Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Locher’s Pub and Grill: Homechow away from home

The Locher's Pub and Grill

If you’re looking to be served some great Ghanaian cuisine in a laid back atmosphere then, The Locher’s Pub and Grill is the place to be for the good time you want to treat yourself to.

Located on the way to Appolonia City (coming in from the direction of Madina), The Locher’s Pub and Grill offers you the perfect set up for weekend getaways and intimate small-number celebrations, or simply serve as your happy hour joint for winding down after a hard day’s work.

The Locher’s Pub and Grill Menu

From the ever-popular banku and grilled tilapia dish, to your favorite fufu and goat light soup — as well as the internationally acclaimed jollof rice; our menu has the tastiest traditionally Ghanaian dishes you would ever have a craving for.

Aside the great food we serve, you can rest assured of having some good local beverages from our Cottage Bar to go with your meals… if the regular beers and wine aren’t your thing.

The Locher’s cottage bar

The perfect location for intimate celebrations

The Locher's Pub

Contact and Location

For any form of enquiry, you can reach the restaurant on (+233) 24 436 8101. You can locate them with the plus code RV6Q+79 Oyibi.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

3 Tips for staying ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters

ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters

The MoMo fraud canker has become so widespread that you always wake up expecting to have an encounter with one of the scammers. As the days go by, it’s becoming clear that people have to be smart in order to stay ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters. In Ghana today, if you ask what’s the most annoying-yet-funny thing that people experience on the daily, you’re sure to hear Mobile Money fraud pop up somewhere among the answers. That is very true.

This installment of out Mobile Money fraud series would help you with tips that you can use if your plan is to be ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters to avoid falling victim to their scams.

Do this to stay ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters

The best way to defeat a thief is to stay a couple of steps ahead of his schemes. And to avoid falling victim to MoMo fraudsters, the same strategy must be employed. Here are three things you can do in order to outplay the scammers at their own game.

Don’t entertain calls about strange promos

One of the commonest tricks the MoMo fraudsters have in their playbook is the fake promo approach. All they need to do is entice their victim by claiming they have won items or money in a promo, and as part of the prize redeeming process, they (victim) would have to pay a fee to unlock their winnings.

Here is your common sense approach: if you’re not participating in any promo, ignore any phone calls and text messages claiming that you have won a prize. And even when you have genuine tickets to a lottery or any promo, keep in mind that the company would not demand that you pay any fee before redeeming what is due you. Stay alert and you’ll be alright.

Authorized MTN staff would invite you to their service centres

It is common knowledge that MTN customer representatives always insist that you show up at their offices to rectify even the tiniest issue related to your account. While this may be irksome and inconvenient to some people, it is actually a good thing.

Your fraud sensors should give you a heads-up whenever you are dealing with a supposed MTN staff who would rather let you enter sensitive codes over the phone, rather than asking you to go to the nearest service centre for assistance. This is especially important when it has anything to do with your Mobile Money account.

Lots of the scammers have become adept at social engineering, thus, they can say the right things to get you to believe they are genuine. Don’t fall for their act. Being ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters depends a lot on your awareness of the standard procedures of the companies you have any business with so, once there’s a deviation from the norm, stay away and you’ll be safe.

Your MoMo PIN should be a red flag

What I mean by this is that you should ask questions and be cautious whenever you are having a conversation with anyone, and you are asked to do anything that involves inputting your MoMo PIN. In fact, it shouldn’t be limited to conversations only. You should be equally alert whenever you are being asked to activate some network-related codes or processes on your phone and your Mobile Money PIN becomes a part of the processes.

Your MoMo PIN is meant for Mobile Money transactions only so, the moment anyone asks you to key in your code then, know that they have initiated a transaction on your blindside.

Always remember these three things you’ve read here and you’ll always be ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters. Are there any important points that we have missed? Do tell us via email or in the comment section.


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This article on how to stay ahead of Mobile Money fraudsters is part of a series is developing to educate the public about Mobile Money fraudsters, their activities, and how to stay vigilant and not be a victim.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook. To report a typo, email the editor:

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We should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud: 3 Reasons why

concerned about Mobile Money fraud

We should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud even if we are sure that personally, we can never fall victim to the scammers.

Mobile Money fraud — just like every other criminal act before it — seems to have come to stay. The criminals keep devising new methods with which they can scam money out of the often unsuspecting victims. This makes it an ever-evolving enterprise; meaning it is going to get harder to stop them no matter what measures the telecommunication companies and the state put in place to make it an unattractive venture.

This is why the success or otherwise of the telcos and regulatory bodies’ preventive efforts depend on the individual Mobile Money subscriber.

This installment of our MoMo fraud series would focus on why everyone should be concerned about Mobile Money fraud.

Should you be concerned about Mobile Money fraud?

