciated value of the 30-year-old home. Depending on the damage extent, this difference in what the cost of repairs is and what the insurance pays you could be huge and possibly devastating to your wallet.

money and dollar notes

With the DP-3 dwelling insurance, the replacement cost is what will be paid to you, not the depreciated value of the home.

You get what you pay for with the DP-3 versus the DP-2…let’s just hope you never need to use it.

Other Benefits

With a landlord policy, you may also be protected from your home being vacant because of said fire and repair time or other issues. This is sometimes called fair income rental protection. This coverage is well worth it.

Renter’s Responsibilities

Your renter’s possessions (furniture, clothes, electronics) will not be covered by your landlord policy from your insurance carrier and it is worth telling your renter that information or even take another step and require them to carry renter’s insurance for your and their piece of mind.

Rental Property Insurance Cost

This number changes regionally, but you can count on your landlord’s insurance to cost 20 to 30 percent more than your homeowner’s insurance for the same property.

You Have The Facts

Knowing that you are a homeowner and now have a second home that you must figure out how to still break even is tough enough. As a layman, you must now manoeuvre through business decisions you were never prepared for. The aim of this short article gave you a bit more business sense to do so. However, always keep in mind that consulting professionals is the best way to move forward.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Midea expands partnership with Manchester City & City Football Group

Midea expands partnership with Manchester City & City Football Group

Midea’s relationship with City Football Group started in January 2020 when it became an Official Partner of Manchester City, and after a highly successful first year of partnership, the decision was made to expand the relationship by adding the Manchester City Women’s team and New York City FC.

The highlight of the 2020 partnership has been the #MideaHomeChallenge — a six-week campaign where players, coaches, legends and fans took part in a series of challenges and trick-shots using their household appliances. The social media campaign, which generated millions of engagements, was a creative solution to engage and inspire football fans all around the world who were stuck at home during the lockdown.

Midea will continue to produce global, regional and localised digital campaigns with Manchester City’s men’s and women’s players, as well as branding appearing across the Etihad Stadium and the Club’s online platforms.

Stephan Cieplik, SVP of Global Partnerships at City Football Group, said: “Our partnership with Midea has been extremely successful since we launched in January 2020. The Midea Home Challenge has been one of our most popular content campaigns which not only created high levels of digital engagement but provided fans around the world with fun challenges to help keep them entertained whilst at home. Midea is a brand whose values and ambitions align with Manchester City and we are delighted that we are now expanding this partnership to include further teams within the City Football Group family.”

Brando Brandstaeter, Head of Brands & Communications at Midea Group’s International Business Division, commented: “We were thrilled to announce our partnership with Manchester City at the start of 2020. In light of the pandemic, we mobilised our teams to create the #MideaHomeChallenge, which helped kick-off the partnership in an unexpected but even more engaging way.

The cooperation with Manchester City during these challenging times has given us the confidence to expand and strengthen our relationship with the City Football Group by adding Manchester City Women’s and New York City FC and Mumbai City to our roster — something I am very much looking forward to bring to life for Midea in 2021.”


Emirates Skywards offers members more flexibility and assurance until 2022

Emirates Skywards offers members more flexibility

Emirates Skywards, the award-winning loyalty programme of Emirates and flydubai, has rolled out new measures to offer its members more support, flexibility, and choice – allowing members to retain elite tier status until 2022. The loyalty programme is one of the first in the world, and first in the region, to offer its members a generous extension on all tier status reviews scheduled for 2021, by an additional 12 months. With travel restrictions still in place due to COVID-19, Emirates Skywards continues to pioneer new ways to offer its members greater reassurance during this time.  

Extending tier status

Emirates Skywards Silver and Gold members with a tier review date prior to 31 December 2021, will have their current tier status extended by an additional 12 months.

Emirates Skywards Platinum members with a tier review date prior to 31 December 2021, will also have their current tier status extended by 12 months, in addition to the Gold status of any nominee.

As an example, if a member has a current tier review date on 31 March 2021, their new tier review date will be extended to 31 March 2022.