Yes, you should. Even if as an individual, you’re not a subscriber to MTN Mobile Money or any of the mobile e-wallet services, you should be concerned because it can affect you in another manner. How?

Our elderly folk

Even if you’re personally not a subscriber to any of the non-bank mobile money platforms, chances are that a relative somewhere in the rural areas depends on their Mobile Money account to receive allowances from you or any other benefactor. Assuming that the elder in question is not someone who’s savvy when it comes to modern day technology, the possibility of them seeking help from people other than yourself — whenever they encounter issues with their account — is very high.

That would not be a problem if they’re dealing with an honest person. However, the risk that they could be seeking help from an opportunist is always present. And if they happen to trust someone of that nature then, a significant portion of the money you’ve been sending for their upkeep could be going into the wrong pockets without you knowing.

Even though you’ve done everything possible to avoid falling for their scams, you ended up losing money to them via another channel. Back to square one.

Businesses are at risk

Another reason why you should be concerned about Mobile Money fraud is the fact that the credibility of online businesses have taken a significant hit due to the activities of these criminals. It is common knowledge that one of the channels the fraudsters use is the online business space; posing as genuine business people. From there, they set up all sorts of shop to scam money from unsuspecting buyers in return for inferior products or no goods at all.

Because of their activities, some genuine businesses have had to take certain risks, such as accepting ‘pay on delivery‘ terms in order to prove they are not into any funny games.

It becomes a security issue

We should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud because just like every other crime, it poses a security risk to the citizenry. There have been a number of reports of being robbed of their phones and the assailants asking to be given the Mobile Money PINs. Imagine being attacked because someone wants to gain access to your mobile wallet. This is how dangerous it can get, and that is why even when we are sure that we can never be victims of the MoMo scammers, we should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud and how it is rapidly spreading and evolving.


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This article on why we should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud is part of a series is developing to educate the public about Mobile Money fraudsters, their activities, and how to stay vigilant and not be a victim.

For stories of this sort and more, do well to log on to or visit us on Facebook. To report a typo, email the editor:

The post We should all be concerned about Mobile Money fraud: 3 Reasons why appeared first on JBKlutse.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Working on the go with MTN Google Carrier Billing

Working on the go with MTN Google Carrier Billing

As a creative freelancer, I do a good portion of my work on the go. From creating artworks in bars to designing banners on my way to church; great memories if you ask me since living on the edge is the bane of my existence. Like the best of us; every creative you know, I procrastinate with almost every project because “I’ve got time to get this done in the morning”, “I can do this even in my sleep” or “It will only take 10 minutes to complete this.” I have had the unfortunate incident of also being forgetful and almost missing a deadline, but now, I don’t worry about missing deadlines and rushing home like a maniac because with MTN Google Carrier Billing, I can complete my projects on my tablet anywhere, anyhow, anytime and under any circumstance.

When I started my career, we used to download design apps on torrent sites because it was impossible to purchase the applications I needed from West Africa, but these apps never gave updates when you needed or left portions inaccessible to me due to my location. As these developers recognized they had untapped audiences in the region, they started allowing users to purchase apps with debit or credit cards issued by local banks, but that came with its own nightmare of ridiculous pricing and annual fees. And the worst part, when your card got stolen the thieves could use the funds on your card just as easily as you did and you will not get your money back.

With this new service by MTN, which is so easy to set up, I can pay for all my work apps with my Mobile Money (MoMo) from the convenience of my car or the mall without having to dive headfirst into the black hole I call a bag looking for my debit card and inadvertently exposing my card details to the whole world.

What is better than convenience, it is security! Because any payment made with MoMo is secured with your unique PIN, even if my phone gets stolen my money is safe unlike if my card got stolen. I will know because it happened to me once, but that is a story for another day. Also, nobody can use my MoMo to purchase apps without my knowledge because I will get the notification to confirm the purchase.

Last but definitely not the least, arguably more important is the fact that I can access all my favourite apps I need for work in Ghana without having to worry about a foreign address or credit/debit card. That, to me, is the true icing on the cake. There are times I need to whip up an artwork in the middle of town, remember I shared I like to procrastinate?, and I don’t have the time to get home or my laptop has no battery power yet I can get the work done as needed and on time thanks to the apps I bought with the carrier billing either on my phone or tablet.

You may be a freelancer like myself and require access to premium applications for work, or you may be a game head who lives for the new games or you may need to pay for a premium app for a loved one; all that is possible now with this new solution from MTN. Don’t take my word for it, try it and let me know if you’re a believer.

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Everything you need to know about skin cancers 

skin cancer

What is skin cancer? 

Skin cancer – the unusual development of skin cells – often develops on skin exposed to the sun. In any case, this cancer can also occur in areas of your skin that are normally not exposed to daylight.