Extending miles validity

The loyalty programme has also further extended the validity of any Skywards Miles due to expire from April 2020 until 30 June 2021. Skywards Miles can be redeemed up to 11 months in advance for an extensive range of rewards, including flight tickets on Emirates, flight upgrades, and many more privileges.

Members can fly Emirates with full confidence as the airline has revised its booking policies to offer customers generous re-booking terms and options. Customers who purchase a ticket for travel on or before 30 June 2021, can change their travel dates or extend the ticket validity for 2 years.

Offering members more ways to retain tier status

Emirates Skywards will also be rolling out more initiatives throughout the year to help members retain tier status or fast-track to higher tier status. Members can look forward to a year of delightful surprises including bonus tier miles, complimentary tier upgrades, paid tier opportunities, and many more exclusive offers.*

Emirates Skywards has more than 27 million members worldwide. The loyalty programme offers four tiers of membership: Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum, with each tier earning exclusive privileges. Members can earn Miles with partners ranging from airlines, hotels and car rentals to financial, leisure and lifestyle brands. Skywards Miles can be spent on flight tickets on partner airlines, hotel stays, hospitality at sporting and cultural events, and money-can’t-buy experiences.

For more information, visit

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Covrr Studio Review | Convert Old Boring Videos into highly-engaging Videos using a SECRET STRATEGY known only to online Gurus & Influencers!

Covrr Studio Review

Looking to buy Covrr Studio? Don’t Buy Without Checking Out My Massive Custom Bonuses Meant To Help You Get The Best Out of Covrr Studio. Buy Covrr Studio Today & Claim The Special Launch Discount with My Custom Bonuses Included

In this review, I’m going to be taking a closer look at Covrr Studio – Convert Old Boring Videos into highly-engaging Videos using a SECRET STRATEGY known only to online Gurus & Influencers!. We’ll cover what it does, who it’s for, how much it costs, what the upsells are, and the pros and cons of this new product, so you can make a more informed decision about purchasing it, and whether it’s the right product for you.

Not forgetting the bonuses I have added if you buy Covrr Studio today through my affiliate link on this page.

Covrr Studio Review – Intro

Covrr Studio Review


  • Сrеаtоr: Karthik Ramani
  • Рrоԁuсt: Covrr Studio
  • Lаunсh Dаtе: 2021-Jan-30
  • Lаunсh Тіmе: 11:00 EST
  • Launch Discount: YES, For Early buyers
  • Frоnt-Еnԁ Рrісе: $37
  • Воnuѕеѕ: ҮЕЅ, НUGЕ ВОNUЅES
  • Nісhе: Software
  • Ѕuрроrt: Еffесtіvе Rеѕроnѕе
  • Rесоmmеnԁеԁ: Ніghlу Rесоmmеnԁеԁ
  • Sales Page: CLICK HERE


What’s Covrr Studio all about?

Covrr Studio is a cutting edge video technology that forces viewers to pay attention, skyrockets engagement, and turns your boring ordinary videos into conversion machines.

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Covrr Studio Benefits: These Are The Reasons Why You Must Buy Covrr Studio Today

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Features & Top Qualities of Covrr Studio

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Covrr Studio Demo Video & How It Works

Step 1
Upload your video

Step 2
Pick a high converting template and customize.

Step 3
Optionally use the automated captions

Step 4
Share Videos & start profiting

Screenshot 83

Who Should Buy Covrr Studio?