There are three significant skin cancer types – basal cell carcinoma, squamous carcinoma cell, and melanoma.

You can reduce your risk of skin cancer by limiting or preventing the introduction of bright (UV) radiation. Examining your skin for dubious changes will help you distinguish skin cancer at the most punctual stages. The early detection of skin cancer offers you the best opportunity for fruitful skin cancer therapy. In this article, we talk to a cosmetic dermatologist in Singapore and summarize everything you need to know about skin cancers.

Basal cell carcinoma 

Basal cell carcinoma starts in basal cells – a cell in the skin that makes new skin cells when old ones go away.

Basal cell carcinoma often shows up as a slight, direct bump on the skin but can take on different structures. Basal cell carcinoma occurs regularly in areas of the skin exposed to the sun, e.g., head and neck.

It is believed that most basal cell carcinomas are caused by long-distance exposure to bright UV from daylight. Staying out of the sun and using sunscreen can protect you against basal cell carcinoma.

Squamous carcinoma cell 

Squamous carcinoma cell of the skin is a typical type of skin cancer that develops in the squamous cells that make up the centre and outer layers of the skin.

Squamous carcinoma cells of the skin is generally not dangerous, but it does tend to be powerful. Untreated squamous carcinoma cells of the skin can develop enormously or spread to different parts of the body, causing real discomfort.

Most skin squamous carcinoma cells result from delayed exposure to bright (UV) radiation, either from daylight or from sunbeds or lights. Maintaining a strategic distance from UV light reduces the risk of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin and various skin cancers.

Squamous cells carcinoma is found in numerous places in your body, and squamous cell carcinomas can appear anywhere that squamous cells are found.


Melanoma, the most serious kind of skin cancer, appears in the cells (melanocytes), producing melanin – the cells that give your skin its tone.

The exact reason for all melanomas is not clear. However, the introduction of bright (UV) radiation from daylight or tanning lights also increases the risk of producing melanomas. Limiting your exposure to UV  radiation can help reduce your risk of melanoma.

The risk of melanoma increases in those above 40, especially women. Knowing the admonishing indications of skin cancer can help identify and treat cancerous changes before cancer has spread. Melanoma can be treated effectively if it is detected early.

Risk factors for skin cancer 

Some of the elements that can increase your risk of skin cancer include:

  • Fair skin. If you have less melanin in your skin, you are less likely to be harmed by UV radiation. If you have light or red hair, lightly shaded eyes, and spots or burns from the sun, you are more susceptible to melanoma than someone with a darker appearance.
  • A history of sunburn. Having at least one extreme, blistering sunburn can increase the risk of melanoma.
  • Excessive exposure to bright (UV) light. Exposure to UV rays from the sun, sunlight, and beds can increase your skin cancer risk, including melanoma.
  • Live closer to the equator or at a higher altitude. People who live closer to the earth’s equator, where the sun’s rays are more direct, experience higher UV radiation levels than people who live further north or south.
  • Have numerous or unusual moles. Having more than 50 common moles on your body puts you at increased risk of melanoma. Also, a surprising type of mole increases the risk of melanoma. Medically known as dysplastic nevi, these are generally larger than common birthmarks and have unpredictable outlines and a combination of tones.
  • Family background of melanoma. If a close family member – such as a parent, adolescent, or relative – has melanoma, you have a more high risk to develop melanoma too.
  • Weakened immunity. People with weakened resistant scaffolds are at increased risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. Your immunity can be compromised by the possibility of taking medication to suppress the immune system, for example, after an organ change.


You can reduce your risk of skin cancer if you:

  • Maintain a strategic distance from the sun during the day.
  • Avoid the sun and tan burns that damage skin and increase skin cancer risk. Long-term exposure to the sun can also cause skin cancer.
  • Wear sunscreen all year round, even on rainy or cloudy days. Apply it like clockwork – or more frequently if you swim or sweat.
  • Wear protective clothing.
  • Try not use to tanning lights and beds. Tanning light and also beds emit these UV rays and may increase the risk of skin cancer.
  • Familiarize yourself with your skin so you can see changes. Check your skin regularly for new skin developments or changes in existing moles, spots, bumps, and pigmentation. Check the face, neck, ears, and scalp with the help of mirrors.

Skin cancer screening 

Skin cancer, if detected early, can be effectively treated with a medical procedure. Skin cancer screening  (also known as a full-body mole check) is then beneficial. In skin cancer screening, there is a risk for every patient as determined by skin type, ethnicity, clinical history, family ancestry, occupation, and history of recreational sun presentations. An accomplished dermatologist will examine and examine every final piece of your skin essentially, regardless of any private and sensitive area. Dermoscopy is employed and is a  priceless device in helping the dermatologist look for the better intricacies of skin cancer and improve the precision of their clinical diagnosis.