  • Affiliate Marketers
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Covrr Studio Price & Upsells

Front End: CovrrStudio – Commercial $37

Create unlimited Attention-Grabbing Videos
100 handcrafted Templates
Create Video from scratch
10 MOV Templates
Import video from multiple sources
Header & Footer Wrapper
Automated fully editable Captions
Add captions in ANY language using your own Transcription file
Video of any length / No time Restrictions
50 Top-Notch Fonts
Add your own Branding / Watermark
Video Progress bar
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Export Video Upto 4K
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100+ icons
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Preview before Render
Timeline editor
Up to 1 GB internal storage & unlimited External Storage

OTO -1: CovrrStudio – Professional $77

Convert your video into multiple layouts in 1 click
Unlimited custom font uploads
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Upload own transcription file (.srt file)
Download caption to use in Website/blog
Clone Campaigns
Additional 100 Pro Templates
Upload your own Mov file for Wrapper
Collaborate with up to 10 Team Members / Virtual Assistants with a separate login.
Assign specific projects to Team members
Monitor Status of all Projects (Submit for Approval, Pending for Review, Approved)
200 high-converting Wrapper text / Captions from Videos with million of Views
Priority Rendering
Text Animation
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OTO -2: CovrrStudio – Template Club $47

25 Facebook Ad Video Templates
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10 New Templates Every month for 12 months
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Share Template Feature to sell your Templates to other Covrr Studio Users
Exclusive Facebook Group for Template Club Members
Access to list your Templates in Template Marketplace for selling to other users

OTO -3: CovrrStudio – Agency $97

Agency Access
Share Videos with Clients
Commenting Option for Client Review
Status – Submit for Approval, Pending for Review, Approved
Add up to 25 additional users to edit your projects.
DFY Agency Website
DFY Marketplace inside MarketPresso
DFY Sales Video to sell Video Wrapping & Caption Services
10 DFY Social Media Ads to Sell your Services
DFY Fiverr Gigs
High-converting Email Swipes
Cold-calling Script
Client Presentation
Contract Document

OTO -4: CovrrStudio – Reseller

Sell 100 Covrr Studio (FE + Pro) access  $197
Sell 250 Covrr Studio (FE + Pro) access $297

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Complimentary Bonuses

These internet marketing apps were carefully selected to help you get quicker or 4x results with Covrr Studio. Take advantage of this opportunity now

Bonus #1 – Free Traffic System

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How to do market research
Home Base: Your Blog
How to track where your visitors are coming from
How to write high-quality ad copy
Introduction To Social Media Traffic
Get massive amounts of free traffic from Facebook
Use Google Plus and get free traffic
Get Pinterest traffic by creating awesome images
How to find prospects on LinkedIn
How to be “social” on YouTube and get traffic

Bonus #2 – First Commission Video

first commission

How to choose a profitable market
How to choose a winning product to promote
How to get FREE and low-cost content
How to get a domain and hosting account
How to install and setup wordpress easily
How to generate FREE traffic to your website
And so much more…

Bonus #3 – EZ Seo WordPress Plugin

ez seo wp plugin

This easy-to-use WordPress plugin automates the SEO work on your WordPress sites.

Gets you higher search engine rankings and more traffic.

Bonus #4 – Easy Optin Pro WordPress Plugin

Wp Easy Optin Pro

Creates powerful email opt-in forms

Show your custom optin forms on any WordPress post Increase the conversions of your email optin rate with a professional email optin design.

Uses the latest web techniques to fade-in and other techniques to grab the attention of readers and get them interested in the Use ANY email auto-responder service.

Choose the background color, customize all of the content using a simple and easy interface that only takes a few seconds…

Add your own video embed code, images, and much more…

Bonus #5 – Social Traffic Vacuum

social traffic vacuum

Finally… Discover How You Can Get A Rush Of Targeted Traffic From Social Media In This 10-Part Course! Get Ready To Uncover the closely guarded secrets of top social media marketers. Nothing has been left out in this course!

Bonus #6 – Facebook Cash Bandit


Discover Step By Step How To Steal Cheap Clicks And Sales Using The Power Of Facebook!

Bonus #7 – Viral Traffic Tornado

The cure for viral traffic has finally arrived at your doorstep. Make More Money, Get More Exposure And Permanently Increase Your Traffic Using These Powerful Viral Marketing Secrets!

Bonus #8 – Affiliate Money Machine


This e-Book Below Will Show You Exactly What You Need To Do To Finally Be Successful With Affiliate Marketing And Build Your Own Affiliate Empire!