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What to consider before purchasing custom handmade swords

custom handmade swords

Have you read about the epic battles among the samurais? If so, then you must have then heard about the samurai katana. Beautifully crafted, these traditional Japanese swords were highly regarded among the elites in the samurais and military. The best part; anybody can own a custom swords. You can purchase it and bring the ancient, beautiful, epic Japanese battle based culture into your home. However, it’s important to get things right. In particular, purchasing the right Japanese sword is important. Here are the top points worth considering before purchasing your Japanese sword.

Connection to the Japanese Culture

Do you have a personal touch on the Japanese culture? Whether you have lived in Japan, interacted with the Japanese workforce, studied martial arts, or have a family with a Japanese, you’ll definitely agree that Japan is an incredible country. And this connection will greatly influence your decision to purchase a Japanese sword. The sword will automatically become a symbol of your unique relationship with Japan. It will truly stand for something special in your life.

Purity, Perfection

The Japanese swords are unique and beautiful. They’re pure objects featuring natural elements, such as the earth, fire, water, wind, as well as, fire. They’re constructed by hand and spiritual energy. You can’t find such a level of technological advancement in other cultures. Samurai swords are Japan’s most-prized keepsake.

Be a Modern Warrior

Warriors are masters at tackling life’s challenges and overcoming obstacles. They aren’t afraid of anything. And they don’t let fear stop them from achieving whatever they want. They’re completely unstoppable. All these traits are directly related to the samurai swords.


Japanese swords are uniquely designed to offer a life of endless discovery. They’re created with unmatched precision. The amount of detail that goes into constructing them is nothing short of a miracle. The craftsmen are fully dedicated to their perfection. Each finished product is unique and will last for centuries. The sharp edges serve as a reminder to appreciate life.

Key Takeaway

Are you fond of Japanese culture? Have you ever visited or lived in Japan? Well, it’s time you consider doing so. Japan is an outstandingly beautiful country that’s rich in culture. The experience you’ll get there is nothing compared to what you’ll find in other countries.

There’s an extensive selection of swords that’ll impress you. And this is particularly important if you’re a warrior. Life is a beautiful thing and you don’t have to limit yourself to certain things. Open up your mind and explore the opportunities around you. Try Japanese swords and take your experience with life to the next level. If you’re committed to improving your personality and impacting your community, Japanese swords are the best way to go!

The Bottom-Line

Don’t choose any sword. Purchase the best custom swords. Purchase a sword that will remind you about the epic battles among the samurais. Get a sword that will remind you of the rich Japanese history. Consider the above things when purchasing a Japanese sword.

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5 Mac tips and tricks you should know about

5 Mac tips and tricks you should know about

Mac computers have significantly evolved over the years, and apart from getting pricier, they have become better but complicated, something most professionals aren’t thrilled with. Nonetheless, if you are a Mac newbie or are switching back from Windows, here are a few tips that you will find useful.

1. Run Windows OS on your Mac

To most people, it is impossible to run a Microsoft Windows OS on a Mac computer. The truth is, you can do it, and it is simple. Open the applications folder on your Mac, then click on the utility folder. Locate a program called Boot Camp and run it as administrator.

Boot camp partitions your Mac’s hard drive by creating two slots; one for Mac OS and another for Windows OS. You get to choose how much space to allocate to each OS, but remember that the disk space allocated to one OS is not available to the other.

After setting everything up, hit the partition button to kickstart the process. After partitioning, you will be required to install a Windows OS from a CD-ROM. You can run any version of Windows higher than Windows 7.

2. Control your Mac’s sleeping schedule

A sleeping mode is one of the many energy-saving features built on Mac computers. However, this option can be annoying when your computer keeps slipping into sleeping mode every few minutes.

The standard way of adjusting sleeping schedules for a Mac is by using the energy-saving program, which is cumbersome. Alternatively, you can run Lungo, a program on your menu bar that gives you quick access to sleeping mode controls. With one click, you can prevent Mac from sleeping for either 10 minutes, four hours, or indefinitely.

3. Add your signature to the document.

With many companies switching to remote work, files have to be signed and sent back digitally. If you have a Mac, you can easily insert your signature on soft copy documents on your computer. Open the document to be signed on its preview application. Select the pen icon and click create a signature from Built-in iSight.

iSight, which is one of the top MacBook apps, captures your signature using the webcam. After signing your name on plain paper, hold it up to the camera following screen guides. The camera automatically extracts the signature and saves it in the system.

4. Switch between multiple windows

The CMD+ Tab switches between different windows of open programs, and if you have different open tabs of the same program, say three-word documents, clicking Cmd+ ~ will instantly switch from one word-doc to the next.

5. Taking a screenshot

Unlike Windows computers that come with a snipping tool program for taking snippets of the screen, Mac offers an easy option of clicking CMD+ Shift+ 4, which gives you a cursor option to click and drag the area you wish to capture. On the other hand, pressing CMD+Shift+3 captures the entire screen.