Bonus #9 – Email Boostr

Take your emails to the next level with this simple to set up and easy to deploy email & landing page timer plugin. Accelerate your email marketing with a scarcity strategy used by billion-dollar corporations to instill urgency, increase engagement & drive massive clicks from even your small email lists of customers to boost conversions & sales up to 197%.

Bonus #10 – Social Media Domination

box large

Dominate Your Niche Using The Power of Social Media And Build An Audience That Will Love Your Brand!

In this Course, You’ll Discover The Steps, Methods, And Techniques To Setting Yourself Up For Success On The Top Social Media Platforms!

Bonus #11 – Authority Blog Advantage


Who Wants to Learn How to Create a Profitable Authority Blog in Any Niche That Converts? Starting Today!

Bonus #12 – Tactical Backlinks Method


Backlinks come in various forms (some good, some bad), but the most coveted of all is ‘authority backlinks’.

These are the ones that have the most impact on your SEO success and ultimately your income. But how do you get these elusive backlinks? That’s one of the biggest questions that plague the minds of Internet marketers looking to increase their organic rankings and traffic.

Bonus #13 – Monetizing Your Blog


This 10-part video series will show you blog monetization strategies. It will teach you how to start earning money from the blog.

You will learn a lot about:

Ad placement
Affiliate Marketing (Sign Up)
Pre-Selling Strategies
Finding Affiliate Deals In Your Niche
Building And Monetizing Your List
List Automation
Marketing Funnel
And much more!

Bonus #14 – WordPress SEO and Traffic Secrets Video Course


A video course that will teach you how to get more traffic quickly and easily.

Bonus #15 – YT Rank Analyzer


Discover How I Dominate YouTube And Build MASSIVE Targeted Lists For FREE… By Using Desktop Software To Do ALL My Dirty Work!

Bonus #16 – Shopify Secrets

Simple to follow Shopify Training Course that will take you from Beginner to Advance TODAY…

Bonus #17 – ECommerce Golden Steps


This 5-part video course will reveal to you a formula for succeeding in your own e-commerce business.

You will learn how to:

– Find a niche

– Create a brand

– List your products on Amazon

– Get traffic

– Provide the best customer service

– And much more!

Bonus #18 – Smart Affiliate Course


Make money online, you simply need to master Affiliate Marketing and work on it. In Smart Affiliate Course,

you’ll learn how to start making money in affiliate marketing. You’ll get a step by step guide that teaches you how to reach success and how to avoid some costly mistakes.

Bonus #19 – Big Ticket Machine

big ticket

Discover how to sell high ticket items…this extensive video course teaches you everything you need to
know about selling products for $500, $2000 or $10000 plus

Bonus #20 – Instagram Profit Map

Want to Learn How to Turn Instagram Into a Long-Term Profit-Pulling Machine… The Right Way?

Bonus #21 – Instant Blog Profits

instant blog profits

This is THE essential course on profit blogging. If you’re just starting out, this is the perfect companion. You’ll discover step by step how to blog for profit and build a community of raving followers! Includes PRIVATE LABEL Resale Rights + An Exact Replica Of This Sales Letter, So You Can Sell This AMAZING Product Yourself & Keep All The Profits!

Bonus #22 WP BotBlocker


Stop your wordpress site from being attacked by hackers using bots to try and bring down your site!

Website hacking has been an issue for many WordPress users for several years now. That’s why WordPress Developers are making security plugins to defend WordPress sites.

If you are having the same problem, chances are you might want to also install this amazing WordPress called WP BotBlocker with will block any bots that will attempt to do a brute entry of your website’s backend.

Bonus #23 – Doodle Business Graphics

DoodleBusinessGraphics v1

Bonus #24 – Pro Copywriter


Learn how to write copy that converts…Like Gangbusters

Bonus #25 – Fiverr Blueprint

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Rarely known wealthy methods to churn out more than $5 for providing your service at Fiverr! This blueprint will guide you on how you can kick start your work from home career. To end your current struggle and have a more flexible lifestyle to do whatever you like!