There are dozens of Mac computer tricks and tips that, if mastered, can make your life a lot easier, not to mention increasing your productivity.

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The best way to choose a website host

The best way to choose a website host

To have a successful business, you need to get the best web hosting services. The web hosting services you can choose will usually depend on whether a dedicated server, shared server, or cloud-based server is good for your business. 

Small businesses can opt for a shared server, also called a managed service. This is because you can share the server with several other businesses, so the costs are quite low. This article discusses the best way to choose a website host. 

Determine the needs of your website

It’s always a good idea to figure out what you want to do with your site. The right website host can support the platform or even the building tools needed to build your desired site. Even better, it can offer your website with enough storage, reliability, and speed. ChangeDetect’s Canada comparison can help you find the best website host.

You can find some website hosts that provide infrastructure and tools to help your website or functionality. Keep in mind that the web host that works for everyone else may not be the right one for you. Therefore, make sure that you find a website host that meets your specific needs. 

Website bundling and building options

If you decide to build your site or want to utilize a DIY website builder, then you need to figure out whether or not you desire the services to be bundled. Various web-building service providers also offer web hosting. This can allow you to create a website and even get hosting services as part of the package. The good thing is that Google Domains usually partners with several combined web builders and hosts. 

You can also get web hosting that is separate from the web builder. So you can decide to have a web host, but it doesn’t include website building. On the other hand, if you’re creating a custom site or utilizing a website builder, then it doesn’t include web hosting like WordPress. You may utilize the WordPress tools to publish the website to your web host.

Do some research

Now that you know what you want for your site and the services you may need, it makes sense to research your web builder and web host options. You can simply search on the internet to find the best service providers. In this case, you can read the customers’ reviews to uncover if the service provider is suitable for you. 

Specific things you can look for in a web host may vary depending on your needs. Some of these things include the price for signing up ad renewal. There is always the cost of signing up, so ensure that you check for their renewal rates and read the fine prints to find out if they have some hidden fees. 

Also, make sure that the web host you choose has all the technical expertise to handle your site’s needs. You should also check what you may need or want in the future. Think about the people who will be managing the majority of your site’s management.

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Play and win on the international betting site in Nigeria – 1xBet


1xBet online gaming platform has existed since 2007, and in its 13 years of activity, it has been able to consolidate its position among the leading sites in the sector. The play on betting site in Nigeria – has the following advantages:

  • The legality of the work, confirmed by an official license;
  • Website for PC, mobile version, apps for Android and iOS;
  • Honesty of payments (carried out through MCCIS);
  • Possibility to cancel the bet before the start of the event;
  • High odds for most popular sports;
  • Video broadcast of all important matches!

In addition to ensuring its users total peace of mind, betting site 1xBet in Nigeria puts forward fantastic bonuses, such as the welcome bonus on the first account charge and other incentives.

Best in Africa 1xBet – online casino

Communication with the user has been improved over time, which aims at transparency and the desire to pursue responsibility while staying on the portal so that the game remains fun and does not turn into an addiction. The graphic part has also been highly appealing, as well as the functionality of – online casino ng that one can start utilizing, from registration, which is very simple and intuitive, to the promotion of each content.

Its strong point is having Playtech games, recognized as the best software both from the point of view of playability and safety. All the games offered by online 1xBet casino are controlled and certified by Gaming Laboratories International, an independent laboratory responsible for verifying that the games offered by the online gaming industry meet the required reliability and honesty criteria.

How to watch 1xBet streaming and place wagers

Registered players can not only bet online on the best football clubs but watch 1xBet streaming of these events in real-time. On the website of the bookmaker, the video player leaves a positive impression. It has a compact and attractive appearance. The company’s betting line always has video support for virtually all sports matches. At the same time, the broadcasts do not freeze, and it is convenient to watch football or other sports.

The graphic component with detailed statistics of a sports match is also a positive aspect as for to watch streaming 1xBet from the platform. This format is great for players with paid traffic or low internet speed. All matches in the live section are divided by type of sport, for each of them basic information about the current score and the time elapsed since the beginning of the game is available.

The post Play and win on the international betting site in Nigeria – 1xBet appeared first on JBKlutse.


Emirates takes A380 experience to new heights, unveils Premium Economy plus enhancements across all cabins

Emirates' new Premium Economy seat with crew

Emirates is taking its signature A380 experience to the next level with the unveil of a brand new Premium Economy cabin product, together with enhancements and a refreshed look across all cabins onboard its newest A380 aircraft.

Sir Tim Clark, President Emirates Airline said: “The Emirates A380 is already one of the most sought-after travel experiences in the skies, and now we’ve made it even better. While others cut back, Emirates is working hard to restore the products and services that we’ve had to suspend or adjust due to pandemic precautions, and introduce new offerings and enhancements. True to our fly better promise, Emirates continues to invest to offer our customers the best possible experience.”

The airline received its newest A380 aircraft from Airbus’ Hamburg facility last week, and its remaining order of 5 A380s will also be delivered with premium economy cabins over 2021 and 2022. Emirates’ premium economy seats will also be installed on some of its Boeing 777X aircraft which are only due to join the fleet in 2023. Emirates is considering plans to retrofit its existing A380 fleet.

Commenting on Emirates’ premium economy cabins, Sir Tim said: “Our Premium Economy product was carefully developed in keeping with Emirates’ brand positioning as a full-service airline of the highest quality. Our First, Business and Economy experiences reset industry standards when they were introduced, and we are confident that our Premium Economy will also make its mark as a distinct premium offering. Until we have a viable number of seats in our inventory to bring to market, we plan to offer the Emirates Premium Economy experience as a complimentary upgrade to valued customers. We’ll also deploy our newest A380 aircraft on various routes so that our customers can experience our latest offering in all classes.”

Emirates will announce details of where its A380 aircraft with Premium Economy will be deployed in the coming weeks.

Premium Economy: comfort and space

Emirates today unveiled details of its highly-anticipated premium economy cabin, which offers 56 seats in a 2-4-2 cabin layout.

With a generous pitch of up to 40-inches, Emirates’ premium economy seat is 19.5 inches wide, and reclines 8 inches into a comfortable cradle position with ample room to stretch out. Covered in cream-coloured anti-stain leather with stitching details and a wood panel finishing similar to Business Class, each seat is designed to provide optimal comfort and support with 6-way adjustable headrests, calf rests and footrests.

Each seat has a 13.3″ screen, one of the largest in its class, to enjoy the unmatched array of music, movies, TV, news and other content on Emirates’ award-winning ice.

Customers will also find thoughtful touches including easily accessible in-seat charging points, a wide dining table and side cocktail table.

Emirates Premium Economy is located at the front of the main deck, with 2 lavatories dedicated to customers.

Watch video to see more of Emirates’ Premium Economy seat.

First Class: even more privacy and luxury

On this latest Emirates A380, the airline’s 14 First Class private suites have been enhanced from the original suites, being slightly wider with taller doors, for even more privacy and comfort.

Cabin detail and finishes have also been refreshed with new motifs and colours, from the sweeping stairs that lead from the main deck to the upper deck, to refreshed design trims and modern fittings in the Shower Spa.

Business Class: new luxury finishes

Emirates has retained its popular A380 Business Class seats which offer direct aisle access for every passenger, reclines to a fully-flat position, and offers personal mini bars, ample personal storage and a high degree of privacy.

All 76 seats have been refreshed to feature champagne-coloured leather covers and wood finishing, inspired by executive jets, similar to the Business Class on Emirates’ Boeing 777 Gamechanger aircraft.

The same classic colour scheme has also been applied to the Onboard Lounge at the back of the upper deck, for the exclusive use of First and Business Class passengers.

Economy: gamechanger seats

Emirates has replaced all 338 Economy seats onboard its newest A380 with ergonomically designed seats that come with full leather headrests and flexible side panels which can be adjusted vertically for optimum support.

This latest seat model is a step up from the version currently installed on Emirates’ Boeing 777 Gamechanger aircraft. It is lighter, without compromising on comfort or function. Each seat features a classy wood grain finish on tray tables, as well as a 13.3″ personal screen to enjoy Emirates’ award-winning ice.

Refreshed cabin interiors

Throughout the Emirates A380 interior, customers will see new finishes and design touches featuring the Ghaf (prosopis cineraria) tree motif, as well as the clean and airy champagne colour scheme with wood panelling and bronze accents from Emirates’ latest Boeing 777 Gamechanger interiors.

An indigenous evergreen plant, the Ghaf is a considered the national tree of the United Arab Emirates, and has deep cultural and ecological significance.

All cabin classes are equipped with the latest generation of Emirates’ award-winning ice inflight entertainment system offering improved and superior image quality. Each in-seat screen will feature ultra-wide viewing angles, a capacitive touch screen, LED backlight and full HD display.


Emirates' A380 Premium Economy cabin (backview) New A380 Premium Economy seats Emirates takes A380 experience to new heights, unveils Premium Economy plus enhancements across all cabins 2 Refreshed A380 Onboard Lounge Refreshed A380 Business Class Refreshed A380 Shower Spa

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Lin Qi: Game of Thrones games maker dies ‘after poisoning’

lin qi

Lin Qi, 39, was the chairman and chief executive of games developer Yoozoo, best known for the Game of Thrones: Winter Is Coming strategy game.

The Shanghai police statement pointed to one of Mr Lin’s colleagues – identified only by his surname Xu – as the main suspect.