You can have your webinar pages without Facebook, and have them have nice pretty URLS inside of WP. Watch the video above for more info…

Bonus #26 – Motivating Your Way to Success


Many of the greatest minds achieved amazing things and had precious little time to share the secrets of their successes with the world. After reviewing and refuting many theories, many have given up without ever truly finding an answer. This book shows you the true keys to success that you can apply to everyday life.

Bonus #27 – Pro Stock Images

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Beautiful high-quality images you can use in your projects or your clients, images have power and the professional stock images in this awesome collection will make your projects “snap, Crackle and Pop”

Find the perfect images for your sales pages without having to shell out your hard-earned cash!

Plus you can even sell these images…it doesn’t get much better than that!

Bonus #28 – Underground Traffic Sources


Learn the underground traffic sources and traffic generation techniques that will let you stand out from the crowd.

Bonus #29 – Social Media Annihilation

Social Media Annihilation

Dominate Your Niche Using The Power of Social Media And Build An Audience That Will Love Your Brand! In This Course, You’ll Discover The Steps, Methods, And Techniques To Setting Yourself Up For Success On The Top Social Media Platforms!

Bonus #30 – YouTube Affiliate Domination

youtube affiliate domination disk

There’s a misconception out there that in order to make money on YouTube, you have to have millions of views on your videos or millions of YouTube subscribers. Nothing could be further from the truth as there are many ways to make money on YouTube and affiliate marketing is one of them.

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Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus #1


Bonus #2

Article Indexer Pro Infographic

Bonus #3


Bonus #4


Bonus #5

Fancy Upsell Pop Up PRO Info Graphic

Bonus #6


Bonus #7


Bonus #8


Bonus #9


Bonus #10

Instant Squeeze Builder Info Graphic

Bonus #11


Bonus #12


Bonus #13


Bonus #14


Bonus #15


Bonus #16


Bonus #17

Salespage Writer Info Graphic

Bonus #18


Bonus #19

Swift Page Info Graphics

Bonus #20

TrueTags Software Info Graphic

Bonus #21

Vid Promo InfoGraphics

Bonus #22

Viral Click Info Graphic

Bonus #23


Bonus #24

Youtube Traffic Weapon Info Graphic

Bonus #25


Bonus #26


Bonus #27

Bonus #28


Bonus #29

eBookMaker Info Graphic

Bonus #30

WP Engage Info Graphic

Bonus #31

5 Step+Launch+Jacking+Formula+Infographic

Bonus #32

Article Analyzer Infographic

Bonus #33

Article Buddy InfoGraphics

Bonus #34

Atomic List Building Info Graphict

Bonus #35


Bonus #36


Bonus #37


Bonus #38


Bonus #39


Bonus #40


Bonus #41


Bonus #42


Bonus #43

Bonus #44


Bonus #45


Bonus #46


Bonus #47


Bonus #48


Bonus #49


Bonus #50


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Massive Bonuses

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How to claim your Covrr Studio bonuses

1. Click here → BUY NOW or any of my affiliate links/buttons on this page.

2. Go through the order process successfully and complete the purchase.

3. Your product access + bonuses would be automatically delivered in your purchase area. If for some reason you don’t see your bonus delivery button, please forward your payment receipt to or for support. You will receive your bonuses within 12 hours.

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Covrr Studio Review Conclusion – Why I Highly Recommend You Buy This Product

You would like Covrr Studio and I highly recommend it because I believe it will help the success of your online business tremendously. If you agree with me, go ahead and make your order.

Also, my bonuses are meant to compliment Covrr Studio and help you 4x the results you will get with Covrr Studio. These bonuses were created with one thing in mind; HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE. Bring smiles to your face, your loved ones, and live that dream life.

The bonuses contain apps, tools, plugins, and training guides that will collectively help you build a successful online passive income empire.

Click the image below to make your order and receive my massive & exclusive bonuses.

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