Mr Lin was believed to have a net worth of around 6.8bn yuan (£960m), according to the Hurun China Rich List.

Many employees and ex-employees gathered outside Yoozoo’s office on Friday to mourn his death.

Who was Lin Qi?

The businessman was a star of China’s lucrative gaming market and had also made a foray into film production.

He founded Yoozoo in 2009 and successfully led the company through a period where the gaming industry saw substantial changes towards mobile gaming.

The company also issued an emotional statement on its official Weibo microblog.

“Goodbye youth,” it said, adding, “We will be together, continue to be kind, continue to believe in goodness, and continue the fight against all that is bad.”

The post attracted thousands of comments while the topic has been viewed more than 290 million times on Weibo.

Many of the tributes featured calligraphy as Mr Lin was an avid calligrapher along with being a poetry enthusiast.

Yoozoo is well known for its Game of Thrones game.IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES

Was he poisoned?

Details are scant but Mr Lin is believed to have been poisoned, based on police statements.

Yoozoo released its own statement, saying Mr Lin had admitted himself to hospital after feeling unwell but was in a stable condition.

Things took a dramatic turn on Friday when the company announced its founder had died.

According to local media reports, the person in custody could be Xu Yao, who heads Yoozoo’s movie production arm.

There was also some speculation among local media that Mr Lin had been poisoned via aged pu’er tea, a fermented Chinese drink.

What is Yoozoo?

Apart from its Game of Thrones game, Yoozoo is also the co-publisher of Supercell’s smash-hit game Brawl Stars along with China’s Tencent Holdings.

The company is also known for its connection with the Chinese sci-fi novel Three-Body Problem as it holds the rights for its film adaptation.

But its expansion into the motion picture business wasn’t as successful as the company had hoped and the project to adapt the book into six films by Yoozoo Pictures never took off.

In September, it granted US streaming platform Netflix the right to adapt the sci-fi novel for television.

The book is the first instalment of the trilogy Remembrance of Earth’s Past by writer Liu Cixin and has received critical acclaim, counting both former US President Barack Obama and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg among its fans.

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4 amazing reasons why we love the Huawei Watch GT 2e

4 amazing reasons why we love the Huawei Watch GT 2e 2

Staying fit while working from home is important but can be boring and tedious without the right companion. Now introducing the HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e, your virtual Personal Trainer that monitors your health and keeps you entertained. Can’t visit the gym? Don’t worry! The Huawei Watch GT 2e is packed with amazing and cool features that provide you with detailed fitness and health tracking while keeping you entertained. Here are 4 cool reasons why we love the Huawei Watch GT 2e.

Nonstop Action for 2weeks

When you think of ways to stay healthy and fit when staying home, you need to think of a smartwatch that does not require daily charging and won’t run out of battery after short use. The Huawei Watch GT 2e solves this with its 2 weeks long-lasting battery life.

Thanks to the Kirin A1 chip that comes with the watch, this low-power wearable chipset uses advanced architecture and low power computing to maintain long-lasting battery life for workout tracking, heart rate detection, sleep monitoring and other features.

A Design that Speaks Sports

HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e comes with a sandblasted, minimalistic and robust 316L grade stainless steel surface for a more refined finish. The watch has also implemented a unibody design integrating the 1.39-inch AMOLED dial of the smartwatch into the strap for a better refined and more streamlined look. This also makes HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e comfortable to wear during training, thus allowing for more accurate tracking data.

Detailed Fitness Tracking

So how exactly will this smartwatch help you stay fit? HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e supports smart tracking of up to 100 sports. The watch can smart track 15 different professional workout modes, eight of which are outdoor sports (running, walking, climbing, hiking, trail running, cycling, open water swimming and triathlon). Simultaneously, the other seven are indoor sports (walking, running, cycling, pool swimming, free training, elliptical machine and rowing machine). It can track another 85 types of sports in six categories: extreme, leisure, aquatics, fitness, ball games, winter sports, rock climbing, parkour, skateboarding, surfing, tennis, baseball and even aerobic exercise. It also detects six different workouts, including outdoor running, outdoor walking, indoor walking, indoor running, elliptical and rower automatically, tracking all the data on its own. Simultaneously, precise satellite tracking allows for accurate GPS and GLONASS tracking if you go for a run outside.

Look out for your Health with Precise Monitoring

Staying fit isn’t just about exercising or working out. You also need to keep track of your health in terms of your calorie intake, how well you sleep and how stressed you are. HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e features the new self-developed TruSeenTM 3.5 heart rate monitoring technology. An accurate heart rate is tracked and combined with the AI smart heart rate algorithm, making the monitoring faster and more accurate. There is also HUAWEI TruSleepTM 2.0, which helps in measuring sleep quality as well and also includes real-time heart rate tracking, breathing during sleep and big data analytics. HUAWEI TruRelaxTM technology also provides 24/7 pressure monitoring, which allows maintaining a relaxed state of mind at all times. In addition to this, the watch is also capable of monitoring blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), which is the concentration of oxygen in your blood and an important physiological indicator for the health of your respiratory system.

Some other cool and practical features of HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e include Bluetooth pairing for audio control and playback. There is also a Remote Shutter, which, when paired with a smartphone, allows users to remotely take pictures by tapping the smartwatch. The watch supports notification alerts from a wide range of apps, has a flashlight option and can also help you find your missing phone by letting it ring. – cool, we know!

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Huawei Freebuds 3i: Powerful noise cancelling earphones at an accessible price point

Huawei Freebuds 3i

Smart devices help us live our lives on the go. They have become essential in so many aspects of our daily lives such as; entertainment, work, and connecting us with our loved ones. With more online streaming services, podcasts, audiobooks, shows and games, the onus is on smart devices like speakers and earphones to showcase their potential. Having said that, Huawei recently launched a new earphone that takes noise cancellation to the next level at an accessible price point – the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i.

Here we look at three cool features that make the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i one of the most powerful active noise-cancelling earphones out there!

Get rid of unwanted noise:

It is quite difficult trying to hear a track or watch a show in a crowded and noisy environment such as a bus station, or perhaps pick an important call while shopping at the market. With HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i you do not have to worry about the environment you are in, Ultimate Active Noise Cancellation technology ensures you get an uninterrupted hearing experience. The clarity of these earphones is not just when hearing but also when speaking. HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i’s Triple-mic Noise Reduction system creates more optimal noise cancellation that effectively filters out the noise and makes the speaker’s voice clearer to enhance the overall call quality, something that shines during the conference and video calls – you hear clearly, and they also do! Additionally, it can achieve up to 32dB* of noise reduction, which makes for one of the highest in noise cancellation experience. Moreover, each earphone’s body adopts a conical in-ear design with ear tips made of soft silicone in four sizes (L/M/S/XS) that are airtight, not just for comfort and stability, but also ensuring an enhanced Passive Noise cancellation and an overall listening experience.

Excellent Sound

Of course, with earphones, the focus is mainly on the sound you hear, isn’t that right? HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i comes with a large 10mm dynamic Customised Driver in its compact body that is capable of producing reverse noise cancellation signals to offset the noise, loads of tech-jargon, right? Simply put, the unique design and custom innovative architecture of these earphones’ dynamic driver balances bass, treble and middle, for a music experience like no other! Whether you’re listening to hip-hop, R & B or probably watching a movie with intense audio effects, these earphones will provide a truly thrilling and immersive sound experience. Additionally, HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i uses a highly sensitive polymer composite diaphragm alongside other acoustic components that are fine-tuned professionally.

Easy to use

HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i come with innovative technology that is easy to use, the earphone simplifies the interaction process to offer a true wireless experience. The smart touch control adopts a capacitive and suitable sensor with enhanced interaction. By placing your finger on the earphone, you can turn the active noise reduction on or off. Double tap to play and pause music or answer the phone. The smart sensor will automatically stop the music when user take off the earphones, continue to play music when user put them back on and switch to standby mode when place in the charging case. In addition, for your convenience you can easily pair your HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i. A pop-up notification will appear on your Huawei smartphone asking to connect. After the first pairing, every time you open the charging case, the device will automatically pair up and notify with a pop-up notification for your convenience. Also, battery life on the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i is also quite impressive, lasting 14.5 hours on a single charge! Lastly, did we mention the earphones are IP55 water-resistant? How cool is that?!

These three cool features make the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i one of the most powerful active noise-cancelling earphones out there. To top it off, the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i comes in two stylish Black Ceramic and White Ceramic colours. Lastly, HUAWEI FreeBuds 3i is up for grabs with an affordable and accessible price tag.

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Video: This is what I know about Kantanka’s Uber-like car selling for GHC 40,000

Kantanka Amoaniwah EV

At the just-ended 40th Kristo Asafo Tech Exhibition, Kantanka Automobile outdoors it’s Uber-like car called the Kantanka Amoaniwah EV.

Kantanka Amoaniwah EV comes in two forms; electric-powered and the regular gasoline (Petrol) option.



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Kantanka Amoaniwah EV Price

The company announced at the exhibition that the 2020 Kantanka Amoaniwah EV will cost between Ghc40,000-Ghc50,000.

This is an awesome product by the company ( This type of affordable vehicle has been the wish of many including myself for the company to manufacture locally because I believe Kantanka has the answer and capacity to end the habit of people buy accident cars from oversea).

What do you think? Please comment in the section below.

The post Video: This is what I know about Kantanka’s Uber-like car selling for GHC 40,000 appeared first on JBKlutse.


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